❉▦[ Dawn of the Phantasms ]▦❉

in hive-135459 •  5 years ago  (edited)

fancy [game] name, Grand.
but I think [Rally Point Alpha] sounds better...?
hey, isn't phantasm a minion?
I thought

oh! Hello there ☺
I, am alphacore!

If you are reading this post, you are either:
[A]: a random MINION that wandered in from search.
[B]: a random BOT that wandered in through data.
(or) [C]: a 'beginner' CHAMPION of CEO arriving to the forums of CHAOS.

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( Welcome Champions, to the new CEO Forums )

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In favor of your chess forum skills, I have decided to automagically upgrade you from 'beginner' to 'novice'.


In this place,
you can be rewarded directly for posts, comments, voting, and more.
It is enough, simply, to upvote something and you could earn a little penny.
It is also enough, to make a funny joke, and you get $100.
Are your piecemaker skills any good?
Hmmmm! Interesting!

Ok, then listen up, nooblord:
You have a tutorial to complete here.
This place is not the forums you know and love. ☹
This is a place of nonsense and scams, ☹
bot armies and exploitation, ☹
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You think you're good at [games]?!
Not yet, you aren't.
But you will be.
('novice', +25)

Here is the deal:
You'll never have MY kind of crowns as a 'novice'... you know?
and they'll never have OUR kind of crowns as a minion... YOU KNOW???

Learn this closely:
This place has a unique attribute where people in tightly knit groups amplify each other and compound over time. Every vote gives someone else more permanent voting power, and every vote you gain gives you more permanent voting power. So all of those times you could have voted on a forum post you were reading would circle back around to you and suddenly amount to enough to buy Chess Dynasties, or whatever that megapack is called in Favor Chess.

Yes, you read that right.
You can BUY other CEO games by participating in this new 'CEO Forum'.

☆ Steem Power = Crowns.
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Crowns, gained as Contribution.

You are literally trained for this.

And now you understand why you're not a 'beginner'.
(Novice +100)

This all means that in addition to ingame functions of crowns/contribution we also begin to have external influence.
The stronger the CEO community becomes here, the more this entire blockchain bends to our will. And as a small bonus to all of us, this blockchain has massive rating in Search Engines. No, you don't need someone marketing your chess evolved game and wanting you to pay them, you instead need the CEO community posting about it - here, and getting paid to do it - by votes from the community.

You want to shill CEO2?

GET PAID TO DO IT. (Expert +1)

You want to complain about VoidMage?

GET PAID TO DO IT. (Novice, +25)

You want to talk shit about Grand?

GET PAID TO DO IT. (Expert +1)

You want RP->RP trades?

HOW ABOUT RP->$$$ TRADES? (Novice, +25)

You want contribution for pieces?

HOW ABOUT $$$ FOR PIECES? (Novice, +25)

You want to set REAL bounties?




For those few that passed the magic forum filters,
here is the prelude:
In this [game], we are the army, and everyone else is the enemy.
Initially, our entire mission is primarily to strengthen the entirety of the CEO community.
This means upvoting each others posts and comments, but also:
actually making them to begin with.
(Novice, +25)

We will do this to progressively increase our own collective power, and funnel it into:
❖ guides = $$$
❖ piecemakers = $$$
❖ tournaments = $$$
❖ minigames = $$$
❖ challenges = $$$
or anything else that uses crowns.
our comments gaining a bit of power, is also good.

You can still gain crowns and contribution as normal, except now you may also find yourself having a small paycheck somewhere down the line, by chance... but this is not the primary incentive - {YET}
(Novice, +50)

Are you ready to break all social structure stigma surrounding super serious standardized rules of a normal game forum, and try an 'Evolved' community concept?
Then, it's time for you to join, and stop acting like [A] minion.

Joining will seem like a pain at first, I know,
but you will make it through to the other side.
Everything may seem alien, and there is a system shock about to occur, but it won't take long for you to rank up.
Who knows, maybe you are secretly a Master of #CEO!


rule 0 - https://steemit.com/trending/hive-135459


rule (1) - use a CEO/CEO2/FC/CD/etc. avatar here, or risk looking like a minion.

rule (2) - use 'ceo' tag and other related tags for posts in CEO Champion's Gate community for all relevant CEO/chess 'posts'. (threads)

rule (3) - always primarily upvote others with a CEO avatar, to become exponential. Voting 10 times or less per day has no penalty, so do this often.

rule (4) - always primarily follow others with a CEO avatar, for reasons that will become obvious later.

rule (5) - do not explain to random minions 'what are CEO avatars'.

rule (6) - do not ever, or very rarely ever, 'downvote' a CEO avatar. (this works like reports/rep system, and it wastes your voting power) To simplify this critical rule:
simply consider a lack of upvoting something as good as 'disagree'.

rule (7) - use our community hub for moderately-related posts, but sparingly (DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FARM US, MINION). If nothing is posted, nothing can be voted on, so moderately-related is sometimes valid.

rule (8) - always interpret @TheGrandestine and his legion(?) as having 'a CEO avatar'.

rule (9) - treat random minions with respect and dignity... as default.

rule (10) - defend CEO against any hostility from enemy minions.

rule (11) - treat hostility against a known CEO avatar as hostility against CEO.

rule (12) - treat projects such as CEO2/CD/CBA/FC or any others as 'CEO' for above purposes.

rule (13) - never completely explain what we are doing here to minions.

rule (14) - do not subscribe to so many other communities that you lose track of CEO.

rule (15) - try not to break more than one rule at a time.

rule (16) - complete any MISSION that sounds easy to you.

rule (17) - collectively create enough posts and comments to sustain constant use of power regeneration over time (10 max strength votes per day per person).

rule (18) - if enough activity feels difficult to sustain, change priority into gathering more CEO players here.

