The Dark And Light Of Lesbian Love

in hive-135119 •  2 years ago 

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Past Lives

'It's time to talk about the most beautiful romantic soul connections that arrive so eloquently from past lives into the now'

These heavenly epics speak to the heart from lives unremembered but at first, contact seems so familiar. The haunting vibe of lovers from past lives is provocative as every cell breathes in the sexual emotive memory of a union once known in faraway times and mystical lands like ancient Egypt or the mythical city of Atlantis. So why is the allure of attraction so magnetic when played out in times long before we were born? The answer lies in the sincerity of the love felt and how love can transcend time and space so soulmates can meet again on the street, in the workplace, or on a blind date. The timing is impeccable as love is unforgettable and will find you when two people arrive on this earthly plane often with gaps between their birth and the understanding they have carried this wanting desire from other lifetimes to find their special match. This is hardly surprising as we are romantic creatures who love to be in love and can't get enough of this crazy, exciting fervor bridled with erotic intent. Nothing makes humans more insane than falling madly in love and feeling consumed by a person that feeds their thirst and lustful craving. And while family or friends look on wondering what has happened to their seemingly practical child or workmate the infectious emotion of love takes hold and grips each person in a head spin of love hearts and hormones.

'Meeting a soul bond is an apparition of intensity and the memory rarely fades causing all kinds of confusion with our limited expertise of love'

In fact, the power of this sparkling motif is undeniable and authoritative, and why we long for it to touch us in explosive, insatiable ecstasy. We are thunderstruck by the sheer force of its carnal come-on driving each person to submit their mind, body, and soul to another who matches their curious chemistry. Here lives the majesty of love. A language all of its own and defined by its honesty, purity, and integrity. There is no other essence that personifies the beauty we can create when we honor this impeccable quintessence that breathes life into the most unloved of souls. For without love we wither and die as it unfolds our inner vision of something so much greater than this world and beyond. Love has no logic as it seeps through the hearts of those who feel it in a lover's kiss or through the eyes of a mother gazing upon her newborn child. It is what binds us to the hearts of others or creates separation when love is shunned as a luxury or emotion too hard to discern in the hurt and wounded. The miracle of love can lift a tired spirit and bring joy to a couple who discover their hearts are esoterically entwined. If you are wondering how this magnetic mystery came to be you only have to look to the stars and a divine being who inspired creation with a mindset of love and the gift of free will. Mine is to flourish as a lesbian and express love with another woman who holds dear to her my eternal heart

Some may not agree as there are many versions of this chieftain being played out on Planet Earth and that includes a diversity of Godly beliefs with stances of conformity and compliance'

A segregated ideal that enables people to decide what they consider our world should look like and where free will can become freedom to hate and dishonor anyone who doesn't surrender to the crowd's tightly held views. As we awaken to the original plan of love as the keyway to an enlightened world we can return to the simplicity of love where there is no division or dislike for people's preferences. Whether they be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender. Many of the insane conflicts on Earth have been played out by factions described as religions that wanted their view to be taken the most seriously. These fights for supremacy were devoid of love and in alignment with control as a way to influence our thinking. Its always been this way as people try to get in the control seat and govern the masses with their restricted beliefs. A continual theme that sees humans left out in the cold for their free will choices. Here on earth, we play at love and share it with others as dependence, domination, and mind games. The holy ideal of love is then lost in the translation as we try to emulate love with patterns and programming we picked up from guardians who inherited a twisted logic of love.


Lesbian Relationships

'We walk through minefields expecting partnerships to be perfect only to be disheartened when the love dies from issues that are begging to be resolved'

And if the bond is unbroken we might see these lovers in their older years pretending their relationship was real when it was shakey as hell from the patterns they couldn't see tearing their love apart. Our liaisons with romance are products of parenting and our closest bonds. These are our karmic teachers on the rocky road of love as we learn what works and what should be left behind. A tough call as we cut the chords of past patterns and dysfunction to glow up as creatures of exquisite love. The kind that supercharges the soul to a higher definition of love. In the form of a soulmate who has gained wisdom from relationships that hurt and wound. Plus the understanding we are a collage of our past experiences. With this acquired awareness a couple can successfully navigate any repetitive themes of detriment to the union. This applies to lesbians and bisexuals eager to cross the great divide of partnerships that always seem chaotic and confusing. One of the ways we can get closer to the woman we love is by learning their secret love language. Is it touch, the giving of gifts, powerful words that uplift, or doing things that make you feel appreciated? This covert dialect for lovers is the brainchild of 'Gary Chapman' who believes we all have a language that speaks to our heart and may bring us closer to our beloved wife or partner. If it sounds like fun it could be a doorway to more intimacy if a couple is open to new ideas and ways to spice up the romance.

