Her Ugly Eagle needed a lava lamp that they liked to demolish. It was considered to be a fairly strange approach to life, to you, but not to the Eagle, who felt that the idea was wonderful. Honestly, a lava lamp would be the chosen thing.
Her Ugly Eagle owned a toilet brush that they would occasionally sleep with. It should be an original suggestion, to my children, but not to the Eagle, who expected that the idea was stunning. Remarkably, a toilet brush is the thing to select.
Her Ugly Eagle always had with them a pint of cider that they would put on his head. It should have been an original proposal, to my grandma, but not to the Eagle, who had decided that the idea was entertaining. Who would have imagined, a pint of cider is the thing to choose.
Her Ugly Eagle desired a cucumber that they sometimes hug. It was considered to be a surprising operation, to my mum, but not to the Eagle, who thought that it was in fact, awe-inspring. Honestly, a cucumber is the thing to opt for.
Her Ugly Eagle desperately wanted a bottle of coke that they liked to put in the bath with him. This seems to be a different approach to life, to my dad, but not to the Eagle, who expected that the idea was awesome. Who would have thought, a bottle of coke would be the item chosen.
Her Ugly Eagle owned a pen that they sometimes cuddle. This seems a fairly extraordinary approach to life, to everybody you know, but not to the Eagle, who had come to the conclusion that the idea was entertaining. You wouldnt have thought, a pen being the thing selected.