??? - obey the ℜѻɣคŁ, when she arrives. [?????]

rule 99 - follow me ☺ I'm the avatar of a demigod, after all, and also serve as a conduit for our power here.

rule 100 - follow @TheGrandestine, the sleeping giant. This will also indicate you have read some details.

↔ You may add your CEO ID into account info instead of @account name,
but everyone will suspect you, eventually.
↔ You may deviate outside of #CEO into other tags for posts, if you want to rally minions.
↔ You may deviate outside of the CEO community for unrelated posts, for missions or [reasons].
↔ You may attempt gaining more steem power from external sources (you will master this, in time).
↔ You may ignore all $$$ aspects and just treat this like a weird forum/subreddit.... and get paid anyway.

and yes,






100 CROWNS!!!

plus however much their comments earn!
plus however much their voting curation score earns!


DO - YOU - READ - ME - NOW ?
(you need votes to win)

filter (#1) - downvotes or not upvoting anyone disqualifies you.
(FAIL this tutorial)

filter (#2) - 30 player MINIMUM!

filter (#3) - 15 vote MINIMUM! (for All placements)
Q:(How do I know if they're CEO players?)
A:[They have a CEO AVATAR]
DO - YOU - SEE - ME - NOW?

filter (#4) - this contest ends whenever I say it ends.
if that were tomorrow - DID ANYONE WIN? (#3,2,1?)


Submission Guideline:

image should be in your comment, in one form or another.
no raw data saves are likely to win (but I am only one(?!?) vote).
you should vote on at least one other persons unit for each submission.
if their comment is archived (7+ days), you may comment "+1" instead.
there is no max to submissions, but quality>quantity in CEO.

The piece should follow this design format:
☆ radial symmetry CHAMPION with less than 4 move types at any tier.
entropic MINION that has an alternative method of moving backwards.
☆ single-tier HERO that has a dynamic moveset based on positioning and/or board state.
☆ Favor TOKEN that has some mechanic not already made by the Ghost.

optional, but recommended:
Comment reviews should include the scoring system of 'The First Hurrah' piecemaker contest:
Creativity x/5 (how good is the idea behind the piece)
Theme y/5 (how good the piece fits the flavor)
Execution z/5 (how good the piece is designed and balanced)

Art is not required, but if it gets you more votes - YOU WIN!!
2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place may also win something fancy,
{!} but only if enough people show up and vote {!}

If you still feel like a novice, MAKE A CHAMPION and VOTE!
If you want to be an expert, MAKE A HERO and VOTE!
If you are just a random minion, BEHOLD THE POWER OF CEO!

Time to win your first [game]!?!

This piecemaker contest is:


❉▦[Dawn of the Phantasms]▦❉



◥ ◥ ◤◤

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Did you know?
Phantasms don't block the movements of The Queen.

Stole the 100th reply for this


was it all planned?
i know it would work similar to time related magic but that was the most appropriate doubt effect i could come up with. Affected enemies doubt themselves and go back to previous location and then think hard about the choices before them. A 10 turn recharge to limit the abuse of a global effect

Creativity: 4/5
Theme: 3/5
Execution: 1/5
Following the Challenge: -1/0

Ok so here are my 4 pieces
I figured CEO needed samarui from favor chess and this is the next best thing.

Kind of a boring minion but it counts I think

The upside of this piece is that for a relatively low cost you can get a piece with a rather long range, the downside though is that you also need to block its movement in order to increase the range it has. Oh also late game its not very good.

As for the token piece

Now you may be asking, whats the point in gaining an extra turn if you have to spend one of them destroying your own piece of all things? Well where this piece shines is its abiity to create discovered checks pins and forks. If you have a rook and the only thing between it and the enemy king is a pawn or something, you can just destroy your own pawn with the right position and then take your opponents king! Easy win gg no re.

Thinking about it though I probably should have given its ability more range but I don't want to go back in the editor so too late.

Creativity 3/5 Decent, but is more of a mashup of 2 units,
Theme 4/5 Nice name, jousters need to dodge sometimes.
Execution 3/5 base=weak, +=balanced, ++= undercosted, +++ = overcosted.

Creativity 3/5 ok idea, wont move back too far
Theme 4/5 I like this one, but scorpions usually poison.
Execution 2/5 the unit feels weak because of the cost... except for +++

Creativity 4/5 good idea.
Theme 2/5 name feels meh.
Execution 0/5 base: horribly weak. +: semi balanced?, ++: fencer rook, op. +++: queen haunted armor, horridly op... you do realize with ghosts this unit is op right? yea just take a minion and check the king with armor... on turn 1 ._.

Creativity 4/5 Good idea, but could be op or worthless.
Theme 3/5 Its a cool idea, but eh
Execution 2/5 A piece to just checkmate isn't really that good, pieces have skillsets and if one skillset is only-useful-for-checkmate that isn't the best.

Sentinel Champion:


GateWatcher Minion:


Gate Hero:

PieceMaker-Gate Form1.png
All of these are rough sketches. Also gate only activates the adjacent triggers for each ability target. Also also Gate reverts back in forms if you move it backwards, i.e. If gate is in form 2 but moves back to the first two rows it'll become form 1 again.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The Sovereign is coming.


Make place for the new royalty

made by a time traveler who toke that from the futur, but with some changes.
Originally wanted to make another ''boss'' unit but decided to make it more probable
Edit: removed block for less opness

CEO's description cards can support between 11 and 13 lines (depending on how many abilities/passives used, as the spacing between them is a bit more than word-wrap spacing).
Also, it is a good rule of thumb to try to use as few different abilities as possible while maintaining the idea of the piece.

