Kale Vegetable is Good for Health

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago 


This morning I was going to hunt kale. Because for me, this kale is very delicious. Especially if it is processed with additional shrimp paste, or taucho. Usually, my mother makes this kale by frying it. But today is a bit different, because my mother cooked this kale with leumak sauce.

Namely by adding coconut milk and some other seasonings.

It feels more delicious, and delicious. But after I eat kale, my body feels sore and stiff, even sleepy. Maybe because I eat too much. This is what I often complain about after consuming kale.


Kangkung or Epinomeia, is a vegetable plant that is quite popular with the community. Plants that grow a lot in this Asian country, easy to find, are also a good source of nutrients for the body.

There are 2 types of water spinach that I encountered today, namely water spinach, which grows a lot in swamps, with slightly wide leaves.


And also land kale, which is widely cultivated in gardens. With the characteristics of small, long leaves.


But in terms of taste, and benefits, both are the same. Then what are the other benefits of kale?

Feeling sleepy is a signal from the body, to rest, and usually occurs when I experience fatigue. It turns out that the consumption of kale can make you sleepy. Because this kale contains tetanol which can make you sleepy, or calmer, if I consume too much.

However, if I consume it in moderation, and not in excess, it won't make me sleepy. So to fulfill my daily nutrition, I need to consume lots of vegetables and fruit. Kale contains vitamins, minerals, and fiber that keep the body healthy. I really like kale, but I'm also very careful when consuming kale, because kale is toxic. This kale comes from plants that live in swamps.

And in the swamp there are parasites, and also worm eggs. So a lot of sticking to the kale leaves.

If the water spinach is not cleaned, then the water spinach contains poison and is dangerous if I consume it.

Fiber is a very good content needed by the body, its function is to lower bad cholesterol levels that cause cardiovascular disease. Well, by consuming kale, I can gain weight. That's why I always consume kale regularly. For example, at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Because this kale can increase fiber intake. Well, high fiber intake can increase my appetite, and I will always feel hungry, and want to eat.
In addition, kale also contains high levels of purines, compared to other vegetables. Below is a safe way that I usually practice when consuming kale.

First, before I consume kale, I wash it first with running water, especially on the inside of the kale.

After washing, I cut into pieces.

Kale vegetables have a fairly high potassium content. So, when my mother cooks kale, it's not too hot, because if it's too hot, the kale can become sluggish, or turn black in color. So that the fiber or vitamins contained in kale can be reduced in number.

Lastly, my mother never heats kale that is not finished eating. Because it can damage the condition of vitamins in kale.

Well, Steemian friend, that's my story today, and also the kale I hunted this morning. Now we know the benefits if we are diligent in consuming kale.

Remember yes, delicious does not mean healthy. Keep your diet, so as to avoid the lurking of dangerous diseases.

Thanks for reading.

Best regards always.

By @midiagam

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