Steemit Engagement - Week 3 Contest|Defend the statements|STEEMIT Pakistan.

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago 

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Hey everyone, this is Komal Salman here participating in the 3rd contest of Steemit Pakistan Community. I would like to make a request to this community people to help the newcomers as the only thing they need is your support, your kind words and your back that you are with them. Doing so will also give you a chance to help other and gain good deed's reward.

First of all, I would live to say thanks to the community for giving us some challenging opportunity to think out of the box and present you something different this time.

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Let us first see the topic of the contest. Defending your statement is itself a chance for everybody to proof themselves how cleverly and how clearly one can defend. And defend what ? Not of your choice but of someone's else like this challenge. One can defend easily of his own choice but then what is challenging in this? , Right ? . I wish a very good luck to my readers and viewers for their entry in this contest and all of those contest in which they participated.

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I will try my best to share the best content I can create for this contest. I will request to kindly give a read to my post and help me grow in the Steemit World!!.

Now, let's get started .

POINT # 1 :


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It is the utmost responsibility of a women to take care of their families regardless of anything. On every women's mind, it's on priority to serve their families. Let me explain it to you in more simple and easiest way. Women has kind heart than men for their family members as men have to be a little strict to maintain the balance. If both get kind and strict , the balance would not be good and routine life will be disturbed.

I will defend this statement by my religious teaching as well.

"Religious Teaching For Women"

I don't know what other religions taught about women but "Islam" , women should've special place in everybody's heart and respect .
The way they treat you deserves equal and same respect from you. They stand all the day in the kitchen to prepare meal for you. Not only prepare it but also serve you and listen to your bad comments on her dish and stay silent. What else she can do except to listen to this disgusting comments. Just imagine yourself, if you'd given her responsibility for one time not one day you'd like to die instead of performing her duty.
So be kind to them. They are not your servants!!! Please.

~Different Stages of Women~

~Being a Daughter~

When a women is a daughter, her mom teaches her to serve her family is her utmost responsibility and from the young age the mind accept this reality. She prepare food for her father, brother, uncles and even for the guests.
She prepare for you and she must get love and appreciation in return.

~Being a Sister ~
A sister has always a special place for their brothers and for her father. She never compromise on their hygiene and notice each time what they are eating, either they eat or not. She loves to prepare meal for them and in return she should get love and respect.

~Being a MOTHER~
Every single one of us will agree this our mother is the love of our family. She did not take care of herself but never disappoint her family. Her husband, kids and her in-laws are her first priority. She left her father's house to serve his husband's family. Isn't it enough to get respect and love?.
She make sure everything that her husband won't leave the house without having meal and same goes for her kids and in-laws.

~ Being a Wife~
As , I am , myself a wife so I can easily understand that how important your family is. Preparing meal for his breakfast, lunch and dinner. Give him a lunch box for his office.
We are on our very early age taught that we have to serve this world with our delicious dishes and win their hearts.

It is a very famous saying that :

To Reach men heart you have to pass their stomach

Once you have pass their stomach by giving them special treatment and provide them delicious dishes and what not , I can bet you can easily win their hearts. As I am experiencing it!! LOL!😂.

So yeah, women has place in kitchen and has a special place in your heart. She deserves equal respect, appreciation and love. Today after reading this post, go to your mother, sister, daughter and wife. Bring a flower for them and say thanks for standing for us in hot and cold and prepare food for us.

I tried my best to defend the above given statement. Let's go the second one!.

POINT # 2 :


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Well, A big YES!! . Think yourself¿ . How can one spend their life without money ? . In every step of your life you need money to move forward. No one will give you money for all the time.
Love and Money both are two different things. You can't say I can live without money . The one who says it is such a big liar to themselves and to those they said !.
When you love someone , it's your wish to keep them happy, give them surprises, gifts, chocolates , celebrate their birthdays, give them treat. But how ? It can only happen when you've Money. Without Money, leave all the things behind. Nothing will work for you.
You can say love and Money both are important source to live a happy life but only love is not workable!!.
You can't say love will make money for you and your partner ,LoL!😂.

Let's have an example. When you love someone ,the next step is to get married. If you're serious to each other. If not, then what matters? But you will be in high loss.
Well, you need money to get married. But where is the money? You relay on love? Right?. Then stay away and retrack yourselves.