"Plan the defeat of your opponent only after you assume they are of the highest caliber and degree of skill." - Lost Archives

my take on the spy
tbn: when a unit change team all abilities are rotated 180 degrees


A different take on enchantress. Max 1 to avoid infinite turn shenanigans by hastening another Hastemage.

Notable combos include Minotaur, Banshee and maybe Haunted Armour.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Have mercy on your enemies.
Don't underestimate this seemingly harmless unit.

I like the flavor of it, and I'm sure that Adamzero would go on forever about how this can make the game last infinite turns. In actual gameplay it's probably degenerate in certain cases, and base mercy is basically useless with no attack squares because it can only do its combo, and from a limited distance.

For example, imagine using mercy to resurrect an enemy's pawn in front of your Soulkeeper over and over again to get more ghosts.

well, here is another one :p

Creativity: 3/5
Theme: 3/5
Execution: 2/5
Art: 4/0

OK, first, a new piece that doesn't fit the requested criteria, but I was toying with Pathed Leap (but I wanted the Trigger, which of course makes it no longer symmetrical LeGasp!):

Minion unit I originally came up with for this contest:

Champion unit I kind of came up with for this contest, but also because I was reading about someone complaining about turtling set-ups:

Champion I absolutely didn't come up with for this contest, but I'm putting it here anyway, because it's a penguin overlord:

PieceMaker-UnStable Mage.png
This seems familiar...

This unit is probably best used from behind cover to pressure entropic minions. Terrible in the late game.

F for my art skills...

This unit should be displacement-immune at all tiers but the piecemaker isn't showing it.

A literal bank for your morale. Fuel your army of Liches, Militia, Greed and more for the low low price of just 5 morale! (Cost might need tweaking...)

Higher tiers allow the bank to withstand more melee/magic attacks but hopefully, your opponent isn't running ThunderMage...

Just so you know, those armour abilities are not the same:
In the standard 1-hit version, blocking any attack removes the ability, so it can only ever block 1 attack at most.
With your 2-hit version, it can block up to 25 attacks! Why? Because the armour only fails from 2 attacks from the same location (relative to the armoured unit). Better to have the armour as a passive at that point (if you want it to only block 2 attacks): "Block any 2 melee attacks from within Range 2 and remove this passive" or something like that.

Edit taking into account celticdragon's suggestion.

PieceMaker-Duality Emperor(2).png

Duality Emperor is a CD hero, moves as just a King if ally units = enemy units, but moves as KN if ally units > enemy units and as KAD if enemy units > ally units

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

we have demons yet no devils?why?

obviously the last 3 lines are not serious so ignore them.
is probably too cheap

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

The ability is that it just reduces the units current tier to previous version so if its ++ it will go down to + and so on.If the unit is already just the base version then nothing will happen

It costs to much.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Rally behind this (empty) flag
-edit: though about adding a max to the value gain but ill wait to hear other people's opinion.


A cheap Champion that can pick offguard an undefended piece in the mid lategame and turn itself into a really decent offensive asset

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

not 1 but 2 hero


Hello, i'm not sure if this meets the requeriments, but i wanted to try. here is one piece I designed a long ago and wanted to dusted it.

how many attempts do we have?


I'm not sure if it's cause i'm new here a don't have steem power but my upvotes doesn't seem to be taken into account :/

steem power at ~15 will hinder you some, but the problem you see is more likely to be the 7 day payout/voting period. Let me just say that this contest was never intended to be easy.

ok when are you going to reveal that the intended entry for the contest was something completely different and everyone failed

Creativity: 5/5
Theme: 5/5
Execution: 2/5
Following the Challenge: -1/0

hi, could you please explain me what do you mean and evaluate in "execution"? I honestly do not know :p

Idea: For this piece or simmilar pieces: For making the restriction a more impactful part of balance: Start the game with unloaded weapon, so it needs to actually make the specified number of moves, to make its freekill.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

This is the story of a man who left his home to to travel lands unknown in search of someone or something . The traveler went to all corners or the world and even beyond that to find it.


And as he was making his way back home He began recounting the tales of the cities and strange places he went to , the peoples he met and the creatures of legends he spotted in the distance and up close. Using a type of magic never seen before in this corner of the world, he made a name for himself and before long, everyone knew his tale.


Inspire remove status effect and revert things like ''voiding''.
Considering this unit will most likely be used for support or defense, i think the price is reasonable, maybe a bit on the cheaper side. Can have it cost more if too strong.


found it sad how this tread was slowly dying so here is something

Chinese chess anyone?

Creativity: 2½/5. It is just a piece from Chinese chess after all, but the upgrades are interesting.
Theme: 2/5. Not much theme though using a Chinese character for the name has some novelty.
Execution 3½/5. The balance looks pretty fair, maybe even underpowered at the lower levels (where its 'move-only' path can be blocked), but it has very fair comparisons to Knight tiers.


I favour the Knights (particularly Knight++, not too fond of base-tier), so I wouldn't mind a set of these to go along with them.

A half point for mapping the Ma to the CEO description card well, and a couple for extending out the move set:
Creativity 2.5/5.
Theme 2.5/5. Not sure how you'd theme or "un-"theme this, really, so I'm going to give what I assume is a neutral rating.
Execution 4.5/5. Everything looks OK. Not too fond of the swap at +++ (though I believe CEO Knight+++ had swap before it was changed to how it is now), but it isn't bad.
If base Knight gets bumped up to 6, the 5 on base here would look OK (maybe you were taking that into account?); otherwise it's the same cost for a (slightly) weaker piece.

Base tier could move like the chinese horse:
("No ability" here is an anchor square, where you can't use an ability and not one where you can use an ability which does nothing)

I think more granularity would be needded for this piece tho. 4 pretty sure is op and 5 would be up.

