Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Be the Critical thinkers we want to see!

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hello Everyone. We hope you all are doing good. Thank you for your incredible participation in the first and second contests.

In collaboration with the Steemit Team, we are announcing our Third Contest of the Engagement Challenge. People from all over the world are invited to take part in this contest unless they are not using bid bots services. Participation in at least #club5050 is necessary. Club75 and Club100 would be highly appreciated.


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We have reached the third week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Our first two weeks were extremely interesting as first we got to know about different countries and told you about ours. In the second week, we learned about each other's festivals whether they be religious or cultural.

This week we have come up with an interesting idea to make the engagement challenge more exciting and bring out the best from you all. We have all been looking at the interaction and observing that this is the usual engagement that we always see on Steemit. This time we have come up with the idea to bring out critical thinkers and those who will comment, they will now not comment on the beauty of the country, culture, market, or food. This time they will drop a comment on the views of different people on different statements, which can be for sure very different from each other. It would be exciting to see how it goes.

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From the title image, it is very clear what you have to do.

We have given you 5 Statements. You have to defend any two of your choice except the one that is on number 3 enclosed in a blue rounded rectangle.

Which means you can choose any 2 statements from the 4 given below:

  • A woman's place is in the kitchen.
  • You will stay happier if you are unmarried.
  • Punishment never has a good effect.
  • Money is more important than love.

And, you have to defend this statement compulsorily which is perhaps the most renowned statement here on Steemi:


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Rules of the Contest

  • Set 20% beneficiaries to pak-charity
  • You should be a member of one of the clubs ( #club5050, #club75, Or #club100 )
  • The post should be made in Steemit Pakistan, there is no language barrier. Please use free images only.
  • Your post should contain atleast (400) four hundred words or more.
  • Your post must be steemexclusive.
  • You can share your contest post as early as Monday at 00:00 (UTC). The last time to join is Sunday at 23:59(UTC).
  • Drop the link to your post in the comment section of this post. Invite two friends of yours to participate in this contest through the comment. Your comment should now be like this: Here is the link to my participation post: Link. I invite user1 and user2 to take part in this contest.
  • Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Any participation post found plagiarized will be disqualified and strict action will be taken.
  • Use the tag: #spengagement-week3 in the first 5 tags with your club status and country tag.

The most important rule is to visit the posts made by other participants and drop your comments and engage with them. Remember, Increasing engagement between the people is the utmost goal of this Program

Another detailed post of rules to be followed throughout the engagement challenge will be published soon, right after the announcement made by steemitblog. The more you are seen on others' posts, the more your username will shine.

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The Winners Rewards For This Contest

There will be 5 winners in this contest. The prize distribution will be done in the following manner.

115 Steem
212 Steem
39 Steem
46 Steem
53 Steem

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We wish you all the very best of luck and see you all in the contests and in Steemit Pakistan Community. You all are welcome to take part in the contests run in our Community.

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Quick Delegation Links To earn delegation rewards

50 SP100 SP200 SP300 SP400 SP500 SP
1000 SP1500 SP2000 SP3000 SP4000 SP5000 SP
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Feliz día apreciados amigos
Aquí está el enlace a mi publicación de participación:

Invito a usuario @migue14 @zmoreno @miguelito80

@steemit-pak here's my entry

Statements worth defending

It's really a great contest, am really proud of participating, I really wish it is pure, 100% quality. I gladly invite @estyroberts and @mesola to participate.

What's happening this week. We're having such interesting contests. This is by far the best contest of this week. I absolutely love it. Whos the mastermind behind this topic

Creo que los crítico y filósofos estaremos "criticando y filosofando"
Anhelo leer ya lo que tenemos para decir.

Esta es la idea central detrás de este concurso ;)

Aja! lo sospeché desde un principio... un abrazo... que tengamos las mejores participaciones ;)

Los tendremos IA

De verdad que les felicito, por qu enos pusieron a pensar, escribir apoyando una afirmación contraria a nuestros preceptos e ideales, en verdad que fue un a tremenda idea. Muchos sacaran lo mejor y lo peor, jajajaja.
Saludos amigos de Steem Pakistán

Totalmente, el asunto es que las frases que hay que defender contraponen algunas posiciones, por lo que en los comentarios seguro que estaremos viendo algunas retracciones. Saludos amiga @yrmaleza, un abrazo.

Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

I bet you know me very well😂

My entry for this Contest

Saludos amigos de Steemit Paksitan. Es un gusto poder participar y por aqui les dejo el link:

Apoyada amiga @nanidi

Apoyado amigo @yonaikerurso.

Sepertinya ini suatu kontes yang harus saya ikuti.

Kami mencari entri yang luar biasa. Kami harap Anda akan membawa satu.

Terimakasih kanda @haidermehdi.
Saya akan mencoba bawakan satu dalam beberapa hari kedepan.

Nice comment

Execelente, estaré participando

Gracias, Estamos esperando su entrada.

Topics are interested, I think mostly people love to write one of these topics that is present in their minds. Very nice selection!😎

Thankyou :)

Welcome! 😎

The contest sounds amazing! I will participate. But, i have a question, should the 2 topics come in as a post or should it be 2 different posts?

