Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 4 | Propose A New Steemit Project|| [[ My Proposal :: The Rotation Of Country Representatives ]]

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Hey there, I greet y'all in this beautiful Community and hope you are all doing great. It's another week for another challenge again and I am happy to continue participating in challenges contest organized in this community because they are always of my interest. Without hesitating, let's get started. I hope y'all will love my entry

This week's challenge topic is the best topic since week1 of the challenge because it's not only interesting but very important since it might turn out to bring growth and new development to the steemit ecosystem as several Steemians will be bringing in new projects and suggestions for the betterment of the platform

On my own part, I will be writing on an important project because I have always thought of this for long but I couldn't voice it out . It's all thanks to this contest that I have had an opportunity to voice it out. We have seen some very good projects launch in this platform such as thediarygame, endplagiarsm, curator team application, community of the month support, Club status and most recently launched Steemit Engagement Challenge program.

We have all witness how this various projects have in turn brought improvements to this platform in several ways like improving in content quality, promoting engagement between Steemians across different communities, making the most effective use of curation by curators, causing a lot of competition as Steemians are striving to become best authors which has turn to cause the steemit platform an interesting place to read a lot of high quality content. With all this developments, steemit have become a more better place

Now, I got this other project on my mind and I wish something could be done about it because I think it will make steemit to become a more better place. The project title is the Rotation of Country Representatives On Yearly basis

Before talking deeply on this project, I will first of all give respect to the existing country representatives for they are all doing a great job in their respective countries and I applaud them for their diligent work here on this platform.

The Rotation Of Country Representatives On Yearly basis

Why did I bring this up? I will start by taking you guys back to the community curators, communities of the month support and this ongoing engagement challenge. We have seen how the steemit team have been rotating it on monthly basis. This rotation have turn to bring out competition because the winning communities and teams always strive to bring out their best by working extremely very hard with dedication so that they could still be called up in the next month when ever the steemit team launches new applications.

We see that this rotation have bring a positive change to the entire steemit platform and have caused all the selected teams to always work very hard so as to gain trust with the steemit team and may eventually be invited back on the next launch

I have been on this platform for more than a year now and I haven't heard of any news regarding of new recruitment of country representative, addition of country representative to specific countries despite seeing a lot of them stepping down as country representatives

Now going back on the aspect of Country Representatives, we should first of all know who is a country representative

Who Is A Country Representative

Country Representatives are like role model to members in their communities and respective countries because their main roles are to guide and support members of their country/communities on content etiquette and other technical issues, organizing contests, mentoring,recruiting, retaining Steemians and a lot of other duties

After knowing fully well who a country rep is, we can now see the need to always be rotating country representatives on yearly basis. This will in turn bring competition and enable the winning country representative to always do their utmost best in doing their job effectively. Where there is completion, there is effectiveness and I believe this will work extremely very well as we will be seeing new developments by country representative across their respective communities.

Over this past few years, we have experience a rapid expansion In steemit users as many have signed up and this has caused the steemit platform to experience a huge growth.

Presently, there are countries without a country representative on this platform. They are also countries that the existing country representatives are not doing their work more effectively due to so many reasons which some of them have explained them out in an understanding way(it may be due to health, financial or other problems).

They are also communities that their country representative have powered down and eventually stepped down living the position vacant empty

This are all good reasons why I think they should be a yearly rotation of country representative so as to always keep this platform moving. However, just like the community curator is being rotated every month and we have also seen how some curator teams have been called up to continue their duty as curators because of their diligent work... It will also mean that existing country representatives can also be call up to continue their work on this platform when ever the application is being launched.

I also think that when an existing country representative eventually step down without new application being launch, the steemit team should emmidiately replaced him/her with another person who is willing to serve the role as a country rep so as to keep the system moving and functioning.