Good against long-range units, a 'reverse haunted armour'.

Creativity: 3/5 - I like the concept of a unit that cannot be attacked unless you are close enough to it, as it makes the unit a good defense unit which can pick off a piece being long-range defended, however, having this kind of ability can be obnoxious if not balanced properly, and it may prove difficult to bait out a unit like this.
Theme: 4/5 - The theme fits nicely for the ability, as the unit shrugs off any long-range attacks that fail to pierce its armor, though it would fit a bit better if it blocked attacks rather than not being targeted by them, as that would put a bit more strategy to the unit, as it wastes a turn if an attack is attempted, but it still can die from specialized units like Ninja and Valkyrie.
Execution: 2.5/5 - The massive amount of tiles saying that the unit cannot be attacked is very annoying, you could have just used an augment for that which says that the unit cannot be attacked from ranges 3 or higher, that way it isn't an eyesore and you have more room for move types. Base Jugg is okay, having kingmove and the non-target at 7 value, however, Behemoth Base has a similar non-target ability, being that it cannot be targeted at all by minions, and it is value 9, so perhaps this cost might be low. At Jugg+, adding 5 value for range 2 attack seems reasonable, considering Legionnaire base to ++ and Behe+ to ++ both do the same thing for less. However, Jugg++ is certainly overpowered for the cost increase, adding 2 unit value for range 2 moves whilst Behe base to + adds 3 unit value. I can somewhat tolerate the teleports at 2 cost on +++, but it is better to not give a unit like this movement especially if it is Unblockable, as it can use that to get out of more sticky situations than it should.

Overall it is a good concept and the theming fits, but the moveset may need a bit of tweaking to it as well as some optimization to the no-target zone.

Creativity - 3/5 - FC Stealth isn't exactly a new concept, and base looks a lot like an existing FC unit. However I can see the effort and it is a new concept to CEO so that's worth points.
Theme - 4/5 - Interesting flavoring of FC Stealth, also the theme is pretty good regardless.
Execution - 4/5 - Very balanced and tuned, probably undercosted a bit but eh. Don't want to dock a point for something using moveset squares that can be a passive, as VoidMage just turns those squares into teleports

ah, a unit with Favor Chess Stealth, but I'm not docking theme points because FC Stealth could be flavored like that.

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

A very resilient swapper, here is the Mirage:


It can resist a melee attack (even jumping attacks) and an enemy ability (which can be another melee attack, but can shield the Mirage even from a soulkeeper), so it is resilient enough to abuse its Ximaera Swap ability, and it has king range "ximaera swap only"


Here is another three units I made for the piecemaker competition, they are a bunch of champions based on the old effect of the Tesseract and Hypercube minions I made, which Polymorphs a unit temporarily into another unit, preferrably one of minimal value.

Polymancer: A unit focused on hopping about and turning unsuspecting units into Sheep, whether that be your own or the opponent's! The focus of this unit is to mimic the main drawbacks of the other two -mancer units, but with a distinct difference, being that it polymorphs its victims into Sheep before pouncing on them similar to a Tiger or Snake.

Next up is PolyMage, which effectively is just a VoidMage but for Polymorphing units, it has some teleports and Poly-immunity as well in later tiers. I used the same design for it as Polymancer because the design differences between Mages and -mancers are fairly similar and the piecemaker's editor isn't the best.

Lastly is the FaeQueen, a unit that is similar in function to the standard Queen, but with less range and has a range 4 Magic Polymorph for 3 turns, however, the unit cannot target the enemy King until a set number of turns passes, preventing the Range 4 Polymorph from immediately checking the king, it also has teleports.

Please let me know how these fit, it will help me tweak the units to be better in all three categories.

(Edited, because I placed the leap-moves on the wrong squares)

How does your Sheep move?
(Another Edit: saw your sheeps now down in the past)

More of a concept to inspire others . Art is...ermm...Anyway,
-no more then 3 moves-
-is someting-
since it wasn't the answer, might as well do the darn thing myself.
I know its too powerfull so i tought to add some sort of cost/limit or change it to "on allie death'' or a mix of them.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

A Hero? no
A Villain? not quite
A Token? not there yet
This is a boss battle
PieceMaker-Gate of Mag88ic.png
can your (ordinary?) army close the gate of magic in time?
This is an idea of a mode where the player must must close the Gate of Magic in 50 turns or they lose
first tier has 4 lives ( 3 if it summon stuff)if not killed before turn 10 become next tier which has 5 lives( 4 if no summon) if still open by turn 20, start anchoring itself and can summon stronger stuff (champions) and has 6 lives . Final tier, the Gate of Magic is near completion, has 7 lives, more range for summons.
each tier is considered a different unit so if by turn 10 it had 1 life left, well too bad now it got 5
The art is my Master-Piece.
could be used for...other stuff
probably shouldn't put this here but idk where else to drop that

I do not know if there is a category for this, but I like the concept a lot.

make place for the singularity
(probably should nerf it idk)

It sounds overpowered...
Insanely overpowered..
I like it!

some more inspirations for others----art improved!!!
to better explain the concept of bindings, lets pretend u only have a base salamander and a base rook in the bound. salamander wont be able to move diagonal since in this instance the rook cant and the minimum is then 0. rook cant move forward since salamander cant and the minimum is 0 again so both piece cant move. salamander can still use magic tho. Now if you have a queen and a rook in a restrain, rook will still have all his normal attack square, but queen is blocked from all diagonals, in that case u can say the restrain is more loose. those are just 2 pieces examples but i think its clearer now.
also ill shamelessly reply to my own comment since its higher.

