Steemit Engagement Challenge - "The Three Rs and Three Cs" By @salemumar5

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)


Asalam o alaikum;

The post is delegate towards our country where we are blessed to have Pakistan, as we are Muslims its our belief that Pakistan is blessed in Ramdan by our Almighty Allah has gifted this land because of our ancestors sacrifices and they sacrificed their lifes for our pleasure and contentment, so we can strive in a a nation where we have the right to live the lifes according to the teaching of our Allah.

So the @steemitpak has organised every specialist content where every one will share their country pros and cons, where they will share culture, people and the natural environment that is blessed upon them by Allah the almighty. As you know i am Pakistani citizens and Pakistan is full of joy, alluring and delicate in every means. So lets get start the blog.



The thing i most is Pakistan is surrounded by many cultures, its duty to thank Allah almighty that he blessed us such beautiful country where different kind of culture are embedded in it.



Since there are different types of culture come end to end, first sindhi culture having its unique ambience where all over the city celebrate this day on 1 December, held our schools, college and university also arrange functions on it. So we also engaged in this culture alot becuase we live in karachi which is situated in sindh.



So every where you will see people wearing different shalwar kameez along ajrak and this tradition is also copied by many un cultural people while wearing shalwar kameez along shawls. So you can see how culture attract everyone. But we are talking about sindhi culture though there all mens and women sear ajrak in their own sense of dressing.


Punjabi culture has also it's uniqueness, they not inly diverse the cultural presence but also welcome you by eating and drinking. They are very hail greeters, if you went there home suddenly and suprise the they will surprise you from their culture and ain't let you go by eating and drinking lassi other things.

Since they spent cultural day on 14march , if you came pakistan do must enjoy your weekend in punjab.



This culture is also very unique and made celebrate on 2 march, held our former prime minister imran also celebrate this culture to lift them up because these people in Balochistan were very poor and there were lack infrastructure and less developed city. For showing desirable towards them our country specially celebrate this culture all along.




This culture is also having its unique ambience in iur country, people of Kpk were so different. Since the most of people in kpk were from Afghanistan since they show that type traditions alot.

Like you would see pakul cap which Pathan mostly used to wear. Held the ladies also having unique dress with great dignity. So if you want to see their cultural presence do visit kpk or Quetta on 23 sep.



So these above appearance were the reason i like my country alot you can wear any culture and feels same inspiration, same like kate middleton visited pakistan and felt same feelings..




Our country was very by charitable and donations institute, here not only institute or organizations take part but people by themselves take part in it.

Well you heard about many charitable institutions and organisations in our country but among them the leading stars who contribute their entire lifes to poor communities known as ABDUL SATAR EIDHI. They provide shelters to homeless, take part in the marriages girls, provides education and other many uncountable things that they are doing still after the death of both late Mr and Mrs SATAR.


Held there were many organisations who take part in this well i will show their name listed below;

  • Eidhi foundation.
  • Jdc welfare foundation.
  • Shaukat khana memorial hospital.
  • Al khidmat foundation.
  • Saylani welfare.
  • Minhaj welfare foundation.

Held these were only few which i enlightened, if you cane towards local there were many you can't approach them. More intereything is that our youth also support charitable activities in their own university colleges and schools.

Our people are very generous in this means, more over our steemit members and cr's also generate heavy amount of charity to help those who are needy. For this check this post out you will then understand link our team is very pitfall against these women who suffering from cancer please help them to share our contributions to save her.

So this what i like alot Pakistani peoples generosity is amazing they never let us down in any situation extremely for donations.


Our country is blessed by every thing, what we ain't have is is proper management who can strive and look towards the problems. Pakistan is count under most blessed country where we can taste every weather.

Tourist are extremely attract by this natural blessings towards Pakistan, if they want to spent cold and winter times they can visit northern sides of Pakistan, where the natural and cultural attractions let them say Pakistan zindabaad!

This is ain't Switzerland!! This Pakistan you can see how beautiful the places covered between snow and some are showing healthy summer feeling.



That was the natural area which blessed by Allah, yet you can also spent your times in our cities, like Islamabad is the capital you can visit many different areas to eat, yet Islamabad mosque is very famous among all. Held if you are visiting lahor you can visit the lahor fort , badshai mosque and many ancient times.



These were inly few cities i talked about our country is full of blessings and favoured by Allah, you can visit the food street where you can eat mutlipe types of food every culture having their own specialty.

So how about your experience by reading my diary, are these point are not enough to love our country? For me these are very only few things if you visit Pakistan your heart ain't let you to leave this blessed land.


