PART:-••••• 46 ..
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☘Birth with Happiness and Forty Years of a Happy Life::-
✨Birth with Happiness ✨
The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born in Mecca, in the tribe of Banu Hashim, on the morning of Monday, 9 Rabi' al-Awwal, 1 Aam al-Feel. At that time, it was the fortieth year of the accession of Nawshirwan and the date was 20 or 22 April 571. This is the research of Allama Sulayman Sahib Salman Mansoori Puri (may Allah have mercy on him) and Mahmud Pasha Falaki. (Tarih Al-Khudri 62/1 Rahmat-ul-Alameen 1/38, 39, the difference in the date of April is the result of the difference in the Christian calendar)
Ibn Sa’d narrated that the mother of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“When you (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) were born, a light came out of my body which illuminated the palaces of the kings of Syria.”
Imam Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) has also narrated a similar narration from Hazrat Irbad bin Sariyah. (Mukhtasar-e-Sirah Abdullah, p. 12, Ibn Sa’d 63/1)
Some narrations have stated that at the time of birth, certain events occurred as a prelude to prophethood, i.e., the fourteen pillars of the palace of Kisra fell. This is the narration of Bahiqi. (Also Mukhtasar-e-Sirah p. 12) But Muhammad Ghazali did not accept it as correct. (See Qisa-e-Sirah p. 46)
Your mother sent the good news of her son to Abdul Muttalib. They were happy and joyful and took him (peace be upon him) to the Kaaba, prayed to Allah Almighty, thanked Him and suggested his name Muhammad (peace be upon him). This name was not known in Arabia. According to Arab custom, he was circumcised on the seventh day. (Ibn Hisham 160, 159/1 Taykh al-Khudri 65/1 There is also a saying that he (peace be upon him) was circumcised (born circumcised). See Taqleeh Afhoom, p. 4, but Ibn al-Qayyim says that there is no proven hadith about this. See Zad al-Ma’ad 18/1)