Application to Continue the role as a Country Representative for Pakistan || Club100 || Burnsteem25!

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Hello Everyone, I hope you are all well and doing great in your life. A few days back, we were asked to re-apply for the Position of Country Representative. being a Country representative, I have had a great time here on Steemit and always worked with great efforts for the prosperity of the Pakistani People!

In this regard, I have made a short clip for you to view and learn a bit about my past on steemit.

Steem Pakistan Divider 2.png

Comparing myself to the Requirements of the Steemit Team:

  • Active on Steemit For the past 3 Months:

Alhamdulillah, I joined it back in 2020 and have been active since then which makes it almost 24 months.

  • Atleast 1000 SP of their own:

I have 23.5k+ own SP of my own as of the time of writing this publication.

  • A Reputation of at least 60:

I have a current reputation of 73.480 as of today.

  • Live permanently in the country they want to be a Country Rep for:

I Live in Karachi, Pakistan, and have no plans to leave the country!

  • Be fluent in the main language of the country they want to be a Country Rep for:

I am fluent in the national language of Pakistan, URDU, THe official or standard language ENGLISH, and understand a bit of PUNJABI AND SINDHI, the provincial languages.

  • Have a CSI and voting pattern that clearly demonstrates that they are already supporting other Steemians in the country they want to be a Country Rep for.



You can see that most of the users who are receiving upvotes from me are from Pakistan or from Steemit Pakistan Community. Had I been selfish, I could have followed some other users for more curation rewards but I always preferred the people of My Country, and also being a CR, I take it as a responsibility to help people in the official Community of Pakistan.

Steem Pakistan Divider 2.png

I have done a lot of activities on Steemit and done numerous projects, If I were to start explaining or lining them up, It would take more than 200+ words for that only.

I believe all the above things are enough for me to describe in this application post. Since I am also running out of words, I would now leave the decision to the Steemit team and the people of Pakistan as they are the ones whom I have been serving for the past 2 years.

I would like to thank all the teams that I have worked with. The Lifestyle Team and The Team 7Up! Especially.

A Big Thanks to the Steemit team for recognizing my efforts back in the days and offering me the Role Of Being A Country Representative for Pakistan!

Allow me to end my application post here. Thank you for bearing with me. Fingers Crossed, Hoping to see me on the list of New Country Representatives!

Yours, Haidermehdi.
Country Representative Pakistan.
Steem On!

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You have been doing amazing since the beginning and in the future too you'll be given this opportunity In Shaa Allah, would love to see you adding more value to this platform.

Welcome back Aniqa.
You too have been amazing. May Allah bless you.

respected brother @haidermedhid , you done great job, you are senior and great steemians
my great pray and good wishes for you
best of luck dear, you will be in list of cr inshah Allah
stay happy

Aameen JazakAllah yousuf bhai.
Thanks for the prayers. In shaa Allah.

You had done it once, I would be glad you you were given the opportunity do it again
I wish you good luck

Thank you so much! I am looking forward to it IA :)

You are welcome boss

All the best for you brother.

Thank you brother.

You have done a very good job in the past, and I am 110% sure you will do good in the future too. And will make the Pakistan Community one of the best communities on this platform. Best of Luck.

In shaa Allah. We are not far from that Alhamdulillah. Thank you so much.

Best of luck. You really deserve to be country representative of pakistan. Best wishes for you.

Thank you so much.

What a pleasure to see your application dear friend, I really liked the originality of your video, it shows the great work you do.

Success for you in every step.

Hey thanks a lot @nahela. I tried to do something new for this :p
Aameen and thank you so much.

Best of Luck . You deserve this position. Always supportive for others. A responsible person. Wish you good luck.

Jazakillah khair Aalia. I always tried my best to help everyone.

You are already a good CR and deserves to continue with the role. Best wishes for you bro 🙂

Thank you so much. This really means a lot.

Good to see you apply. You should definitely get the role, we are used to seeing you lead and you are incredible at your job.

Jazakillah khair.
Alhamdulillah i tried to fulfil my responsibilities and it worked well :)

Good luck 🤞🤞
You done great job in past ,all applicants are hard working and played marvelous role wish you all the best dear 😘😊

Thank you so much.

Best of luck. You did great work for our country and appropriate for this job

Jazakillah. Thank you for the kind wishes.

Nice to read your long awaited application. You have always been a wonderful country representative for your Country. It will be another awesome experience if you are given the opportunity. I wish you all the best because you have my vote ✅

Thank you so much dear @ngoenyi. It has always been a pleasure working for my countrymen. Hope it continues.

You have always been a great mentor I have learned a lot of things from you. You made everything very easy for us. You are the one who is always ready to help others. My best wishes are with you and yeah we want to see you again as an Our country representative.
All the very best brother @hairdermehdi

Thank you so much.
I believe it's one of the biggest responsibilities to be there for everyone almost all the time. Thankyou for the wishes. Jazakillah khair.

Your role is appreciated good luck to continue it 🙂

Thank you.

Waah brother, you are a strong candidate for this role and you will definitely get the role again, I have no doubt about that.

JazakAllah khair bro.
In shaa Allah :)

I wish you all the best for this post, you are the best and helped others in any situations

Thank you so much :)

Best of luck haidermehdi. You did a good job in past and I hope you will continue the work. The video is so appealing, I liked it.

Alhamdulillah. Thanks and In shaa Allah.

Wish you best of luck again... Brother

JazakAllah brother.

Best of luck @haidermehdi
You actually deserve to be CR again because you also doing it amazingly

Alhamdulillah :)

Best of luck bro. You'll get it once again I am sure InshaAllah ❤️

In shaa Allah.
JazakAllah brother :)

Wellcome bro... Nice to see you back here. Your application is good.

JazakAllah bro.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I think you are already doing justice to this position in a very flawless manner. You have always been a great help for all of us since the very beginning. And when it comes to supporting members, none can beat you. You always notice our efforts and provide immense support to us. I wish you all the very best. You really are a desserving person for this position again!

Jazakillah, Alhamdulillah. I just prayed to Allah every day to give me enough courage and ability to support all the deserving users :)

And when it comes to supporting members, none can beat you

Jazakillah khair thank you so much <3

Thank you for the best wishes :)

you have already been such a devoted and hard-working person may you achieve more in your life. Best of luck.

Aameen Jazakillah.