There are many changes but among them most important changes to lift our country towards success are as follows.


I f talk about our country downfall si the first thing is lack of industrial infrastructure in Pakistan and less diverse bussines setups.

Our country is categorised in less developed countries while other counties first look out for industrial products and gain lot of profit. I will explain you this problem with one example our country Pakistan exports agriculture stuffs and other material things if we export woods to other countries while we know that we are providing and exporting best woods to others but what they are doing from that they are making manufacturing products and gain all the profit along it! This is the basic drawback.

Our country is importingNiddles from other countries. Yet we have to stop this importing and diverse our bussines for long term. This would only happens if we promote the practical approach in our education yet this else to other debate which we will cover below in education point of you.


So the need of diverse bussines and industrial set-up in Pakistan would lead our country towards success.


Our educational sector is very worst we should stop this. In our primary and secondary education there were open cheating sources, but if you have good background and schooling education you can be count in good side.

The management should be bold and should take corrective actions in every type activities. There are many actions have been taken by government but for this we also as a people we have to stop this.

When i was a kidd i take advantage from these things but i totally disagrees now because i now that skills matter your education matters, but our country is totally not accepting this things eventually their parents used to support them.

Not like this!


So my advice is for our people who should be able to understand that their children's education can lead them a good and beautiful future. Regarding the government they always take actions but if the heavy charges and penalties should impose this education crime could be change.


The main thing that our country surviving from is lack of management , held we have institutions like ICMAP, ICAP and ACCA GLOBAL they provide professional accountants. Mainly ICMAP held i am member of ICMAP they taught very well MANAGERIAL practices although they also used to work abroad and provide organisation excellent policies.

The bureaucrats in our country should device best policy they should know the practical instance of their policies should be first check in RND and then should apply.

Not like sirilanka who implement the policy for organic fertilization and ultimately they are started importing rice and other agriculture products because this they suffer alot. So better policy with good decision making can your country to strive in this competitive market. Otherwise competitive edge will always gain by others and you will suffer losses!


Yet finally we have to admit that we should obey our law protocol rules and regulations which is imposed by government. Properly give tax and as we are muslims we should also give ZAKAT government should endorse these things mainly for Zakat the proper collection of zakat should be implement just like they collect tax.

Held we should have to follow the law and as we heard that ignorance of law has no excuse for this we are pakistani so we should maintain lives our life as per our religion which provides excellent guidelines to run a country. We have SHARIA SUNNAH of our belovedPROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) if we encourage our religion we will strive and eventually move towards success.


So means are clear and crystal towards my country and we hope that Pakistan can be better country in future but for this we have to change first and obey our religion. If we ain't change ourselves ultimately we will suffer same like sirilanka and Zimbawe.

Held i shared all my thoughts and thanks for give a read and my appreciation towards my @steemitpak community who organised such great content.

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You have written a great post...We should be thankful to god for giving us such a beautiful country with a lot of cultures and most important thing unity among people..
Pakistan has the best NGOs in the world and the amount in which people donate is unbelievable.
The beauty of pakistan is another gift from god and it is one of the reason not only pakistani but tourists also love pakistan...

Change in our educational system is most important thing to do because education decides the future of our young generation...
The reason of downfall in our industries is appointment of wrong man on wrong place we will have to import less and export more to get more profit.....

Thanks brother for your appreciation..

Your country is really blessed with a colorful culture and eye catching landscapes.

You have written very well and made standout points.

@salemumar5 brother you represented everything very clearly. The cultural values of Pakistan and humanity among Pakistani peoples is the brightest image of this country.

Hello @salemumar5,
You have demonstrated very expertly different norms of our culture and also show some big issues faced by our country, you made a post of real quality.

An interesting and knowledge content has been introduced by community yet you also elaborate well finite points..

We have SHARIA SUNNAH of our beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) if we encourage our religion we will strive and eventually move towards success.

A very valid point, plus the points you highlighted are accurate but in my opinion cheating is not only the factor that prevents us from growing, the children cheat because our system believes in good grades than proper understanding, also the sad reality is that there are no proper educational sources given to poor areas, and most people can't afford quality education.

Yes both govt and public have to fake steps for betterment of Pakistan.

Well it's going to take some time before the government actually does something about any of the changes. We just have to be patient with them and do the little you can.

Yes we hope for the best

Thankyou for taking part in this contest.

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Que hermoso país el que tienes, rico en belleza y tradiciones!

What a beautiful country you have, rich in beauty and traditions!