Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 1 Week 3 | Defend the Statements | by @ubongudofot

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago  (edited)


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Hello, beautiful people,

It feels good to be here, so quickly let me defend this before my laptop goes off, So out of the five points listed, the three things I would be defending are as Follows:

  • A woman's place is in the Kitchen
  • You will stay happier if you are unmarried
  • Votes are not guaranteed

First of all, I am not a lawyer, but I have a sense of speaking for and against something, I think that’s Natural. Alright take a look at my Opinion below.

A woman's place is in the Kitchen

A woman has been categorized as the weaker vessel, this makes it sometimes very easy for some irresponsible men to look down on a woman's ability which is not good.

A woman was created to become a support to a man. But then we find a situation where a man marries a beautiful promising young lady and turns her into a full-time housewife or possibly his cook.

In the past, women were not allowed to go to school or even learn a trade. Some parents usually had the mentality that a woman's place is zoned to the kitchen and so she has nothing tangible to produce into the society except taking care of the home and childbearing, that was such a narrow mindset.

Technology and today's education have thwarted this mentality, in our 21st-century world, we have beautiful women who have taken a bold step toward becoming a better version of themselves. We have female professors, female teachers, medical doctors, and even government officials who are parastatals.

Women are gradually measuring up with men in music, politics, movies, education, and other disciplines. These women mentioned above have proven to the society who have always believed that they only have a space in the kitchen that they could become something and also help in the development of the society.

Although it is the responsibility of a woman to prepare and serve meals, selection and care of clothing, laundering, furnishing, and maintenance of the home should be a collective responsibility and not a duty solely for a woman.

What if Mr. A marries Mrs. B and they both have a child, does it mean that it is the sole responsibility of Mrs. B to look after that child and train that child all by herself?

In a home where there's love and understanding, this won't even be a bone of contention. In homes like this, you find the husband assisting the wife in the kitchen after all we have men who cook better than their wives, my Dad still cooks till today and that memory lives on me.

But in a dysfunctional family or home, you find the wife busy doing everything at home without any assistance from the man. In such a home the woman is subjected to a certain level of slavery or even referred to as a servant.

Looking critically at a situation where a woman does not have a job and possibly gets married to become a full-time housewife, incidentally, her husband lost his job along the line, who now takes care of the family needs financially?, I’ll let you answer that.

This situation will become a very big blow to such a family and sometimes for women who are usually not patient with situations, it may cost them their homes which could, in turn, affect the welfare and development of children born into such families.

But in a situation where we have an educated and working-class lady as a wife, this woman may support her husband when such a thing happens and by so doing the woman becomes the breadwinner of the family and also a supportive wife.

Furthermore, in a circumstance where a woman is pregnant and at the point of delivery, such a woman becomes weak and unable to carry out certain responsibilities. Does her husband take care of her needs? Does he cook and possibly look after her if need be?

The role of some educated women and some business executives in ensuring the nation’s development can’t be unobtrusive. Today, women are serving as mentors and life coaches for other women and some men to empower themselves.

The kitchen may be one of their favorite spots in the house simply because there is a saying that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and women like to eat too.

But this doesn't give a valid reason that a woman's place should be in the kitchen. Therefore, a woman does not entirely belong in the kitchen.

You will stay happier if you are unmarried

I have not married before but I know for sure that Marriage pulls you into a lifestyle that you should follow whether you like it or not, as marriage comes up with lots of adjustments, and expectations and one has to make compromises at times in other to fit in well.

For some persons who are sometimes moody and love solitude, it would be a pain in the ass. Especially compromising egos are a big thing in a relationship or marital home.

Marriage from the beginning has been a very beautiful concept and intertwined union between a man and a woman. Even the holy book I know in Genesis 2:18 gives credence to this position.

The big question now comes; how many couples are happy In their different marriages? How many go out with a gleam of brightness, joy, and happiness? Many are pathetically tired of their partners.

The main reason for this earlier position comes up, so many singles (spinster and bachelor) are out there feeling happy with their lives without being disturbed by thoughts of any partner or any marital issue.

Let me put up the reason why the joy of being unmarried is worthwhile, one of the reasons is the fear of maltreatment, mainly on the basis of the lady, so many ladies go into marriages and are beaten up by their husband/wives as if they are training a soldier for a world war and this causes or leads to emotional drain which is not healthy.

