Contest:Invention of Bulb by @nabeelsaqib

in hive-136998 •  3 years ago 

Assalamualaikum Everyone

I am very happy to work with you beacuse I love my pakistani brothers. This is my first entry in the contest of this community. In thisn post am discuss abput the bulb. And talk about its invention that how it invent and how its easy to use.


Some of the best plans are made in the middle of the night; some people even keep notebooks by their bedside in hopes of capturing innovative, dream-driven ideas. Others are just lucky: Innovations seem to fall like raindrops and ideas for the next best money-making inventions keep falling.

But good ideas are just the beginning. We are all capable of creatively creating ideas that are worth sharing. What matters most is what happens next: the tone.

This is how you sell those great ideas, get your listeners to remember you, and more importantly, they want to hear more about what you have to offer.

Marketing your idea or invention is not just talking about what you have discovered. It's about researching and understanding how your product will solve a consumer's problem and explaining and presenting it in an effective and entertaining way.

Invention of Light Bulb 💡

One of the most influencing everyday conveniences in our lives, the electric light was not "invented" in the traditional sense in 1879 by Thomas Alva Edison, although he arguably invented the first commercially practical incandescent light. He was not the first or the only person who tried to invent the incandescent light bulb. In fact, some historians claim that there were more than 20 inventors of the incandescent light before Edison's version. However, Edison is often credited with his invention because his version was able to outperform previous versions due to a combination of three factors: an effective incandescent material, a higher vacuum than others could achieve, and a high resistance that made the power distribution from a centralized point. economically feasible source.

Over the next seven decades, other inventors also created the "light bulb", but no design emerged for commercial applications. More specifically, in 1840, the English scientist Warren de la Rue wrapped a circular platinum filament in a vacuum tube and passed an electric current through it. The design is based on the concept that platinum's high melting point will allow it to operate at high temperatures and the evacuated space will contain fewer gas molecules to react with the platinum, increasing its longevity. Despite its efficient design, the cost of platinum makes it impractical for commercial production.


In 1850, an English physicist named Joseph Wilson Swan invented the "light bulb" by enclosing a charred paper filament in a glass bulb under vacuum. And by 1860 he had a working prototype, but the lack of a good vacuum and adequate power supply resulted in a bulb whose lifespan was too short to be considered an effective light emitter. However, by the 1870s better vacuum pumps became available and Swan continued his experiments with light bulbs. In 1878, Swan developed a more durable bulb using treated cotton yarn that also eliminated the problem of premature bulb blackening.

Notable Dates

  • 1906 - General Electric Company is the first to patent a method of manufacturing a tungsten filament for use in incandescent light bulbs. Edison himself knew that tungsten would eventually prove to be the best choice for the filament of incandescent light bulbs, but in his day, the machines needed to make wire into such a fine shape were not available.

  • 1910 - William David Coolidge of General Electric improves a manufacturing process to make tungsten filaments last longer.

  • 1920s – The first dim bulbs and adjustable wattage spotlights for automobile headlights and fluorescent lights are produced.

    • 1930s – The 1930s saw the invention of the single small light bulb for photography and the fluorescent tanning lamp.
  • 1930s - The 1930s saw the invention of small disposable flashes for photography and fluorescent tanning lamps.
  • 1950s - Halogen bulbs and quartz glass are produced.

    • 1980s: new low-voltage metal halides were created
  • 1990s: Long-lasting light bulbs and compact fluorescent light bulbs debuted.

wide availability and low cost

easy integration into the electrical system

adaptable for small systems

wide availability of shapes and sizes



Everywhere there are light bulbs. You can look around you and instantly see light bulbs. The light bulb changed countless things. Entertainment, mining, manufacturing, streetlights, lighting, industries, warfare, and uses of electricity. The best light source, by far, is the light bulb.



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You didn't understand the gist of the contest. It wasn't about writing the history of the invention. It was about writing your experience.

You haven't given a single source of all this information. Achievement 3 was all about content etiquette which you seem to have forgotten.

Moreover, the images used are not free.

Entry Disqualified.

I'm sorry I thought I had to write about it, sorry it won't happen again.@event-horizon

Better luck next time.

I appreciate you .. ma'am