Official Bug Reports Thread

in hive-135459 •  5 years ago 

Post any/all bug reports here!


for a list of known errors, you can look HERE

however, it is fine to post a known error as '+1' to how often it occurs!

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Exit button Error:

How it triggered:

Using this code I went into LAB:


In realizing the code was faulty I went back to fix it and saw I had forgotten the s in swordsman on square 48
When I corrected it, copied the code and exited the replay in LAB this happened:
Screenshot (175).png
When I went back into with the correct code LAB it did not disappear


  • It made waiting for a game take way longer than normal (I did not take a picture of this but in ranked it went all the way to 1900-3600 whereas usually even if players are offline it never reaches past 2000-3500 unless I turn on player only.
  • The reset button would always take me back to this screen:
    Screenshot (178).png
  • Victories and prizes would still happen as normal:
    Screenshot (184).png
  • Even if in the middle of a game if I pressed exit it would bring me to the home screen:
    Screenshot (179).png
  • I would only get matched with bots.
  • If I typed in the chat it would count it as though I surrendered and show a weird screen:
    Screenshot (187).png

On move 13 axeman breaks HA and it says axeman cheats and move 17 when legion breaks crusader armor it just legion moves moves

There is a bug where if you have 10,000 coins you cannot purchase a new army slot until you have 12,500 coins, despite the fact that armies are labeled at 10,000. The "BUY" button remains grayed out and un-clickable despite me having 11,000 coins but once I reach 12,500 it becomes gold.

I can confirm that it only costs 10,000 coins as I just purchased an army slot but the UI will not allow this purchase with anything under 12,500.

good find, this will be fixed soon

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

you can make multiple moves before the ai moves in the army test mode. it can lead to something like this. also, i think the ai also can take multiple moves but its rare.



looks like a side-effect of the fix for allowing black vs white in test area, which was done in a crude way in the middle of fixing more serious problems caused by lab, but the ability to move twice or move the AI units seemed relatively benign until now, I didn't notice it could force a reset of the game.
This problem is now fixed for the next upload.

Lab only: -similar glitches to slime staying on screen

1: If a toad is forced to jump a unit and its landing spot is off-screen (by telling the game thats what move it did) it will die, not kill the target and stay on screen even when out of a match (until reload).

2: if a toad is similarly forced to jump over a unit and land on another unit (only possible in lab, just force the frog to do the move) the unit it ends on will also die, and become stuck on screen until reload.

a demonstration of #2 is here: 54,whitename,blackname,2500,2500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,100,33,false,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad3,Toad3,Toad3,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad4,Toad,Toad4,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad,Toad,Toad,,Toad2,Toad2,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad4,Toad,Toad4,Toad,Toad,Toad,StonePillar,StonePillar,Toad,Toad,Toad,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,2,1,10,9,18,17,7,2,2,3,4,5,15,10,10,11,12,13,23,18,18,19,20,21,6,0,14,8,22,16,44,43,42,41,52,51,50,49,60,59,58,57,63,60,55,52,47,44,62,61,54,53,46,45,40,46,48,54,56,62,60,63,52,55,44,47,46,54,47,55,32,3,33,11,34,19,36,43,37,51,38,59,39,27

Another: If a tombstone revives something on its own square it becomes stuck. (lab only)


One of your game tips says something like: "you can use poison to stop growing enemy phoenix egg". I just used my Alchemyst to poison a phoenix egg and I expected the timer to stop immediately. However, the egg kept growing and in the same turn it should die due to poison it turned into Phoenix. I think this should be solved.

I mean, I expected the growth to stop immediately. Either make it so that the egg stops growing or make it die on timer please.

this should be resolved now
(unless there is some unknown error causing it to happen again)

I dont know if it is a bug or a feature, but behemoth can be teleported away by an enemy nexus if it is on the ability target square, even if behemoths passive makes it so it cant be targeted by enemy minions

IMO this makes total sense. That ability is not targeting Behemoth, it's targeting an empty square. Enemy portals can do that too probably.


If ability target is targeting the square and not the unit it makes sense, it is not like antimage in that matter (antimage is magic immune, so even if lighting was casted before he was there he is immune to that). Also, I have "discovered" something interesting, nexus "teleport ability target to this empty location" is not magic because if it was it would not be able to target antimage.

I think if the "Teleport Ability Target to this empty location" was Magic, Antimage would still be teleportable. You're targeting the EMPTY location, not the ability target at all. That is consistent to me.

(but there was a past update where that ability was Magic, and it was changed to typeless - can't test that now unfortunately)


When I test my army, if I select a different one for the AI or the other player, it makes me use that same army (Example: I want to use slot 5 and I want the AI to use slot 8, when I start the game both of us are using slot 8), I just tried the same random army mode on CEO Lab, not sure if it is correlated or something

Should be fixed now, it was the random mirror match mode from lab causing it, as you suspected.

Lifestones are always enchanted in lab. no way to turn that off.

This 2nd bug only occurs right after a reload, playing any game seems to prevent it:
If you input an invalid unit into the editor, and then click "Exit" quickly the lab menu will not disappear when you go to the title screen, allowing you to press exit or reset anywhere.

lifestone enchanting problem should be resolved now,
the other one I'm still not sure, but thanks for reporting it.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

thing with leap and wrath


Why is it not possible for Beacon to teleport King? Is it a bug or is it on purpose? It is not mentioned anywhere. I think that it could save someones live! ;)

This is intentional - similar to Phoenix egg, the King is not minion or champion, so Beacon/Shieldsman cannot protect King. Both of these have been possible in past versions and were overpowered for their respective units, shield for the king and beacon for the phoenix.