• Money is not that bad if we take it for the sake of good things.
• You can not be happy if you don't have money.

• You can't spend a good life if you don't have money.

• Through money you can atleast fulfil your life needs.

• You can actually enjoy the life if you've money.

• Money is the only source people do struggle for. Like we are here for what? For obviously earning money for our healthy,happy and prosperous lifestyles.

•Ending this point by saying that :

✓You can have love easily but for money you've to work hard. Only Money can feed the body , love can not. If you live, you will be able to love


Let us talk about our 3rd and last mandatory point.

POINT # 3 :


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I will defend this point by the famous saying :

Work hard & good things will happen to you

If you have habit to work hard and leave it on GOD , you can't be a failure. Believe me, the craze of being on top, richest men or women will left us empty one day. So for real success you have to work hard.

• As I am a newcomer , I have seen at the end of each contest the admins wrote down that "Votes are not guaranteed". Which means what?. Think yourselves is it that much easy by getting only votes you can earn a good reward? Really?.
If you think it's, then you must be on sleeping mode.

•Votes are one of the source and part of the contest which has specifically some members when they vote for you then you can say yes, my post and my efforts paid it off. But only relaying on votes is such a stupidity!.

• If votes are that much important then every second member of us would be winning the contest. But for every platform there are some rules and regulations which you can't change or break them into pieces.

• Concluding my point by saying that only work hard, quality Content and real content can attract your viewers and readers. Make sure to provide them actual content that best describes the topic.

I wish best of luck for my steemians friends. Hope to hear some good news onwards.

I would like to invite @uzma4882 and @arinaz08 to participate in this contest and wish them a very good luck.

Singing Off,
Komal Salman
Take care
Allah Hafiz.

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Great post. Dear. You have shared a fantastic post. I am impressed by your work. And I appreciate your effort. Because you have given much time to your post. And your thoughts about these statements. I agreed with you and your thinking

It takes time to think, re-think and then put all the efforts. Yes, definitely I had a very busy schedule this week but I manage any how to participate. I am happy that our point of vision are same for this contest. Thanks Alot

Greetings little friend, I think that as a woman we should always be respected in every way, but we should also understand that if you do things with love we will always have good results and if you cook with love, even others offer to wash the dishes😉
I also agree that money is more than love because with love I don't go to the supermarket to buy my personal things or a box of cereal 😂

Good luck in the contest 🤞🏻
Best regards.
Many Blessings.🙏🏻

Absolutely correct. Respect in any relation is necessary. Without it, no relationship can survive. And if you've money, you can live a better life and feed others. Thankyou for your kind words.


It was a nice read, and have a good observation on every point. It is true that women need respect because women have more feelings than a man, and beautiful comments can make their mood a lot better.

You also have made a really great point where you said that a husband and wife have to make a balance if one is sweet then the other has to be strict, that point relates to my family a lot. Even my father never hit or shouted at us but still can never do anything in front of him which goes against the family values and beliefs.

A father should be strict or atleast one must have fear of father with respect. You must respect your father as he is the only well wisher and the man who is working hard for your better life.

Ame tu publicación amiga, sobre todo cuando describes las etapas de la mujer en la familia, es cierto por la cocina puede entrar el amor, es por eso que la responsabilidad del hogar entra y comienza con la mujer al frente de la cocina.

Sin dinero no alcanzamos nada, es cierto que el amor es necesario, pero es un sentimiento que alimenta el alma, en lo físico es necesario el dinero, pues sin el no podemos comprar nada, pagar gastos y cubrir necesidades.

Tienen razón, el trabajo duro es recompensado, si nos esforzamos conseguiremos votos y si nuestro esfuerzo crece, también crecerá las posibilidades de llegar más votos.

Me gusto mucho leerte, te deseo suerte.

Hey, my good wishes for you too. Describing each time and doing justice with all points was my first priority and I am happy that most of the points which are mentioned in my post are agreed by other community members too. 🙂

Thankyou for taking part in this contest.

Club Statistics#Club50
Beneficiary to pak-charityYes
Number Of Words1487
Number Of Upvotes8
Number Of Comments7