RE: 〔❖v0.54 Piece Blitz❖〕 [Finished]

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〔❖v0.54 Piece Blitz❖〕 [Finished]

in hive-135459 •  5 years ago 

Big Slime.png

Note: Siphon's ability doesn't make units become unable to move.

Skeleton Dragon.png

Note: Viking++ and Viking+++ have some similarity with Militia and Militia+, but consider than militia's strength is that its cost always is 1 so you can invest more on other units (and is common). Viking has a great passive ( and can move backwards), but it doesn't promote and have a far more expensive value cost for the army formation.

Bonus Challenger:
Time Mage.png
Note: Each time it moves (or is moved), its moveset increases because of its augmented.

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Big Slime:

I personally feel like the idea behind summoning slimes is 1. Not original enough as it's just a combo of lich's power and giant slimes power. And 2. It doesn't really fit the idea of a big slime; Why would a big slime be more powerful than a giant slime and for that point why does a big slime even have magic power? Maybe if it was an itermediary between slime and giant slime I'd like it more: Such as if it promoted to giant slime and enhanced the slime life cycle, but even still that wouldn't really feel like a new piece just a useless add-on.


This looks like a viable and interesting piece. I'd have to think about it more as for how to improve it so I probably won't be getting back to you on this one before voting starts.

Skeletal Dragon:

I like the idea of a weaker skeletal dragon existing, but it doesn't really fit theme wise; Why does it gain value from death happening? Why can't it move until a certain number of units have died? Also I'd like to say with how much death needs to happen before it can even move it's a very UP unit. Ex: The last tier requires 9 deaths. With no special summoning units in a game that's more than a quarter of the units in game. Yea you can speed it up by making weak summons and killing them, but I feel pieces should be able to stand on their own to some degree rather than completely relying on the rest of the army or RNG. I also think it'd be better if it somehow connected to the dragon piece or if it had some more skeletal like powers (skeletons for instance can grow from reaching the promotion line or being upgraded by necro and they have longer range than most other minions).


Feels like a miniature pride. I don't really get why they give morale to their king tho, doesn't really seem to fit the theme for me.

Time Mage:

Wasn't there a piece called time mage put in the discord channel just yesterday with a very similar ability? Granted this one is different, but still it feels like you grabbed the idea from him and just changed it around a bit. Anyways, can its ability not work if there is unit already in the target's starting square? I feel like this could be useful for setting traps, but also it's a bit OP that it can teleport anywhere its been has the ability to move other units across the board and all of that for such a low cost. With that you could not only stop an enemy's plans you could unravel them entirely which seems a bit OP for a cost of 5, especially when you consider that once it moves around a bit it basically gains global board control.


Big Slime:
I created it because I thought that it would be nice to be able to split a slime without killing it, like with gemmation.

Skeletal Dragon:
I wanted a Skeletal Dragon (like in Wesnoth with EoHS) that powers by the death creatures (like some kind of dark ritual). Bone Pile (Necromancer's ability) also gains value on death, but Skeletal Dragon only on enemy death to avoid using summing magic. The value thing makes that a Nullmage can dispel the Skeletal Dragon magic that sustains it.

"skeletons for instance can grow from reaching the promotion line or being upgraded by necro and they have longer range than most other minions" Being able to by upgraded by Necromancer would require to modify Necromancer, and before v0.54 Skeletons didn't grow on promotion line...

I created my Viking on Tuesday 10 of January of 2017 (before Pride I think). Originally, the value was tranfere on death to nowhere (just to your morale count) representing that the Viking goes to Valhalla and so none of your army "becomes sad" (lose morale) by the lost. But Both Vampire and Pride transfer morale to ally king so I decided to change that before publishing.

Time Mage:
The coincidence has already been explained in another comment.

Of course, If there is a unit already in the target's starting square you can't use the ability.
The ability itself is not too much powerful (FE simply kills the target), maybe the cost could be increased as you said. What do you think about 7/9/11/12 or 7/10/13/14?
Remember that this unit has only kingmoves, so if you want to expand as much as possible your passive you would need the help of other units.

Sidenote: did you know that the ability can be used to teleport allies as well? Yes... the price is too low, I have to increase it.

Omg, you play battle for Wesnoth too?!? I love that game, I used to play almost everyday. Have you beaten all the maps yet?

I have never played the campaign. I always played multiplayer with my brother and friends.

Btw, I want to make it clear, I am not saying that you stole the idea, I am just curious as to how you came up with the idea because you posted this right after him and so from an outside perspective it looks very sus. If you choose to ignore this comment I can guarantee you that I will take off several points for creativity on your time mage as I will have no way to know whether it was your own idea or not. If you however respond then depending on your response will depend on whether I deem it an original and separate idea or not.

I can't know how it was for Enderlook, I just want to add how it often is for me.
I don't follow all discord history, just read / participate at times, while I have it open. Also, the old suggestion thread had huge amount of suggestions, plus there were many contests in past. I could have made repeats of my own ideas, of ideas I have seen other people come up with first, without even remembering / realising, how it came to my mind at current moment.

That's why I want him to reply to the comment, because if it was honestly just a coincidence I don't wanna lower the score I give him.

I haven't open CEO discord since I created the steemit account.
My Timemage's creation remotes to Friday ‎16 of august of ‎2019 (I know that because of the txt metadata). At that time, my Timemage was called Timelord and had two abilities. One to freeze a creature on time and one to revert a creature back on time.
Then I thought it was too complicated and I decided to change it (about 24 of October of 2019 I think, I'm not sure). When I decided to changed it, I was moving through a time when I was creating units using existing abilities on the piece maker, so I decided to use that ability that allows you to rewind someone to starting position.
The last modification I did was just before publishing, I increased its starting value by 1, modify the Timemage+++ and added the passive. Why the passive? I didn't have a unit already created between my more than 200 units that I have never published until a few days ago (you might have seen my Zodiac suggestion) that accomplish with the bonus challenger, so I thought on creating a piece called Checkpoint that had that passive. The problem was that I didn't know how to make its moveset that didn't seem similar to existent units (some problems with Antimage and Warrior) so I remembered about my Timemage and decided to add the passive to it).