Why can nexus still teleport phoenix egg?

Grand, if you happen to see this before you log onto kongregate. Please check your PMs, its a reminder about a very harmful bug.

How the location markers of butterflies, lightning and firemagics behave :

Continuation ...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Got matched in practice against infernal AI Synergy.


AI appears to have frozen in this scenario.

Notification appeared that said that I was disconnected from the server (didn't have internet problems on my end). Upon reconnect, board was new and reset and I could no longer act after taking my first move.




there is no k for black tombstones

epilepsy warning

i dont remember exacly how.
figured it was worth putting here

Game loads inconsistently on firefox, often just loading a white screen with no content. Refreshing doesn't help that much, it seems to change after a few hours or so though. Works on chrome always for me though.

happens to me a lot. To fix it ,usually closing ALL tabs and then reopening the browser( in this instance firefox) instead of reloading fixes it

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Normally when starting the new daily challenge there's a pop-up to get yesterday's rubies, but very rarely the rubies are not awarded. Upon returning to the challenge menu, the "claim prize" button is grayed out and the rubies are lost.


3 rows combat training is a bug right? I know about 3 and 4 row armies on GM but I have never seen this in combat training (the two front rows are correct, but the back one is not part of any of my armies)

It happens right after you fight Infernal or Hell modes.


10/10 art
There was some GiantSlime/frog glitch I heard about before, but I'm pretty sure I got a similar glitch of a piece sticking on the screen from Aquarius once. Not sure if it was the same cause.


Can confirm that this bug is still a thing. Giantslime+++ was jumped by a frog on my prior match, the slime it landed on persisted on screen despite not actually existing. It then persisted after the match ended.


The date of last / current patch is stuck and cannot be scrolled past this date:



this error is now fixed

frostmephit ability: "An enemy unit that targets FrostMephit with any attack or ability is frozen for 1 turn.
Immune to Freeze."
behemoth ability: "Cannot be targeted by enemy minions."



gravitymage is frozen even though it targeted an empty location. i guess this implies that the teleported unit is targeted.



since it should be a target by frostmephit-gravitymage interaction, not sure why nexus can teleport behemoth.

between these two, I think the gravitymage version makes the most sense,
so maybe I'll finally change the nexus/portal behemoth thing.

If an enemy dies at the start of your turn, your Dove steps forward, but Beacon does not update the location where the Dove is and cannot recall the Dove.
Initialization :
Poison :
Samurai :


This is sexist.


Even though I have no moves I can make the game doesn't end and it just sits there on my turn.
Screenshot (133).png

How do PhoenixEgg's reburn and delayed death work at the same time ?

White eggs :

  1. Poisoned
  2. Marked by a white butterfly
  3. Marked by lightning spell
  4. Marked by meteor spell
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-01-57.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-02-23.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-02-36.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-02-43.png

Black eggs :
5.. Marked by meteor spell
6.. Marked by lightning spell
7.. Marked by a black butterfly
8.. Poisoned
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-02-50.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-02-59.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-03-07.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-03-15.png

  1. What will happen in the next turn ?
    The screenshots in the first comment under this post will explain .
  2. What should happen in the next turn ?
    Please , leave your comments , what do you think about how it should be

Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-06-03.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-07-10.png

  1. The Meteor spells killed the red phoenixes . ( Please , leave your comment : what should have happened ? )
  2. The Lightning spells did not killed phoenixes , but their countings starts over from the beginning . ( Please , leave your comment : what should have happened ? )
  3. The Poison spells did not killed the phoenixes , and they were transformed instead . ( The Phoenix Egg stops growing when under the influence of an evil status , and must die when the poison timer ends ) .
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-01.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-09.png
    4.. The Phoenixes+ are not enchanted by the butterfly spells . ( After the eggs do the transformations , it is logical that the Phoenixes are the only possible recipients of the enchantments , but the enchantments are canceled due to the fact that the eggs receive it , instead of the phoenixes ) .
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-39.png
    Bildschirmfoto vom 2020-10-27 05-08-46.png

I just noticed this, and found it interesting to wonder which behavior should remain between lighting/meteor. I think some of the desync here is derived from the meteor push effect causing various issues, and on some technical level lightning will need to sync to it if they are the same.

However some hesitation is there are many times where lightning/meteor may destroy an egg, but only one where it possibly resets the timer, and it might be more interesting to allow that possibility to remain rather than eliminate it entirely. The obvious problem being the counter-intuitive change in behavior, but it will depend if meteor can be synced to lightning in reasonable time. Butterfly will follow after, presumably the enchantment should affect the phoenix rather than the egg, same as the others.

The poison one I have heard of but not seen demonstrated this way, I'm still not entirely sure I know how this happens but have a couple theories, and think it's a less niche problem as well.

I appreciate all the detail provided here, and sent you some crowns.

Screenshot (352).png

Screenshot (353).png
Game froze, not sure why

The graphical bug where your piece can continue floating in an invalid space is back. Occurs with armored pieces attacking one another from far away.
Specifically only noticing with ranged armor so far.

Crusader is actually in F8 and had previously attacked a fencer++ in D8.

Does not display on the replay, but bug occurred while resolving move 44.


new gravitymage and aquarius should target the location not the piece, so i think there is something strange here since thundermage can target antimage/antimage location.




  ·  4 years ago (edited)

after you play a training mode game ai vs ai, it shows your rating to be 2000.
