Aslam o alikum,
How are you all ??? Hope you are doing well. I'm also good Alhamdulillah . I'm here with another diary game. So, let's start .
I woke up around 12 pm at noon. It was Saturday . After using my phone for 5-10 minutes, I took a bath and offered Zohar prayer. At 2:00 pm, the lunch was ready, so I had lunch with my family . After that I put all the utensils in the kitchen and washed them.
I was very lazy today and did not want to do anything so I jumped into my bed to get some more sleep . Btw I loveeeeee sleeping. I can easily sleep for straight 13 to 14 hours 😍.

I woke up at 5.30pm in the evening , turned on my phone and checked notifications. I came out from my room. My mother was giving tuition (that was my job 👀). I went to the kitchen, made tea for her and filled up water bottles . After that I did wazu and offered Asar prayer.
Almost at 6:30 pm one of my friend Rimsha called me and we plan an outing . I called my other friends and asked them to join us . They agreed, and we decided the day Tuesday as our outing day 😍. At 7 pm I offered Magrib prayer and recited Holy Quran for 20 minutes.
My mother was in the kitchen, preparing dinner for us so, I went to her and asker her to allow me for this outing. First she refused , but I asked her again and again kay AMMI PLEASE JANAY DEYY NAAA. Somehow I managed to convinced her. When your mother doesn't listen to you, then nonstop annoying is the only way to success. But it's results are in two opposite ways. Either you will succeed or you'll get a slap 🙂.
At 8 pm, I sat with my family and had dinner. Sorry I forgot to take pictures of my dinner ;).
My sister and I went for a walk with with our friend . She is also our neighbor . We came back after complete three rounds of the play ground that is at the back side of our house .
I wasn't in mood of sitting outside so I came home and stared using my phone. I scrolled Instagram, sent snapchat streaks and started watching drama Azmaish on YouTube . Later I got a lecture from my mother because according to her, I do not do much home chores (and she was right :p).
After this, my mother asked me to make milkshake for my father so I made apple milkshake for him, and chocolate milkshake for my self.
At 11 p.m I changed my clothes, brushed my teeth, did wazu and offered Isha prayer.
That's all for today. I hope you like it .
Stay safe ❤️
Allah hafiz🖤
Achievement 1 This is my introduction post .
50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 300 SP | 400 SP | 500 SP |