[ratings edited]
Creativity 4/5. Interesting concept, though I'm not convinced it has been thoroughly thought out (but I certainly could be wrong). For instance: The passive says "Bind any enemie[sic] champion" (well, except for the last tier, which says something different for some reason). Bind it to what? If Binding pairs down movement abilities to the common elements of multiple units, how can you just Bind one piece? Are you Binding it to you (which would be extreme, since this piece has no movement at all)?
[me, now: the target is being Bound to adjacent units]
Theme 4/5, I guess... Handcuffs would force the units to stay close together (which this does not, unless their movement sets happen to be paired down to where they can't get away)... but I don't know what you'd call this...
Execution 3.5/5. The augment doesn't list a turn restraint (no pun intended) like the abilities do, but I assume it is 3 turns like the rest. I also assume that "targeted piece" is supposed to be the attacker (because the way it looks is that any unit on the trigger spaces would be the target piece of that trigger) -- if this is the case, it should just say "attacker"... but then the higher tiers' triggers don't make sense to me. If there's an enemy 2 spaces left of the attacker of a Restrain++, does it get bound to the attacker? If so, "adjacent" is incorrect.
I'll wait for your response to explain before I attempt re-wording it, because I'm not sure that I've understood it properly.

At any rate, as I understand it now, it seems like it functions as a weaker but more expensive Comet...?
[me, now: OK, so not necessarily weaker -- just depends on what you manage to hit... Had to look at Comet to see how that was done (which I find kind of strangely done, myself) to understand this]

the last tier idk what happened, should be the same as all other tiers. This unit i imagined in a dream so it is also a little vague to me. In short, Imagine this unit as a comet, target stuff like comet, think like a comet, and dies like a comet, but instead of freezing a champion and the miniions around it, it bind stuff. And where comet can only freeze 1 champion and x minions, this affect all units in the ''aoe''. except status imune stuff. it is currently a broken idea i am working on improving and simplifying.( ps i just saw ur reply sry).
hope this clarified some dark areas

OK, so I think I understand now. The Augmented part is actually referring to the (Magic) Destroy line (looking at and comparing to Comet), so it is Binding to whatever is adjacent to the target... That is a question, though: what happens if there are no units adjacent to the target? Is the target fully incapacitated or unaffected (or conversely, is that unit untargetable)?

Anyway, I would word the ability like so (though others may disagree; take with a pound or two of salt):
"(Trigger) On death: Bind enemies in this area to target for 3 turns. A Bound unit's movement and attack abilities are disabled unless all units that are Bound together share that ability at that relative location."

I don't really care for this description, so if someone can come up with something better, that's great -- but I'll explain my reasoning anyway:

Looking at Comet, the Trigger spaces are referred to as "this area" for the effect. "Target" works for when you use the Augmented ability, but is a bit odd when referring to a piece attacking you (as it still sets off the effect), in my opinion. However "attacker or target" pushes the number of lines to 14, so I guess it'll have to do...

Sharing an ability at the same location implies that if we have a Rook and a Bishop next to each other, their overlapping paths are active (or it does to me, anyway). "Relative location" says that each unit's abilities should be considered from their point of origin (the piece itself) when comparing.

I'm not sure if that made any sense at all... it certainly is a difficult ability to put into words.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

certainly made more sense then the way i put it, i will blame my average English knowledge for that. Thank you for your imput.

just a guess, but probably broken!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Don't touch anything!
i can hear the screams of people trying to deal with that

PieceMaker-cursed relic.png
could not draw anything that made sense.

cost seems well balanced
a mix between snake and soulflare abilities with a moveset similar to princess without being a direct copy
i know it does not follow the guidelines but felt it was worth sharing
--could be used to counter low cost unit spam

The only thing is -- what would compel someone to take it? It might be irritating moving around it, but why would they take it? It can't threaten anything, nor does it have harmful effects (other than what might occur if someone did take it). This might work (a bit) against Samurai, though...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

think of it like a minion wisp, can block stuff for the other pieces

For voters: Ctrl+mousewheel is your friend around here.
Can also open image in new tab if you prefer, or do both, depending on image.

@kinuriel ([K]davcash):
[Queen's Game] happens to be UNSOLVED!
but making a global effect unity.. is not far from the mark.
Two sides - ONE COIN!

I'll submit a piece for the contest. I appreciate the inclusive way that other games' piece types are described, however I'm going to go with something for CEO. There are a few series of pieces that haven't had every member created yet, so I thought it was a good theme to work with.

6th Heavenly Virtue, Kindness:

(full size)

The power level of a piece like this is pretty difficult to gauge without testing it, but it could have plenty of uses for promoting minions or moving your pieces around to dangerous locations despite not being able to attack.

It was difficult to imagine 'Kindness' having any capture squares so I avoided it.

Good luck to everyone in the contest. Hopefully this new forum takes off.

p.s.- The piecemaker art functions are really agonizing to use.
p.p.s.- I don't mind anyone else using this piece for their game(s).

Creativity: 3½/5. It's a swap enchantment effect. I like it.

Theme: 3/5. Enchant is fine for kindness, but wouldn't "Kindness" try to affect enemies too?

Execution: 3/5. I imagine this piece is like Enchantress with tempo (it's like casting Enchantress and INSTANTLY doing a knight teleport with it), but also a lot of setup to get it to the right place before doing it.

There is also a bit of confusion here. What happens if a Paladin uses its own swap with Kindness? Does the effect happen?

Also, I think I read this unit very differently than you. You said:

but it could have plenty of uses for promoting minions

High level of doubt. I never found enchantment useful for promotion, as enchant is lost on promote.

moving your pieces around to dangerous locations despite not being able to attack

Because Kindness itself is not protected from anything, you must spend a turn to move it, and you don't get half the potential affect of a swap (taking advantage of both pieces making a relevant attack isn't possible because Kindness has no attacks), I don't think this will happen often.

