Eligible For #CLUB5050 || #CLUB75 || TUESDAY REVIEW || Mustards Flowers Seeds Used And Benefits || By @arslanaj

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Assalam o Alaikum:

How are you, everyone. I Hope every one Well as Well in happy Life. I am also Fine Alhamdulillah.

So today I am going to tell you about Mustard seeds are the small round of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimeters In diameter and may be colored from yellowish and white to black. Grinding and mixing the seeds with water, vinegar or other liquids creates a yellow condiment known as prepared mustard.

Mustards Flowers Seeds Used And Benefits:



Flowers from mustard can be tossed into salads for some peppery pizazz or used dry in place of pricey saffron. The seeds from mustard can be dried and then ground into powder and used and as a peppery spice. Used whole, the seeds give a kick to pickles and relishes.



Both white and brown mustard is grown as spring-sown annual crops whose dry seeds are harvested in early autumn. From very small seedlings, the plants grow rapidly and enter a phase of dense flowering; the blooms have an intense yellow color.



Require cool and dry weather and a fair supply of soil moisture during the growing period and dry clear weather at the time of maturity. In India they are grown in the Rabi season from September-October to February-March.



But the one typically grown in most gardens can be referred to as the Mustard tree or Mustard plant. Mustard seeds are usually white and black/brown. Both colors of seeds can produce a tall tree that can grow.



Mustard Bush Basics:

Mustard bushes reach an average mature height of between 6 and 20 feet with a 20-foot spread, although exceptional plants can reach 30 feet tall under ideal conditions. They have a spreading, multistemmed growth habit with a drooping or weeping branch structure.



Cut the stalk from the plant below the seed pods and gather them in a paper bag. Set the bag aside for a couple of weeks in a warm place. Once the stalks have dried and the pods begin to split open, the copious seeds can be extracted and are ready for use.



Its Benefits For Health Mustard Flower Seed:

Mustard greens contain many health-boosting antioxidants like beta carotene, which can protect your skin and lower risk factors of diabetes. The greens are also a great source of several B vitamins, including thiamine (B1,) niacin (B3,) and pyridoxine (B6.)



The monounsaturated fatty acids and proper ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids improve heart health and keep the balance of cholesterol levels in the body, which also lowers triglycerides and prevents obesity and kidney disease.



Chewing raw mustard seeds is suggested for immediate relief from a headache, back spasms, congestion, and even constipation, since they're high in fiber. Eaten raw, mustard seeds have an intense, bitter taste.




Mustard plants are members of the Brassicaceae family, and seeds are used as a condiment, mainly in sauces and as a seasoning in dishes, or as an ingredient in ...


And I hope you enjoy my post today in this Tuesday's view because what I have presented to you is very useful and must be used in our daily life. Thanks:


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Amigo no había visto nunca la mata de mostaza, en casa tengo unas semillas, voy a poner a germinar para ver si nacen, las semillas son blancas y al masticarlas tienen un sabor picante y poco dulce, la verdad que tiene un sabor especial. 1_20210401_152726_0000.png


Hola mi querido hermano muchas gracias por ver mi post pero ahora me gustaría señalar que tiene muy buen gusto así como muchas funcionalidades porque lo usamos en muchas cosas de nuestro día a día. Como lo usamos en nuestra alimentación y también usamos aceite de mostaza


Hola amigo @arslanage interesante post, aquí compro semillas de mostaza para cocinar me encanta el sabor picante que le da a las carnes pero desconocía que tenía tantas propiedades para la salud.

Saludos cordiales



Muchas gracias, pero escuchaste bien que tiene muchos beneficios para la salud y se puede usar en la vida diaria. Es muy beneficioso. Muchas gracias por ver y comprender esta publicación. Gracias.