All three topics shall be written in one post of a minimum length of 400 words.

Remember you have to pick two topics of your choice and third one is compulsory which is Votes are not guaranteed -sc01

Ok sir.

Apoyado amigo @soywilfredg

Great contest. InshaAllah i will participate in it

It'd be great to see you participating in this.

Saludos aquí mi participación

Steemit Engagement Challenge Semana #3// Defiende las declaraciones//@eve73

quiero invitar a participar a @eliany @azamrai

I will surely participate thank you for the invitation

La esperamos, un placer.

Apoyada amiga @eve73

Wow once again a very interesting topic.
I'll surely participate in the contest.
Just wait for my entry.

Okay then, we are waiting for that.


Great contest


Please @haidermehdi I want your support please 🥺

Finally something different and creative. I'm sure we'll get a chance to read many interesting entries this time.

All the best to all the participants.

Haha yeah. Let's hope that the pens don't run out of ink in this contest :D I am sure there will be contradictions xD I will be looking out for those who make excellent comments and maybe they get a reward for that ;)

Apoyado amigo @b-naj


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

I couldn't participate in last two contest coz i had alot of work i had exams last month now i am very excited for this 🤗

We will be waiting for your entry ubaid008. Let's see what you got :)

Aside from my entry which I will make soon, am anticipating reading some more entries, to see their views about each topic

That's cool. remember you have to defend these statements as if they were yours. You don't have to put your opinion on them.

Unique idea for this week
Steemit pak always bring amazing and different contests for all of us.
In sha Allah i will must participate ,will love to share my views

That's great. We are looking forward to read your participation post.

In Sha Allah soon

Apoyado amigo @wase1234

Oh thank you

Thanks for the invite

You are welcome.

It is undoubtedly am interesting and intriguing content. Reading posts on said statements would definitely be interesting as well.

Yeah, I am sure we will be having amazing entries.

Se verán cosas interesantes. No me lo pierdo

Sí, los veremos juntos. La mejor de las suertes para ti.

Aquí está el enlace a mi publicación de participación:

Invito a @maylinch e @yrmaleza a participar en este concurso.

Here is my participation in engagement challenge week-3 contest.

I would like to invite these competent writers to take part in steemit pakistan community for this contest!


Thank you

Surely @azamrai i just posted in one community,soon i will post here...

@salemumar5 Thank you

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I find this contest really interesting, @steemit-pak. I love it when we're given the chance to write a valuable text.

You may want to check that extra "no" in the second paragraph, third line.


Apoyada amiga @nellita66


Hi... Thank you for this week contest... But I have a question. Can we against the statements?

omg jajajja será interesante

si, será genial.

La mejor de las suertes

Gracias, la voy a necesitar en este papel de Abogada jajaja

Estoy segura de que lo lograrás xD

A mí se me incorporó "Harvey Specter" jajajajaja
Seguro que habrán algunas contraposiciones.
Saludos amiga @vivigibelis, espero ver su entrada muy pronto.

Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

jajajajja ya voy a leerlo, seguro su lado defensor es bastante visible. De mi parte soy una abogada muy teórica jaja saludos

Supiera que antes de entrar en la universidad, una de mis carreras favoritas era la de derecho.


Aquí está el enlace a mi publicación de participación: Enlace.

Invito a @joyarub y @fuentesjo3006 a participar en este concurso

Hasta la proxima...

Hola estimados amigos, aquí mi participación, aprovecho de invitar a @nane15, @idalia87, @saybelpqra para que se sumen a esta excelente iniciativa.

Very interesting i will try my best

wow! muy interesante este reto esta semana. Muchas gracias por la invitación. Exitos

Hola bello amigo gracias por la invitación muy pronto estaré participando claro que sí🙏🤗

Está bien, te deseo mucha suerte =)

#affable #venezuela

Aquí está el enlace a mi publicación de participación: Enlace. Invito a @wentv y @dexsyluz a participar en este concurso.

This is my entry link I am inviting @swaylee @liam1 and @eberechi10 to participate in this awesome contest

Here is the link to my participation post: Link. I invite
@ahsansharif and @arinaz08 to take part in this contest.


Thanks for mentioning me I will take part in which contest soon.

Here is the link to my entry.
I invite @ngoenyi and @tenguhatanga to be a part of this contest.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Ok thanks friend I have dropped my entry.
I wish you success.

Thank you. i wish you success too

Here is the Link to my participation post.


I invite @dave-hanny and @patience90 to take part in this contest.

Thank you.

Here is the link of my Participation:

I really enjoyed going through and making the post and would like to invite @sumit71428 , @rialifestyle and @riya2222 to take part in this contest!

Thank you for the invite

I will send my entry shortly

Saludos. A continuación el enlace a mi publicación de participación: Invito a @yrmaleza y @graceleon a participar en este concurso.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hello sir please check your link again

Aquí está el enlace a mi publicación de participación:

Steemit Engagement Challenge Week # 3 || Defend The Statements || Por: @frankingcol

Invito a @franvidaybelleza y @gerardo1608 a participar.

Excelente el tema de las declaraciones