I say so because i have seen some country representatives step down from their role there by giving a lot of work to thier old colleagues which isn't fair at all. I believe each country rep have his/her duties and responsibilities to always carry out.. So when they step down and allow this responsibility to the other country reps to continue with them, it will give them more responsibilities which will turn to slow down the system hence bringing a negative effect to the system.

With all this reasons, y'all will bare with me on the fact that it's necessary to be rotating country representatives on yearly basis which will in turn bring a positive impact to the entire steemit ecosystem

Benefits Of Rotating Country Representatives Yearly

Image source from pixabay

I believe this new initiative will have a lot of benefits to the entire steemit ecosystem just like this ongoing engagement challenge and this curator teams. But I will highly on some of the benefits below

  • It will enable the existing country reps to always put in their best during their mandate which will in turn benefit Steemians under the particular communities because they will always try their best to work extremely well during their mandate

  • It will lead to the growth of Communities because the existing country reps will always do their utmost best to work at a high rate in their communities

  • The idea of rotating country reps will in turn give more value to STEEM since the existing country reps will always try to mentor and guid their young steemians in a fabulous way in producing quality contents .

  • Just like this curator team initiative where the steemit team give preference to people base on their wallet, their commitment to constant power ups and their club status, this will also make more people to constantly powerup, build their wallet and join higher club status just because they are country reps or who are preparing to be country reps when it's launched

  • The Rotation Of Country Reps will enable a lot of people to gain popularity and also become famous on this platform. I'm sure I have known a lot of people now in this platform simply because I'm working as a curator

  • The rotation of country reps will enable everyone to have an opportunity in building their wallet. This will in turn make steemit to have a lot more of big investors because most country reps are having atleast as from 10k SP in their wallet

In general, we see that if we implement this project it will bring a lot of benefits to this platform which will in turn help its sustainability and make this platform a more better place


Thanks so much for your time everyone, I am inviting my fellow friends @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, @wyzcekunited, @ngwerast, @monjuapollonia and @echamroland to come and participate in this amazing contest and tell us about new steemit projects or developments

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Hello @chiabertrand,

I think you have started a discussion on something new that nobody was thinking. I congratulate you for starting discussion on something unique, although I would like to also shed some light on the pros and cons of implementing this.


  1. New people who are creating quality content, guiding their country members, and showing responsibility towards their community will start getting opportunities to work for their respective country members.

  2. Rotation among the CRs make the person (who has been given the opportunity of serving their country members) conscious of their decisions as they cannot then use their powers for their personal gains.


  1. Old members know who their country representative is and they are always depending on them to clear their doubts on things they don't get, so if something is bothering them, they know who to contact for getting solution to their problems.

  2. New members are hard to retain and this cannot be made possible if the leadership is always changing. But, as we are not an organization that is always analyzing the performance of the new and old leaders, we cannot be taking decisions that will hamper the growth of the country's communities and its members.

I hope we start a healthy discussion on this matter with all of the concerning members of Steemit platform.

Thanks again for starting this discussion.

Hello @cryptogecko,

Thanks so much for going through my article and living behind your insights about my suggested project

Well, you have given the pros and cons about rotating country representatives and I agree with you vividly well but let's discuss on some of the cons you gave

Old members know who their country representative is and they are always depending on them to clear their doubts on things they don't get, so if something is bothering them, they know who to contact for getting solution to their problems.

I can say here that they are also vibrant members in a community/country that a lot of Steemians look up to but they aren't country representatives.. so when rotating country representatives, I believe it's the members of the various communities together with the steemit team that always vote on who will be the next CR( let's say 50% votes from the members of the community and 50% from steemit team). Remember that it will be rotational and some country representative may be call up to continue serving their Communities. this will make them to put in more efforts since it will be rotational

So for some one to be selected as a CR, I believe he/she will strive to work hard so as he could be call to continue serving as CR on the next 1-yr mandate.. Just like this curator team that is ongoing, we see that it's rotational monthly, we have also seen how the selected curator teams are doing effective and efficient work so as to gain trust from the steemit team in other for them to be call up again