'Date nights spring' to mind and wanting to explore each other's deeper desires in and out of the bedroom'

Getting to know each other sexually invokes a closer connection as each partner discovers what turns their person on. For those lesbians or bisexuals who have been victims of sexual abuse, this can be a beautiful time of healing as love is shared with trust this person is here to honor you not hurt you. I personally understand this and have healed my aching wounds with self-love and have a compassionate understanding of what it feels like to have been misused in this way. What's love got to do with abuse? Actually nothing but it is made to seem that way in relationship dynamics where control is measured as love when a partner uses physical, mental, emotional, or financial manipulation to keep their person in a place of constraint and fear. It's often played out as love but has no bearing on a relationship where abuse is present. Love is free-spirited and high-vibrational energy. An unconditional gift from the divine to all their adored creations. You see your cosmic love story was universally born and continues on earth with souls meeting from past lives to reunite with a strong soul connection. You'll know when you meet them as the memory lives on even if you loved them centuries ago. This is the power of love as souls cannot forget a magnetic attraction even when their memory banks have been wiped for their current lifespan.

'There is nothing like love to bridge the timelines of forever as a woman you loved in Medieval Times or Paris around the time of the Eiffel Tower construction'

Love cuts through the ages waiting to re-ignite. How this past life love pans out has a lot to do with where each person is at in the present time and how awakened they are on their spiritual and 3-D path. Lesbian and bisexual couples often meet again to restore an ancient love with an unbreakable soul bond. Their energetic signatures call through time for the chance to reunite. It's complicated but these souls know each other from many lives before. They made a pact before coming to this planet they would find each other and rekindle their love. The people around them know this is a powerful connection and are often in awe of the deeper soul tie that emanates from both these people even if they are miles or countries apart. Some refer to these potent alliances as twin flames or high-level soul mates due to the intensity of the attraction which gains momentum as they prepare to come into union. A divine orchestration for couples and yes (that includes lesbians or bisexuals coming together for the ascension of humanity as their love transcends the norm and opens the gates to the Akashic records where their revival is recorded. Their fated love is a powerful message from divinity to a planet where love is fading in the quicksand of animosity and prejudice. As an awakened lesbian I hear the call to celebrate my loving light with another like-minded soul who is here to lift the illusions. These are the stories we are told about our sacred origins. And how we discern love in a world of heartbreak.

'The dark and light of lesbian love take us down many roads as we navigate the shadow side of same-sex partnerships'

We are all magnets to our patterns and conditionings that bind us often from early childhood until we become aware of how they are restricting our happiness in relationships. Physical and emotional abuse has no gender or sexual preference and shows up in lesbian partnerships from past unions or dynamics played out by parents. Your children are receptors and soak up what they see and intuit into adult couplings without understanding why they want to control, manipulate or physically hurt their other half. Learning the why of how we feel and what may have caused us so much pain can be the escape hatch to a healthier sexual and emotional life. It takes knowledge and an understanding we are psychological and spiritual beings here to get a deeper insight through shared experiences. Relationships offer unique highs and lows as they play on our emotions taking us to the abyss of despair or heights of passion. The cracking open of our tender hearts from a heartbreak is a painful event but comes with a message of awakening and a reminder of how powerful love is. Through all our misadventures the one experience that stands above the rest is falling in love. The grandeur of this momentous feeling is like free-falling off a cliff not really caring if we get hurt in the process. Love has this impact and reminds us we are born of God's affection and a beacon of their eternal light. When we love the stars sparkle that much brighter and Mother Earth sings a song of our cosmic home. Love is our ticket to enlightenment. Nothing brings us closer to this golden egg than illuminating love from our burnt-out hearts. Learning self-love and worth showcases the light in our lesbian partnerships as we understand the dark of what we have been taught. Our patterns are not often our own. They have been picked up from others who never knew how to love. In our same-sex relationships, we can be innovative and re-learn healthy ways to interact and love each other with empathy, nurture, and respect.

Author ~ Linda E Cole (The Divine Feminine)

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