today weather
Today the weather is very beautiful here, we are very beautiful and cloudy too, let me tell you about the weather of my area, where is the second day, there is a lot of clouds, it also rains, the weather is also very cold, this winter And while sleeping at night, we also feel cold because the weather is very cold at night and we have very nice weather during the day also, there are clouds in the day and sometimes rain also comes and anyway the weather is cold now. There are many advantages and many disadvantages due to the absence of weather Kaithal, but if the weather becomes cold in summer, then it has a different fun.
Today the weather was cold and it rained
Now I will show you how our weather is when it rains how beautiful it is how cold it is and how it rains People enjoy a lot due to the weather being Kaithal, people come out on the streets, they enjoy the weather a lot. This is a great act of God, when it rains in summer, the weather becomes very beautiful, it becomes very cold, it becomes very enjoyable, these people have a lot of disturbed dishes in their homes. people enjoy too much food Somewhere people also go on picnics and enjoy the weather very much. Let me show you pictures of the weather in my village, how beautiful the weather is .
You can see how lovely the weather is, it is also raining lightly, how people are enjoying and the weather is very beautiful. We thank our Lord that our Ram has bestowed upon us such a name as we could not have imagined.