CLUB100 - Fistful of Vengeance Movie review and summary

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago 

Hello everyone welcomes back to my blog I am posting a review after a long time I have been working on some other things lately and because of that I never get free time to write some blogs but let me show you that what I am doing is really good  Everyone should do something better and always search for something better and should explore their creativity and that is what I am doing so yes I have been absent but I was busy somewhere else now let's write get into the review

I am a huge fan of Netflix I may disagree with some of the things that they are doing like making similar kinds of movies and then making movies with a very e low budget or maybe they have a budget but they look as if they have no budget because they are short like a YouTube video I am watching Netflix movie sometimes I feel like that despite all these reasons I love Netflix because there is some good content over there and today we are going to talk about one of the movies that I recently watched on Netflix

 the movie that I watched recently on Netflix is a little bit different from the other movies that we watch because this movie  has a full web series of 10 episodes I had already watched the web series before I started watching the movie and that's why it will be a big  spoiler for you if you have not watched the web series that I will recommend you to watch the web series first and then come to the movie because the movie and the whole story and the plot and everything is directly connected to the web series so if you don't know any idea about the movie then it won't be fun and you won't be able to get whatever is going on in the movie so I highly recommend you to watch the web series first and then  watch the movie

Let me give you  a little bit of idea about the web series and what really happens in the movie so the web series is all about a guy he is a normal human being but one  day some people approach him and give him some kind of powers so he is good at fighting now he has some abilities you know like a superhero so he is a kind of superhero now if there is a superhero, of course, there will be some Supervillains so there are some people that bad people and he has to fight them in order to protect the world I guess so that is the whole idea about this movie and their web series now let's right get into the story of this movie

 Story  and plot 

Hindi Web series we so that there are four friends and all of them fight together against the evil  powers now after the web series in the last episode of that web series we saw that one of their friends is being killed by one of the bad people but the girl home killed one of their friends is a new one and there we know that there will be a next season or a movie in which it will be revealed that who did this and why now in the movie we see that all of those friends so there are only three left all of them to come together and try to find out the killer of that girl her name is Jenny she Was killed about 6 months ago and now they all try to find their killers as well as they find so many other things in the movie



 will they be able to fight the bad guys this time will they be able to find the killers and why did they kill her for no reason you will find all these things in the movie and this is the basic story lion and plot of the movie but as I said if you have not watched the web series yet it will be really hard for you to understand many things in the movie because it's  connected and this is the continuation of that web series

 positive points about  the movie

1   the movie is shot and moves quickly

 this movie is kind of very short I mean or maybe I am feeling this because I have watched the web series and that has like a few episodes about 10 episodes and in comparison to the at the movies of course short so if you think about that you will see that this movie is quite short and one more thing that I really like in the movie and that was that the movie was not holding on to just one thing it was moving very fast like from one sim to another the story has something new to show you and that I really like because sometimes people get really war when they are just chasing one thing that can make you feel  bored to the movie was fast and that is one of the positive things that I really like


2  Cinematography and locations

 the movie was shot in Thailand like most of the part in the movie is shot in Thailand and to be honest, like there were so many amazing places in Thailand that they have short and which I really like Asim Thailand in Meni movies and washing Gate in this one was quite refreshing for me I really liked it and especially the locations that they chose to shot on was quietly impressing everything that you  will find in the movie and then there is cinematography there were a little bit of similarities to the other movies that Netflix make you know I find it quite similar to some other movies when you focus on the fight sequences and some camera movement she will find that it was similar to some other movies but that's ok I am in everything can't be unique Soya I will count cinematography and locations in the positive points

3 color grade

Sa color grade for all the fight and action movies mostly but there are types of action movies in which there is a lot of gunfire tour weapons exist doors movies have a separate color grade and the movies in which you will find like a hand to hand combat in finding that movies have a separate cal most of the directors basically choose what kind of color where the movie should be in that most of the time define the whole movie because that can change the mood of the audience this movie has a really good cal add which I find really interesting you know that old yellow color red that you will find in the similar movies like extraction and the Mad Max Fury Road these Both movies has a similar color bed and I really like it to be honest this was a good color grade and in my opinion because it can relieve the viewers to watch the movie and it really set the mood for fighting gives you kind of old look



4   hand to hand combat and production

 we see that a lot of action is going on in the web series like when I was watching the web series in this movie there is a lot of action is well like we see gun fires and everything but I mostly like a hand to hand combat because you can find the real strength and the smartness of someone when they are in hand-to-hand combat because they are using their own power and their own smartness to win the fight and we see a lot of gunfight in a lot of hands to hand combat in this movie is really like it that's why I said action in this movie is good the actors all of them have performed really good turns if they perform it on their own so I really like it and that will be one of the positive points of the movie

 things that could have been better in the movie

The movie has a lot of problems and one of the problems that I really deeply felt and that was that  everything was just going there was no story like there and there was no background to the actors there was no background to the things that they what doing and suddenly they had a lot of money and everything I mean what is going on so I had a lot of issues understanding the story of this movie

 the more you are supposed to be like there are some bad guys and they are going to end the world or whatever I mean the ending was not that much of satisfaction it just happened, to be honest, the graphics was not good the ending was not good I really don't like it and I was not expecting that I think they should have made it in a web series in that way it would have been a little better than this


 so the story is that one of the guys has superpowers but I saw nothing in the movie like he is defeated so many times his fighting skills are not good in the  web series he has like really good fighting skills but I don't know what they did to him in the movie it was not something that you will remember not good

 one of the problems that I really felt and that was that in the web series the guy lost all his power in all of the other people as well now how come he has the powers again that was kind of weird did I mean I couldn't understand to told maybe I am stupid

 that was my review now let me give you my ratings for the movie e the movie deserve a rating of 5 out of  10  you can watch it with your family you can watch it with your  friends the movies available on Netflix

 thank you so much for reading this review I hope that you like it 



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