Also, Enchant pieces have strong synergy with few other units (HauntedArmor, SoulKeeper, Lilith, Dragon, Banshee, Samurai). I like the idea, generally, but it's also very army specific.


Attempted to form this design based upon the limited reach of instant killing magic within CEO but made it so that it does not make fire elemental redundant. At first glance it may seem overpowered in having long range death magic but the weak points in the lower variation makes it fairly easy to counter plus the intentional frontal weakness. The ++ and +++ may be more difficult but i opted out of 3 range magic attack (understandable based upon previous encounters with similar units) for physical so it can be lured for trade.

Creativity - 3/5 - While a non-entropic minion with destroy is an interesting idea, it isn't permitted by the contest rules so this rating is for a champion Djinn
Theme - 5/5 - I find it hilarious this unit is colorbound and never loses colorbound
Execution - 0/5 - range 3 destroy is broken

Creativity: 3/5. Although it's semi-vanilla, I do like the idea of trying to make range 3 magic good.

Theme: 3/5. I think "Djinn" could apply for a lot of themes so I don't have much to say, it's fine.

Execution: 1/5. I think weakpoints is a good idea, but the weakpoint is mostly removed at the +1 tier. I also don't think this does anything to prevent a degenerate range 3 fork. You Portal it on turn 1 and it's targeting 2 enemy minions on opposite sides, AND it's threatening to move one square further to fork two enemy champions (and you can use transparent units to get a Minotaur or Vampire defending it). It would be much more balanced if it was poison at least, but even that was proven OP (an old version of PoisonMage+++). Then at the +2 tier, even the diagonal range 2 weakpoints are gone.

What I see here is attempts of traits of the unit at balancing it (including the colorboundness), which is good that you recognize it, but the effect is too inherently OP.


an attempt at making a Favor Chess token:


5 cost


Target square in play (Active)

Select one space on your side of the board. That square has Stealth (can't be moved onto or attacked from more than two spaces away) for the rest of the game.

PieceMaker-Pitcher Plant.png
Liked the idea of combining lust's move trigger and samurai's attack trigger.
This unit is great at bullying minions, attracting them to their doom like a pitcher plant, but is completely harmless against other 'bigger' adversaries.

Creativity: 3/5. Putting Lust and Samurai trigger on one piece
Theme: 3½/5. I like the mechanical theming this would have where it like, lunges to eat a minion. I don't think I should criticize it for literally using the same Lust theming of attraction which fits less on a plant, because you're just using an ability that's already there.
Execution: 2/5. Unfortunately this piece would be really degenerate against minions, even worse than Ranger is. It's like Destroy but automatic, the only issue being you MIGHT need to move back the next turn if its Samurai attack puts it into threat. There's no want for this to have back moves at all, because it allows for it to dance around to get free minions just like other Magic pieces.

Also, this has ambiguity as to WHICH unit is going to be attacked by the Samurai-attack trigger (if there are more than one), which gets worse at the ++ level, you don't know where the piece will move to. I would recommend it be a minion and all its attacks and moves to point forwards, maybe some to the side, but never move backwards.


Admittedly really hard for entropic minions to deal with.
The game hints say that triggers trigger from a1 to h8 so this unit should attack the bottom left unit first, and the top right unit last.

i'm glad to see that CEO is still alive


(for the ☆ radial symmetry CHAMPION with less than 4 moves[sic] types at any given tier)


Combining stun with immune for an effect similar to destroy, and just as strong as destroy for a while, but cannot simply be used just to kill minions for free.


Creativity: 3.5/5: Making it untargatable at the same time as you make it unable to act is very creative, still it is based on something that already exist
Theme: 5/5 Crystallizing something makes it harder to destroy, so theme is coherent
Execution: 4.5/5: Maybe I am biased, but I dont see any reason not to take +++ over the others, even if it is more costly being able to target 4 more squares (being the most important the front one) makes +++ so much more apealing than any other from a cost/efficiency point of view, other than that values seem okey, being the one from + to ++ maybe a bit exagerated (4 cost just for axial move or atack), but taking into acount the future kingmovers nerf it makes sense.
Even if I give it a 3.5 in creativity (because of it being based on freeze/petrify), I thing the concept of this piece is really good, good job!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Creativity: 4/5. A new spin on an old effect

Theme 3/5 For me the image is half of the theme. But the flavor fits what the effect well!

Execution 5/5 Numbers seem reasonable. However, Ranger+++ has an arguably strictly better moveset than Crystal+++ and costs 1 less. (Edit: Maybe not, I forgot ranged isn't magic.)

Creativity: 4/5
Theme: 4/5
Execution: 4/5
Vote: +1

seems like a really nice concept


(for the ☆ entropic MINION that has an alternative method of moving backwards. Although that's kind of a contradiction, 'entropic' is means it can't normally...)


This piece is very much like Samurai but its awkward moveset means it cannot often make the same plays as Samurai. Despite that, it's got the advantage of double move and can swap with other allies as a means to back up and try to get two Decoys synergizing.


Creativity - 4/5 - doublecolorbound minion with allyswap to make this binding something to plan for in-game
Theme - 2/5 - If it's a decoy why does it swap backward and samurai technique forward?
Execution - 1/5 - Doublecolorbound (1/8) binding makes for a hilariously awkward unit, and this unit feels overcosted

Creativity: 4/5 - I really like the allyswap, which makes it a good defender in concept.
Theme: 2/5 - I don't get why this unit is a decoy, seems more like it uses decoys rather than being one, thankfully, a change in name to reflect this is all it really needs.
Execution: 3/5 - The moveset is interesting, but it leaves much to be desired for what should be a decoy, as I have said earlier, the range 2 move on a seemingly defensive moveset definitely throws the thing off.

