Emerging Adulthood

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago  (edited)

“Adulthood is like looking both ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by an airplane.”

As soon as a child reaches a certain age where he starts realizing realities of life, and understanding tough situations, it is that moment when he becomes an adult.

“The worst thing about adulthood is that it starts before you even know that it has started.”

After living through a bliss period as a child, the road to life begins for a person all of a sudden, when he has to choose between right and wrong, and make his own decisions. Surely people to guide him along the way are always there, but it’s always up to him to make the final choice in the end.


“Adulthood is not an age, it is a stage of knowledge of self.”

Even though it begins all of a sudden, it is the most important and necessary phase of life. It brings the most challenges, through which a person discovers more about himself and determines whether he wants to make or break himself.

“In childhood be modest, in youth temperate, in adulthood just, and in old age prudent.”

Different phases of life bring different things out in a person, and adulthood is when most of them are brought out. For a young person who newly enters this phase, it may be physically and emotionally stressful initially, which is why it is important that he is surrounded by caring and understanding people who are always there to help him out every step of the way.


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