I believe this idea will work because all the chosen CR will work extra hard to bring growth and development to their Communities during their reign and this will in turn enable the entire steemit platform to grow at a rampant rate

New members are hard to retain and this cannot be made possible if the leadership is always changing

Not changing constantly brother, that is why I suggested a 1 year period not a 1month period. I believe this will work out effectively because they are alot of users who can also carry out this job in a great way.. so let the steemit team also give them chance

They are also countries that don't have CR at all, they are also countries that don't have enough CR because some of the appointed CR stepped down from their duties long time ago. So I believe all this gaps need to be filled so as to ensure the smooth functioning of Communities/countries concern

Very well put brother. I am a person who comes from a country which does not have any CR as of now.

I would like that the Steemit team gives this opportunity to new members of our country too. I want see my country grow like other countries are.

It's quit unfortunate that a big country like India don't have any active country representative because i see all your CR had long stepped down. I know of other countries without a CR as well. We hope the steemit team look into this

Yes, a country with a population of more than a billion and so many opportunities of getting them onboardedon our platform and use this opportunity to get our blockchain to new heights is the need of this hour and I don't see that happening until and unless a strong leadership is formed.

I read many comments and when I sum up every thing plus your opinion, I held unto one point that is very crucial. Rotating country rep would be nice. The formal ones can be given a tag to show they are once a country rep. I think that would be cool. Your points are valid and I so much support your idea. It's been a while friend. I'm just coming back after a few weeks of break. One love

Hello brother @ckole

Oooh, it's good to have you back on board brother. I hope your stay out of steemit yielded good fruits.

However, as concerning the rotation of CR, I had thought of it for sometime before this contest gave me an opportunity to voice it out. So I strongly believe this will work out well because the selected CR will always do their best to work during their time so as to gain trust from the steemit team and their community members

It's quit unfortunate that some CR don't reach out to their entire community members and are not carrying out their job effectively simply because this rule is not implemented. So they know that they can't be replaced or rotated. But with the implementation of this rule, I think it will enable them to start working extremely very hard and some will even go extra miles in bring new developments in their respective communities so as to gain trust from their members and the steemit team outlarg

Well said bro. Let the old CR become the legend and give room for others. Rotation will bring about effectiveness. You rock brother.

Changing country representatives oftenly will give recognition to lot new members, indeed. But keeping the fact in mind, all the users already know their CRs from the begining of their steemit journey and they know they'll look upto that particular CR whenever they face any issue. Geting along new CRs and not going to the old ones whenever theirs any issue, wil be a huge problem for a lot of users. I dont think it will be easier for many of us to interact with new CR every time. But if we look up to the pros of you suggestion, it will definitely give new image to the multiple users who become CRs of their respective community. This way we can help users show case themselves in front of their community.
I think you've proposed quite a valuable suggestion.
Best of luck :)

Well you have said your own mind about this. But be rest assured that if this happens, steemit will be a more fun fill and interesting place to be because there will be a lot of developments by the selected country representatives because they will always strive to bring in new development during their time as a country representative so as to always earn a call up for another reign by the steemit team.

I don't think changing Country Representatives will have any negative effects on their members or new users because each country representative will always work with their members so as to earn them trust. I can say that they are some country representatives that don't even know some their members now because the are not rotating them. If they implement this rotatory strategy then I think the country representative will always try to reach out to most people in their respective communities

I have given a lot of thoughts about this before bringing it up.. so I have full confidence it will work out well

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Well, I think your project is cool but you did not put in some consideration.

Loyalty: Rotating such position will just give way to unserious author because we are trying to get new country representative. In the years, before the steemit team launched application for CR, they actually contact the author by dropping a comment. I think this was done in consideration of the author loyalty to the platform.

Longevity: I personally believed that this goes with experience, there is no way I will want to compete with authors who joined the platform in 2017 and hold a reputation of over 70. We all know what it means to build such reputation, meaning they were devoted to the platform.

