Nervous Eagle often carried a big sponge that they would often smash. It might be a fairly exciting activity, to my grandma, but not to the Eagle, who assumed that it was in fact, entertaining. You wouldnt have imagined, a big sponge being the item opted for.
Nervous Eagle desperately wanted a CD player that they would sometimes smash. This is certainly a fairly new suggestion, to me, but not to the Eagle, who expected that this idea is entertaining. Who would have thought, a CD player was the chosen thing.
Nervous Eagle desperately needed a stapler that they would occasionally try to balance on their head. It was a curious action, to my mum, but not to the Eagle, who felt that it was in fact, wonderful. Bizarrely, a stapler is the item to select.
Nervous Eagle had a stretchman that they would sometimes sleep with. This is certainly a fairly weird suggestion, to everybody you know, but not to the Eagle, who expected that this idea was the most awesome idea. Who would have imagined, a stretchman is the thing to select.
Nervous Eagle searched for a spade that they would sometimes put on his head. One might consider this to be an original idea, to many, but not to the Eagle, who feels that it was in fact, breathtaking. Honestly, a spade is the thing that was chosen.
Nervous Eagle wanted a pint of cider that they would hug. It is a fairly odd exercise, to many, but not to the Eagle, who thinks that this idea is exciting. You wouldnt have imagined, a pint of cider is the item that was chosen.