I really like the concept of a defensive swapper unit, but the moveset is a bit janky and the theme of attacking units rather than being attacked by units doesn't fit the decoy title very well.

I can understand criticizing Theme, but I don't think it should be impacting Execution (you mentioned "what should be a decoy"). I do agree the theming isn't great though (I think "Decoy" fits a bit better for the swap, but "Shinobi" better for the autoattack).

There's also another element with this piece that I think justifies the name a bit more - it can swap with things like Knight to create forks. It is actually far from a defensive moveset IMO (obviously, Samurai has the same attack set, so if you don't move it it performs equally as well on defense).


Fair point, looking back and taking your criticism into consideration, I have a new rating for this piece:

Creativity: 4.5/5 - I stand on the allyswap being able to be good defense, but the element that vro mentioned above was something I never thought of, which makes this a much better ability for the theme of a Shinobi, as you can swap with a forking unit like Knight or Ninja and make very strong trades.
Theme: 2/5 - I stand by my rating, as having a decoy is interesting, but Shinobi is a far superior theme for this unit.
Execution: 4/5 - Whilst looking at the double move still throws me off a bit, looking at it more makes it fairly colorbound when it tries to move forward, and if it turns out to be a promoting minion it can still promote, so it works for what looks to be a very offensive moveset even with the allyswap. However, it will get stuck if it has no ally to swap to so you have to have something nearby it to make proper use of it. Also, perhaps explaining whether this should be a promote or not could help with the design of the moveset a bit?

Here are my five submissions to the contest, the PieceMaker pages may not entirely be balanced, but I feel as though the themes behind them fit decently.

For more info on the Ram/Aries ability, this is how it works:
Move this piece towards opponent piece until blocked, then Push the target piece (or the blocking piece if this piece was blocked) for 3 spaces, stunning the pushed piece and any piece that collided with it for 1 turn. If the target is Displacement-Immune, then both target and the ramming piece are stunned.

PieceMaker-Tesseract (2).png
PieceMaker-Hypercube (2).png
PieceMaker-Ram (2).png
PieceMaker-Aries (1).png

Please let me know what you would change of these units, I would like to see how interesting these are!

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I got inspiration from a random post that said the words 'time mage'.

This is scary stuff, if you get into this piece's target range the only way to survive making a trade with it is to block with another unit. You might have time for this, though, since the piece doesn't attack till after you move your threatened unit. Also really hard to balance, I wavered between 10 and 26 cost for the +++ version. The thing is that, if there is a high valued melee unit, it can just target it and totally put it out of commission waiting for a trade. But for attacking low valued units it isn't so good as it cannot even threaten undefended units, and for magic units it doesn't undo any kills.


Edit Link: https://pastebin.com/jAs9Z1db



Can't draw art.

A unit that waits for a chance to strike, then tries to save itself from being too overextended.

It's all fun and games until it charges into a bomber...

So what happens when there is an enemy on more than 1 trigger? Remember: Any explanations you have to give that aren't on the unit card don't really count (apart from maybe minor clarifications).
If it was a Ranged or Magic Trigger, there wouldn't be an issue (apart from being OP), but since the unit has to move for melee Triggers, this creates potential conflicts that must be resolved.

I remember the game hints saying that triggers trigger from a1 first and h8 last?
So this unit will prioritise taking the leftmost then the bottommost unit in range. Might allow an opponent to manipulate the trigger.

Well, not only do I believe that that won't fly (if we're considering the likelihood of the piece actually being added to the game, and if we're not considering that then all piece-making rules are completely arbitrary), but even if we ignore that, there is still an issue:
Black's Assassin (or any unit that uses the scan order to determine things (which is also hidden information, which should not occur)) will function differently than White's, because the scan order puts trigger priority for Black on a space behind it while White's would be on a space in front of it.

Minion for ceo. Yay unblockable... Maybe.
Promotes to a rather strange piece.
At first, you might think that this unit is op. (Might be idk) Controls the same number of squares as Dragon++ at +++ tier but...

It is literally only capable of reaching 1/4 of the squares on the board. The very definition of quantity of controlled squares rather than quality. :P

This (both units) is definitely op, it can fork literally anything. It might only be able to reach 1/4th of the squares on the board but any piece on any of those 1/4th of the squares is dead. Long range unblockable is more valuable than short range. Compare to valkary.

Ignoring this exact piece, your statement is actually wrong. The ideal value of a zebra (2,3)-leaper is the same as the ideal value of a knight, but on a finite board, unblockables get less value if they have bigger range, because they can't maneuver to well at some point. So a Zebra is worth much less than a knight on an 8x8 board (less than two pawns). A Camel (Valk-moveset) is also just worth 2/3 of a knight.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

You are right, the general statement is applicable to long range unblockable attacks, not unblockable move. Since they are combined in the above piece I didn't specify.

That said, I believe that valk is worth more than a knight in CEO cost(ofc it also has king teleport), so I'm not convinced by yours claim about that camel is worth less. Likely it's an analysis from a different chess variant. CEO pieces tend to have very localized movesets which makes long range unblockable type attacks more powerful than they would be in normal chess. Though (1,3)-leapers have extra movement problems since 1+3 is even/they can't get to all squares so it's hard to argue that it's that good. zebra sounds way better than knight to me in this game though.

Creativity 3/5 kinda froglike..
Theme 5/5 good flavor
Execution 2/5 undercosted.

Creativity 2/5 ...
Theme 5/5 decent flavor, kinda like hopper
Execution -6/5 wait a NEGATIVE 6 out of 5? wh..
sir you made a 10 cost piece that on turn one, you make one move and check half the enemy king squares... portal, summoner... yea uh its turn 2 checkmatey-brokenly over powered.... for 10 cost.