The steemit team delegated 5k SP to CR, so if a CR power down, the steemit team will just undelegate. So I will rather suggest it should be delegated to another loyal steemian.

Changing hands will not help to grow because this is not an organization. You looking at the steemit platform as organisations, trying to apply democratic principles.

If a CR is unavailable on the platform, the 5k sp should be undelegated and assigned to another loyal steemian.

Rotation will just give way authors to apply for CR, serve for one year as you proposed and power down the next year they are not selected. Now by the end of 12 months not being a CR, they prepare and Claim to be serious and apply again and get support. The circle will continue like that.

To be CR doesn’t change you as a human and have challenges, so I don’t think breaking along the line should not be a point to apply rotatory system. I know reputable steemians which I think their reputation tells all about them and should not be water down by stripping off their CR status just to make it rotatory.


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Good one @chiabertrand.

You have made a very good proposal. This is in a bid to help the steemit community to be always alive and bubbling. The CRs do energy demanding works. When one or two CRs resigns, it throws the others off balance therefore affecting their work. There is a need to replace the one that resigned to balance things up.

Thanks for dropping by brother

Yes indeed I strongly believe this rotation strategy will worked out well because the existing country reps will always put in their best when ever it's their turn to serve the entire community and country. I have witnessed this as a curator

You have proposed a very nice project @chiabertrand , and I think it is worth taking into consideration . I have seen curator teams trying to put in their best and this is because they know they can be replaced at any moment . It will always go well for country representative and i believe the community members can always vote their country representative depending on how well he or she is serving them.

Thanks for the suggestion and good luck with the contest .


I'm glad you have also seen reasons why I brought up this proposal project. I believe it will help strengthen steemit ecosystem to be a more better place because all the CR will always put in their best during their reign so as to avoid being replaced during the next recruitment.

Thanks for dropping by with this nice comment

I think you have opened a can of worms here my friend😊 At least you are not scared to do it.
Unfortunately I’ve been not long enough back on Steemit to give my view.
Communities and representatives are new to me.
From the responses I can not help to notice that you might have a winner here.
I wish you all the best!

I think you have opened a can of worms here my friend😊 At least you are not scared to do it.

😎It was for the sake of this contest that I had to do it😁😁

Unfortunately I’ve been not long enough back on Steemit to give my view.

But atleast for the time being, you have got a lot of experience which is good

From the responses I can not help to notice that you might have a winner here.

Well, let's see how it will end

Thanks for the warm visit and good wishes

The tag #learnwithsteem is irrelevant and off to the topic I guess.

Thankyou for taking part in this contest. Engagement with others because it's an engagement Challenge ; )


Hello ma'am @vvarishayy, I am #club75 not #club50

Yup, I checked for club50 only, my bad. btw use the tag #club75 in your posts

Brother what you just did is so wonderful and I must confess that if the platform could see reason with you and take in to consideration your proposal dispite the fact that we are in a discentralise system .of a platform but from all what you just said I think the system is going to do something about it as time passes by.thank for sharing these wonderful contests and good luck.

Thanks so much brother going through my article. Well, let's wait and hear from the steemit team what they will say about this my suggested project. But be rest assured that it will work out well because I have thought of this for a long time now

Absolutely brother that was a wise though of you

This is a very great idea and I know it will yields fruits if implemented by the steemit teams.

Just from your examples with the monthly application of curators I think the same should be done to country representative for an equal rounds

Thanks to this engagement Challenge contest of new project I get to learn more about this ecosystem.

Hello @monjuapollonia

Thanks for the visit and I'm glad you where able to reason with me my proposed Project. I had thought of this for some time and I believe It will work out well for the betterment of the platform if the steemit team implement it

Thanks to this engagement Challenge contest of new project I get to learn more about this ecosystem.

I'm glad you have been able to learn a lot during this engagement challenge period

Let's steem on