A Colourful Worm desperately searched for a melon that they sometimes sit and look at. This seems an astonishing thought, to me and my wife, but not to the Worm, who had decided that this idea was breathtaking. Remarkably, a melon is the item that was chosen.
A Colourful Worm desperately looked for a bag of poop that they sometimes throw. It was considered to be a fairly weird proposal, to my mum, but not to the Worm, who thinks that this idea was the most awesome idea. Honestly, a bag of poop would be the item that was selected.
A Colourful Worm needed a bottle of wine that they liked to try to nail to the wall. It is a fairly original proposal, to my neighbour, but not to the Worm, who thinks that this idea was fun. You wouldnt have imagined, a bottle of wine was the thing that was opted for.
A Colourful Worm looked for a melon that they liked to try to nail to the wall. It is a fairly weird and wonderful approach to life, to me and my wife, but not to the Worm, who assumed that the idea was wonderous. Honestly, a melon would be the item that was opted for.
A Colourful Worm often carried a can of Dr Pepper that they liked to share. One might find this to be a fairly exciting activity, to me, but not to the Worm, who assumed that the idea was spectacular. You wouldnt have thought, a can of Dr Pepper is the item that was chosen.
A Colourful Worm desperately needed a Harry Potter wand that they would often break. This seems to be a different exercise, to me and my wife, but not to the Worm, who expected that the idea was magnificent. Strangely, a Harry Potter wand was the chosen item.