Displacement immune prevents units from being teleported or swapped, so this unit will never touch an opponent's champion line, much less their king.

step 1: kill it
step 2: lifestone

Due to being displacement-immune jumper isn't broken, but it is undercosted at all tiers.
Due to it's binding it can't actively create forks to much, but it just passively covers to much squares for its price.
At its currect price following diffenetly is an unsettling bonus.
"step 1: kill it
step 2: lifestone"


didn't make any tokens yet so this was a good time to meme

Eh... I know this isn't really the place for this, but:

alphacore: "rule (2) - use 'ceo' tag and other related tags[...]"

How do I 'tag' posts? I don't see anything about that anywhere... Am I just missing something?

Also, how do I quote a post? I assume there is something better than copy/paste/edit...?

Maybe I need to make a steem-centric-questions thread!
Anyway, when making a post (not comment, just to be clear), there are 3 text areas:

in the bottom tags bar, you can add 'ceo' and it will place the post into #CEO
however, this rule is lesser to most, since it only helps for very specific scenarios.
you can safely ignore tags if the tag bar isn't visible in your interface for whichever reason.

This post has received a 81.38 % upvote from @boomerang.

I created a google forms to make it easier to vote on the pieces here: https://forms.gle/x2cysmpoN77G3BZM9
Also here's the spreadsheet to go with it: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H_duQy5-kn--gY2e83LpYsA6yTMuTHdnSdxc5PoMvrM/edit?usp=sharing

I feel like it would be better to vote on the comment since it is less confusing that way. And we can read every criticisms to our heart's content.

I made a spreadsheet mainly because it's confusing figuring out how many votes each piece has and the current status of the tourney due to the fact that steemit only lets you upvote things for the first 7 days since it was posted

I'm sure Grand and Alpha can figure things out on their own.

I think you misunderstand, the spreadsheet and google forms isn't for them, it's for us the players to understand the current state of the contest

Oh, I see what you mean. But are you going to recreate the form everytime someone posted a thing?

I can just edit the google forms, it's up to the individuals making use of it to update their votes on it

Excuse me, but where do I get the profile picture box to insert the image url to change my profile picture? It is not in the setting, only language preference can be change there. Sorry for the stupid question for I am minion of the enemy.

it is maybe some problem that you were not logged in on settings page?
since you have image url already, the process should look like this:

go to profile

go to settings

change whichever ones you want

save settings

there could also be some problem with specific browsers.
I'm not sure, let me know if this helped.

I couldn't think of a good name for these, so I used the idea of swapping units as a kind of "aether flux":



...although I kind of doubt anyone will see it here, at this point...

Minion: penguin with a gun: he needs to reload because he is only one penguin with one gun.

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 12.05.59 AM.png

obviously a minion this powerful needs to promote right?...

Champion: Many penguins with guns: these penguins work together so they dont need to reload!

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 12.05.47 AM.png

I need a hero... obviously this penguin who has many guns will do. He does not reload because he knows his many guns will let him win... I have no idea how hero costs work... so maybe 50 cost. This hero's only weakness is his slow movement, but he knows his guns will allow him to kill anyone who tries to attack him from afar.
Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 12.05.10 AM.png

obviously I need a favor token Cost 6
Penguin with a gun's hand me down: When penguin with a gun died, he left his gun in his will to a different game for no apparent reason... Well maybe he didn't and you just stole it, either way...

Give any unit the gun that penguin used to have. It has a single bullet because penguin with a gun used the rest. Said unit can kill 1 thing vertically or horizontally exactly 2 spaces away.

if i win does that mean penguin gets a gun?

Good day. I will now be your judge for today. Let's see:

Penguin with a gun
Creativity: 0/5, it's simply a penguin wielding an unknown type of gun.
Theme: 2/5, it's simply just a singular penguin wielding a singular gun. Quite fitting for a penguin able to use a gun, but most, if not all, penguins cannot use a gun.
Execution: 1/5, as much as ridiculous this piece is, its moveset is even more ridiculous. A minion that are able to do a long-range ranged attack, let alone one that are capable of forking it too on the later tier, might be quite broken.

Many pengins with guns
Creativity: 1/5, despite the earlier piece, you manage to try creating something new from something else you though was funny. I mean it is funny, but that's not the point.
Theme: 2/5, penguins is a social animal so of course they would try to group up, but for warmth and not for gun handling.
Execution: 1/5, a bit more reasonable than I expected, but not reasonable enough. Insane fork capabilities, oddly huge cost increase from + to++, and terrible fork potential with their guns.

Pengun with many guns
Creativity: 1/5, overstretching the joke like it's no big deal.
Theme: 2/5, this penguins are able to use a rocket launcer of some sort! How brutal.
Execution: 0/5, sadly, there's no plan to balance it at all. It can shoot rocket launcher, regular guns on all sides it can cover, it has terrible movement, even despite the nerf they give. It cost 1 for goodness sake!

Penguin with a gun's hand me down
Creativity: 0/5, we simply took their gun and left.
Theme: 4/5, it's fitting for what it is. A gun spawning token for a penguin without a gun.
Execution: 0/5, I don't think it turns the penguin without a gun to a penguin with a gun. It has a limited ammunition, a one time use ranged attack for 6 cost. Perfect for surprising the enemy I suppose.

Thank you for your time reading my judgement. That is it for today. I wish you good luck. And good bye.

Creativity: 1/5
Theme: 5/5
Execution: 1/5
Creativity: 3/5
Theme: 4/5
Execution: 0/5
Creativity: 2/5
Theme: 4/5
Execution: 0/5