Diary Game

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago  (edited)



I hope your all will be fine here.
I am happy to share with all of you about my diary even though my English is not good but I hope you will be all understand my English language because I am going to describe m diary in easy wording.
Today my day as usual busy with my work but it is a lot of learning for me in my professional as I have told d all of you I am an Android App Developer and I am working on an app since this month and its sample is here which I am going to show you here
this is the method of my work at the office level and my office timing is from 10 to 4 without any break at Faisalabad
now comes back to me today.


it is a little bit busy and tired for me. I get up early in the morning for a fast after completing my sehri again back I went back to bed for sleeping then I awoke at roundabout 8 AM.
After that i went to office and travel almost 50km.
i wirked there as usual.

Leave Time

In this picture there are two two different places first one is at office and other one is at on the road in the traffic because its time to come back home after worked at office and i have to covered 50km from office to reach at home .


At the end its time to get some refreshes from nature beauty, as I have told in m introduction post there are lots of nature beauty in our are and i love to not only wath them i will explore them from the very basic to the end because it is my passion.
It is most important to anyone for the refreshment of his mind suppcially very very most important for the developer as well to get some natural air and beauty to maintain his working and avoid some time to the coding

With Friends

Alhumdulliah by the grace of ALLAH Almighty Allah bless me friends like these and now its time for the dinner after the iftar and spend most beautiful time with them. because these friends are the beautiful part of my life. as you heard there is a famous qout if you want to know anyone check his friends and his company and this is my company.
today we ate dinner together at my friend home place. it was with mutton dinner

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