Learn Chess With Me (Part 2)

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Part 2

I am absolutely loving making content on this game. Infact, after a long period of time, I have actually started taking out time to make videos and pictures of something specific, so that bloggers here can learn chess.

4 days ago, I started a series in which I'll be teaching you all how to play chess. Slowly and gradually after teaching you all the basics, I'll be moving to to different strategies and moves. But that'll only be for advanced levels and to be able to attend that, you'll first have to compete with me in a game of chess. If you want to read the part 1 of this series, you can click on this link below:

Learn Chess With Me (Part 1) by huzaifanaveed1


Today, I have decided to teach you all the:

  • placing the pieces on the board in the right order.

  • moves associated with each piece on the chess board.

  • Rules.

Starting off with the most important thing and that is how to place the pieces on the board in the right order. I'll begin with the:



The pawns are always set on the 2nd column from A-H as there are 8 pawns. The rest of the pieces on the chess board are placed behind the pawns.

Pawns are often considered as the weakest asset in chess but for me they hold a significant value.

How does a Pawn move?


There's an interesting rule regarding the movement of a pawn. The pawns as you know it are on the 2nd column. A pawn can only move a single block except for the first move. For the first move, you can move your pawn 2 blocks.

There's no hard and fast rule that you always have to move the pawn two boxes in the first move. You can also move it one box.

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Now that we have learned how does a pawn move, it's very important to know what a pawn can't do.

❌ A pawn cannot move more than one box after the first move ❌




The rooks are are placed on each corner of the chess board. That makes it:

  • A1

  • H1

The rooks are one of the most powerful pieces in chess and my favorite after the queen ofcourse.

How does a Rook move?


A rook can move horizontally as well as vertically to as far as far as the chess board goes. This gives the rook an advantage of infiltrating the opponent's half and beat their pieces.

But there's a complication associated with rook's move. It cannot jump over the pawn in front of it in any case.

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In this gif you can see that I have moved the rook over the pawn. This is just a mere representation of what a rook cannot do. So for moving a room, you'll have to clear out the spaces in front of it first.

❌ A rook cannot jump over other chess pieces. ❌




Right next to the rooks, the two bishops are placed, one on each side. The interesting thing to note about bishops is that one bishop is on the white box, and one on the black box. Their positions are:

  • C1

  • F1

How does a Bishop move?


A bishop is the only piece in chess that only moves obliquely. A bishop cannot move vertically or horizontally, rather it moves in an oblique fashion.

This means, the white bishop can never be on a black box and a black bishop can never be on a white box.

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As I mentioned that a bishop can only move obliquely. Apart from that, similar to the rook, a bishop cannot move if there is another piece in front of it. You can see the demonstration in the video.

❌ A bishop cannot jump over other chess pieces ❌




Knights are placed right next to the bishops and are always in a pair, with each knight having a bishop as it's partner. Usually the bishops and the knights are used together for a check move. The positions associated with knights are:

  • B1

  • G1

How does a Knight move?


The best thing about knights is that they can jump over any piece in their way. This is what differentiates a knight from all the other pieces on the chess board. The knight cannot be stopped by any obstacle in its way

Another very important thing about knights is that they always move in L direction. That means, two boxes in a straight line and then one box in the other direction.


In this video, I have moved the knight a couple of times. This means that there's no restrictions on a knoght to be on a specific colored box. It can be on any box it wants, the rule is to move it in a L direction.




Her Majesty the Queen. The most precious, authoritative and the most important piece on the chess board. A queen will always be on its same color box of both teams. It is the most basic rule of chess that a game cannot start until the white queen is seated on the white box and the black queen on the black box. So the position of white Queen will be:

  • D1

How does the Queen move?


The queen doesn't have any restrictions and can move in any direction. That means, it can move straight, in an oblique direction, skipping all the boxes at once, moving only one box at a time. In short; anywhere it wants.

But, it is important to remember, like all the other pieces on the chess board (except knight) the queen cannot jump over other pieces. So you'll have to make way for her. Once she's free, she can wreak havoc all around.

❌ The Queen cannot jump over other chess pieces ❌




King is the piece, you're engaged in the game for. It's the most important piece that you have to protect at all costs in order to win. The King, yet the most important, it cannot move much freely. The king of each team is seated on the opposite color. That means, the white king will be on the black box and the black king will be on the white box. The position associated with the white King is:

  • E1

How does the King move?


The king can only move to the adjoining box. That means the king cannot move more than one box, no matter the situation. Similar to the other chess pieces, it is important to remember that even the King needs an empty space around it to move.

❌ The King cannot move more than one box at a time. It cannot jump over other chess pieces. ❌


In this lesson, I have taught you the pieces of chees, their moves and the rules associated with it. I am sure this lesson was of great help to you. If you have any questions related to the lesson, feel free to ask in the comments section.

I'll take this post as an oppurtunity to discuss, that I am planning to organize a World Steem Chess Competition. The process behind it is underway and we might very soon inaugurate it. Ofcourse, I'll need the assistance of the Country Reps to make it popular in their countries. If I get enough Sponsors I might even announce a good winning price. Fingers crossed.


Something About Me

Since I am teaching you all how to play chess, it's important to mention my experience and my expertise in it. I have been playing chess since I was 6 years old, so I have 16 years of experience in it. Though I am not a pro but I learned it from my Dad and my Uncle who was a state level chess champion.


Disclaimer: All pictures used in this blog Original pictures, clicked by me.


Huzaifa Naveed

cc: @pennsif

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And now I have a problem: the knight is between the rook and the bishop, as I have learned and as btw. was the case in our game. In your demos I find it between the bishop and the king and queen... What happened there?

Und jetzt habe ich ein Problem: der Springer steht, so wie ich es gelernt habe und wie es im übrigen auch bei unserer Partie der Fall war, zwischen Turm und Läufer. In Deinen Demos finde ich ihn zwischen Läufer und Königspaar... Was ist da passiert?

Holdd uppp! I agree with you. I think I got rather confused... But you're right and I'll rectify it. Thanks for pointing out this rather silly mistake. ;--)

Hi, Greetings to Steem Pakistan Member. Thanks for sharing your quality content with us


This is really interesting beside other activities we oftentimes share on Steemit. You have explained in a practical and easy way. It is very helpful for those who are interested in playing chess but don't know the actual techniques. Continue it. Thanks

you explained in detail..
didnt know the names in english we call all of them differently in urdu except rook hahaha.

Baadshah, begum, feela, ghora, qila, pyada 🤣🤣

Salam Dr. Huzaifa!
I want a little conversation with you if you can. How can I reach you?

@event-horizon please mute him


Hi @huzaifanaveed1, It's the first time I see a post explaining the principles of this classic strategy game. And it is very well explained.
Which by the way, is not only a game, I really consider it a way to teach the mind to think in an orderly way and foresee what the other player can do.
We could say that it is a way for our mind to exercise in terms of planning, and that has a very positive impact on all aspects of our life. don't you think so?