But place an unmarried person side by side with this woman or man as the case may be who keeps suffering from domestic violence, you'll notice that he/she will be living fine and happy without stress.

Another realistic approach that purports my position on being happy if unmarried is the issue of want of care.

A lot of people value care even more than financial stability. I.e they are ready to manage the family even when the family is suffering financially just to gain full care from their spouse. we get to see that sometimes the man especially does not pull up those beautiful stunts he pulled when they were courting. Well, this is Vice versa.

Sometimes this makes the woman think he has someone else outside the marriage, and from this problems may arise. A good example is my former Neighbors, but I won’t talk about them.

Another reason why people choose to stay unmarried or single is that they have the feeling that if they do, they earn enough respect for themselves.

Although staying unmarried is not advisable, people feel this is the only way to be happy and stay peaceful. Are you not seeing it that way? I am Single and Happy.

By the way, I’ll marry soon, but don't ask me when, It's Not this year and here is not a gossip ground, let's check the next point.

Votes are not guaranteed

Since the first day, I join the steemit platform, I have been seeing this statement, at first, I didn’t understand, but as time goes by, I later understood. It’s simple, We have many content writers in this blog, their content may be more qualified than yours and if that happens, that means that person will get a vote and you will not.

Instead of complaining too much about that, you should be asking yourself why you are not getting votes, asking that will allow you to make adjustments.

One thing I know for sure is that quality content, Consistency tends to attract votes because It has values.
One doesn’t’ needs to fix his or her mind on having votes always, he/she should be focusing on improving always and if we do the right thing, we may be fortunate to receive votes.

Do the right thing, Be consistent and be patient, votes will come. But remember it is not guaranteed.

These are my few thoughts. I hope you learned something from it.
I want to invite @iddy, @ddwoskey, and @usuccess to participate in this contest. Alright, see you soon.

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When one is not married, there are some issues that he will not be thinking. Married persons has a lot to take care. However, marriage could be a way to achieve great things together.

Exactly, alot is required when one is married compared to single.

I agree with your views, a lot of man out there tends to forget that women were created to help and that all the work is meant for the men.

Best of luck in the contest

You are welcome my friend. I hope me and you don't treat our women like that in the future. It's not healthy and it's not the way it was suppose to be, so the earlier most folks correct that impreesion ...the better.

Thanks foe your input.

The question why am I not getting upvote is very interesting, and one need to ask his or her self because the answer to it will help us to be active

Exactly 😀, it will add to the speed we need to do improvements

Well. Congratulations in advance for your future marriage even when we won't know when it's the most waited date. I'm agree at the aspect where you say there's a dysfunctional home for the case of a woman doing practically everything because at the end she's gonna get tired very soon and that's not Fair.

Right...? 😊Thank you very much for going through my post. And thank s for your good wishes.

Welcome dear friend.

Thankyou for taking part in this contest.

Club Statistics#Club75
Beneficiary to pak-charityYes
Number Of Words1447
Number Of Upvotes40
Number Of Comments9

Hello @haidermehdi, thank you for the analysis, i appreciate.

However, concerning the steemexclusive tag, i guess that was a mistake from my end as i didnt separate my club status and the steemexclusive tag.

I have done that now, you may wish to check back and also edit the analysis. Thank you very much for understanding and have a nice day ahead.

Why not my friend. I am fit again and back to health Alhamdulillah. I will check that again for you. Don't worry :)

I appreciate that😊.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

☺️☺️que lindo y comprensivo amigo @haidermehdi , estas actitudes son encomiables y merecen ser felicitadas las personas que se expresan de este modo .

Gracias querido. Eso es muy amable de tu parte también☺️

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Although women are actually the weaker vessels that doesn't mean we should consider them as being inferior to the male folk. They are support systems but even they too need support. It is good to see that technological advancement has made us move beyond the low mentality of confining women to the cooking space.

Visit my post to share your thoughts on how I defended some of these arguments.

Staying unmarried give you liberty. The moment you say, yes I do, you are so in for a lot of things that you have said yes to unknowingly.

That's why people prefers to stay unmarried and enjoy their lives, even if they will, it gonna be much later in life.

Why do you think we see a man getting married at the age of 50yr.

Nice article @ubongudofot

Thank you for appreciating my article.