Steemit Engagement Challenge||Be The Critical Thinker that we want to see by @armstrongdiho

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago 




The first day I joined the steemit platform, @bright-obias (who introduced me to the platform) told me this statement (Votes are not guaranteed). Then I made up my mind to write understanding what he said. Although it's very painful when you write like 5 posts consecutive and you weren't paid. Let's forget about motivational speakers that will say patience is the key believe me it hurts.

Most times it might make the user stop writing just as some of my friends stopped halfway. And I believe this is one of the reasons people recommended buying votes from the bots. Well, I think they never understood the statement votes are not guaranteed.

To work on this statement, I have this mindset that when I post on my Facebook and Whatsapp accounts, I don't receive any payment, so I see steemit as the same. This enables me not to feel so bad when I make posts and no votes.

I ask myself this question lots of posts here on steemit how do the higher curators see them? And can they be able to curator all? Well, the answer was no but one thing is sure consistent posting like in this week of engagement are users who make wrote at least 3 or more with good content are sure of a vote.

Honestly, we have many content writers on this platform, some are good while others are not. Also, good writers have a high tendency of receiving votes than the average ones. That's their content may be more qualified than average ones and if that occurs, that means that the user will get a vote and the average one will not.

Nevertheless, if you're one of the averages you don't need to complain much are you need is to work on yourself on how to make a quality post. I could say I was an average writer who writes low content and receive few votes until I read good writers' posts and decided to adjust. And today, I'm enjoying it.

Therefore, quality content supported with consistency tends to attract votes. Also, we shouldn't have this mindset of having votes always. To me when you receive a vote I see it as a privilege because someone made a good post better than you but couldn't receive a vote.

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To be honest, if votes are to be guaranteed, and every user experiences all the posts are voted, believe me, a lot of people here including me will create many accounts to collect the reward because naturally, humans are full of greed. Thereby, the network will lose its beauty and integrity.

To support the platform as well as your subordinates, you have to participate in club50,75 and 100. And this can be achieved by consistency and building of Steempower.



Have you ever been in a situation where you have a guest and you cook something, it gets burnt? The smell of burnt food fills the air, there's no time left to prepare another. You manage to get some to serve to your guest. The guest may eat in silence but you've certainly earned yourself a stigma, the same goes for punishment.

There's this saying that " it's better not to get caught". The problem is what's dominant is the fact that you got punished. He's an ex-con! He can't get the job. She was suspended, so she can't fit in the position of perfect.

The effect of Punishment is karma, it haunts you forever. It makes one loses opportunities, it makes one inferior and limited. It slows down one's success.

Once upon a time when I was little when I do something bad my mother will flog the hell out of me. Guess what 😦? I will still repeat the same thing or even do the worst one. And she will increase the flogging and I will cry 😭 sometimes.

However, I never knew my mother feels bad any time she flogs me. She observed that the beating was not the better option since it is not everything I do that deserves flogging.

Guess what my mother did? She changed her habit whenever I do something wrong, she will talk to me with love and correct me without flogging and she will say don't do that again. I noticed the change in my mother and gradually, I changed and I never tried to do things that will make her unhappy.

To be honest, when I received the beating, I also observed that I began to dislike my mother because I have this thought that most of the punishment (beating) given to me was not necessary. This made me hold grudges against her for some time. Well, she showed me love later which cleared all the grudges.

So, no one appreciates punishment, to be the effect of Punishment is like a clogged bicycle, that restrains one. One's trust is lost. Well, with time, we will get to realize why punishment is crucial.


Since time immemorial, the saying "A woman's place is in the kitchen" had been predominant, especially in the African society which is characterized by chauvinism.

Image source from Pixabay

The kitchen is every woman's home regardless of there educational background. Although some that have money might hire someone that will do the work for them. But the truth is that she can't escape her responsible. Every virtuous woman that plans to keep her home in harmony knows how important the kitchen is because there's this saying that a man’s heart is through his stomach and she wants to keep this heart happy, thereby kitchen is one of the important ingredients😏.

I'll define a kitchen as a space in a house where cooking preparations are made.
When a girl is born into the family and she begins to walk, talk and knows her left from right, she begins to assist her mom in the kitchen, where they engage in a little gossip, while the guy grows up with the mindset that it's a woman's place in the kitchen. That's a well-known fact and I'll not like to dwell on that.

I defined a Kitchen as a space where food is being made right? Let's look at it beyond being just a building but a space that exposes opportunities for a woman to demonstrate creativity and skills, accruing values within families and communities to express resistance and power.

Over time, feminists have come up in a quest to give more room to a woman, but one thing they failed to realise is that they own it all. Ever seen a human without a heart? So a woman cannot function without the kitchen because it is the heart of the woman.

As she's performing her duty, she doesn't prepare just some food but a properly made meal that could open up the most guarded heart. You might call it the most charming bullet in the world. She's a great politician in the kitchen; a ruthless, fearless Amazon comes to play. She gambles to keep her home safe as she pounces on the pounded yam; she strives to ensure that her children are not malnourished as she cuts the meat mercilessly.

Nature has made her King, it didn't take a while for society to recognise it.
As much as she wrestles and strategies to always win, she sobers up, is a wreck in pain, she finds comfort in the kitchen. She hides for a while and like an eagle, she soars more than ever before, she's able to pounce on her prey and comes out victorious. Society meets her and doesn't fail to sense the aura of the kitchen for SHE IS THE KITCHEN.

Notice! Notice! Notice!

Pls, I stand to be corrected if you are not in agreement with the post.

Thanks For Reading Through

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I am inviting @preshymukel @meniya @bright-obias to participate in this amazing contest.

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Well, it's your personal opinion which I enjoyed reading. Before a woman begin to fix herself in the kitchen, she should know how to cook well.

I think is obligate for every woman to learn how to cook. I see no reason why a woman will not learn how to cook regardless of their educational status. Thanks dear for your comment @beckie96830.

Very interesting write up here. Indeed, the Steemit team are not bid bots, so they're donning out those votes of their own freewill. Nobody staked anything with them so there are no guaranteed votes.

That said, it can be really disappointing to put up posts and not get votes. No matter how you want to emphasize the 'votes are not guaranteed' line. Hopefully, people don't get too discouraged and quit.

That's true Bro. Only if other steemians can realize the statement. Thanks, bro.

Thank you for taking part in the challenge. Very well-written and good reasoning for each statement.

Don't forget to interact with other contest participants by commenting and upvoting their posts.

Quality ChecksStatus
Steem Exclusiveyes
Word Count~1335

Thanks so much for your review.

Well u are right though when stating the importance of a woman in the kitchen but I am of the opinion that women should not be limited to the kitchen

Well, I think 🤔 is their position except for any circumstances. Thanks, dear.

You did well in defending the three statements.
You are right, a women doesn’t belong in the kitchen, she is the kitchen 😊