The Diary Game /27-04-2022 / by @ammar2021

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago 

Hello everyone how are you guys? I am good Alhamdulillah with the grace of Allah. And hopes you too good. Today I am sharing my post with you. Today was 27 April, Wednesday.



Today I woke up at SEHRI time my father woke me up. He said that "we have no time because SEHRI time is going to be finish. Hurry up washed your face and came".

I quickly go. After eating meal. My mom gave me lassi.😋 I drank lassi. After that I and my father went to performed the Namaz e fajr. When I came back to Masjid I recited the Holy Quran.
Then I went to sleep😴.


My sister came and kept her hand on my head gently. And said bro get up and leave me in school quickly. I ignore her continuously. She again and again said to me. I got angry😡. She also got angry and said Today is my exam please hurry up. Now I drop her in school before dropping she needed some stationary so first I bought it for her. Then I reached at home and get ready for University. I also went to the Sadar with my friend because I needed a new mobile because my mobile is totally ruined. Well I reached at the University.

Afternoon Time

I performed the Zuhar prayer In University. Sir gave us a lecture.


After study me and my friend went to the Sadar. I have been already brought laptop from home because I also need to correct it. Because it had some problem of hardware. Then we reached to the Sadar. There was anyone need to stand on the parking.


So my friend wait outside the shop and I entered into the shop.




We both waited.....
He waited for me and I waited for the laptop 😂.well we hurriedly going from there after taking laptop and new mobile. It was going to the time of Maghrib. We reached at my friend home. I quickly performed the Namaz e Asar. In a few minutes Azaan will have been happen.


We did Aftari after that I performed Maghrib prayer and then reached at home.


I use laptop. And then started making assighnment which sir gave me. I performed the Isha prayer. Then I ate dinner. And after dinner I started writing a diary and now it has done Alhamdulillah.

Take care of yourself AllahHafiz
Thank you.


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