In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to God. May Allah Almighty grant you every good and heartfelt desire. May Allah Almighty give you the power to always tell the truth and protect you from lying. May Allah Almighty make you obedient to your parents. May Allah Almighty remove all your difficulties and worries. May Allaah grant you the opportunity to serve your parents May Allaah protect you from every disease and may Allaah grant you good health because health is a blessing from Allaah Almighty to make you do good deeds May Allah Almighty make your every destination easy, may Allah Almighty grant you the opportunity to help the poor and may Allah Almighty grant you success and prosperity at every turn and may Allah Almighty bless you.
After getting up early in the morning and doing the first light exercise, I washed my hands and I said, "Son, breakfast is ready. Have breakfast. After breakfast, I listen to the news on TV and then go to my home service shop." Opened first cleaned two ears and then I sat at my shop for 2 3 hours. After closing the shop, I cut the grass for my animals from outside, rested a little at home and then fed my animals and then Then I washed my hands and mouth. My mother said, "Son, lunch is ready. Come and eat." After eating, I called and said, "Oh, I have to go to the hospital. My mother is very ill. He came. We went there. It was very busy. We waited there for a while and then took some medicine. When we went to the hospital, there were a lot of flowering plants that were very beautiful. Took many pictures of B's words and then came back home when it was time for Zuhr with you at home. I rested at home for a while and then my mother said son tea is ready. Come and drink tea. After drinking tea, I did not have any time for Facebook to pass the time. Then I got a call from a friend and he said, "Let's go play volleyball. It will be evening when I return home." It was already dark. I came back home and raised my hand and then my mother said, "Son, have dinner and eat. After dinner, I saw a drama on TV. When the drama ended, it was time for Isha Adhan." Done I prayed Isha and then came back home. When I came back home I prepared for bed and then I slept comfortably on my bed.
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