in hive-136769 •  2 months ago 


⏰ 7. 35 AM

✨....The monk Bahira.

According to some narrations whose authenticity is very weak...When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was twelve years old and according to a detailed statement, twelve years, two months and ten days old, Abu Talib took him on a journey to Syria for trade and reached Basra.


Basra is a place in Syria and the main city of Hauran. At that time, it was the capital of the Roman occupation of the Arabian Peninsula.
In this city lived a monk named Zarjis, who was known by the title of Bahira.

When the caravan camped there, this monk came out of his church and entered the caravan and hosted it, although before that he had never gone out.

He recognized the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) because of his characteristics and took his hand and said that he was the master of the worlds. Allah will send him as a mercy to the worlds, God willing.

Abu Talib said: How did you know this?

He said, "When you appeared across the valley, there was not a single tree or stone that did not bow down in prostration, and these things do not prostrate to anything except the Prophet."

Then I recognize them by the seal of prophecy, which is like an apple near the soft bone below the shoulder, and we also find them in our books.

After that, Bahira said to Abu Talib, "Send them back and do not take them to Syria, because there is a danger from the Jews." Upon this, Abu Talib sent him back to Mecca with some slaves. (Mukhtasar-e-Sira, Sheikh Abdullah, p. 16, Ibn Hisham, p. 180/1 to 183, Tirmidhi, etc., mention that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was sent in the company of Hazrat Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him), but this is a blatant mistake. Bilal (may Allah be pleased with him) was probably not even born at that time, and even if he had been born, he was not with Abu Talib or Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him). Zad al-Ma'ad, 17/1.)

.. The Battle of Fajr ..................

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was fifteen years old, the Battle of Fajr took place. In this battle, on one side were the Quraysh and their allies, Banu Kinana, and on the other side was Qais Ilan. The commander of Quraysh and Kinana was Harb bin Umayya. Because he held a high position among the Quraysh and Kinana due to his age and honor, Qais's scale was heavier at first. But by the afternoon, Kinana's scale became heavier. It is called the Battle of Fajr because the sanctity of both this sacred month and the sacred month was violated.

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) also participated in this battle and used to shoot arrows at his uncles.



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