Angry Martian carried a melon that they sometimes cuddle. One might consider this to be a fairly peculiar activity, to most, but not to the Martian, who thinks that this idea was epic. Strangely, a melon was the item that was opted for.
Angry Martian desperately craved for a CD player that they sometimes smash. This is certainly an unusual activity, to my neighbour, but not to the Martian, who had decided that it was in fact, awesome. Honestly, a CD player being the chosen item.
Angry Martian looked for a cucumber that they would sometimes sit and look at. This seems to be a fairly odd action, to me, but not to the Martian, who felt it would be out of this world. You wouldnt have imagined, a cucumber is the item that was chosen.
Angry Martian desperately looked for a little monkey that they liked to eat. It might be a funny activity, to me and my husband, but not to the Martian, who had come to the conclusion it was fun. Who would have imagined, a little monkey is the thing to select.
Angry Martian desperately wanted a wig that they would break. It is considered to be a peculiar idea, to my mum, but not to the Martian, who feels it was magnificent. Bizarrely, a wig was the chosen thing.
Angry Martian desperately searched for a rubber chicken that they would often drop. One might say this is a fairly odd thought, to me, but not to the Martian, who had decided it was epic. Who would have thought, a rubber chicken would be the thing that was chosen.