#CLUB100 THE DIARY GAME BY @ammar2021

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago 

Assalam o alaikum Ladies and Gentlemen! How are You All? I am Fine and I Hope You all are also fine. let's go for today diary game.

Today I woke up at 10:am. My Leg is Sore. As soon as I got up, I told my brother to stand on my feet. He standed on My feet But with his full mischief🤣. He started kicking my legs😂😂. I took a picture of him immediately.


After this I Ate breakfast. Then For a While I Watch Drama Ertughal ghazi for Some Time. Then My father Came to Home. It's time 1:20. He said to me to go on Masjid. I run and Go to Masjid and perform Namaz - e - Zuhar. After this I go to School to pick my Sister.

After this I ate Food. Then I ate Ice cream.

Then I ate Ice - cream.


After this the time of Asr came I Perform Namaz - e - Asr. Then I Rest for Some time. Then It was time for Maghrib prayers. I perform Namaz - e - maghrib. Then I do some work for Home Like Milk, Water, Ata, Eggs, and Bread.

Time is Going so fast then Namaz- e Eisha came. Then I perform Namaz After this My Friend came to my home we all go to ground then we will play football.


So That's all for My Today diary It was a very good day. I Hope You All like My Diary.

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That ice cream looks like a tub full of fries lol.

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