Steemit Engagement Challenge Week 3 || Defend the Statements || by @yakspeace

in hive-136998 •  2 years ago 


Greetings my fellow steemians all over the world. I believe we are all doing wonderfully well today?. First of all i want to appreciate all those who in one way or the other have contributed to the development of this amazing platform, and also, i appreciate the effort of @steempakistan for their tireless effort in making this community a success and also organizing this amazing contest. kudos to you all. it's really a blessing to be part of you.

Today, i will be taking part in defending some statement which appears to be a challenge in the world we live today because, different people has different perspective and believe when it comes to certain aspects of life. I thereby advice you sit comfortable and read out my points.



we live in a world where different cultures, values, beliefs and perspective exist. this beliefs sometimes comes as a result of the environment we live. some cultures have beliefs that are contrary to the beliefs of other, therefore, our ways of life and the way we view things around us will definitely differs. Nevertheless, as individuals, we come to some point where we can think and make some decisions regardless of what our cultures say, and as such, we can have different views with other people around us about some ideas. Below are some statements which i personally, will pour my views concerning them.



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A woman's place is in the kitchen: many people have the idea that a woman is made to be in the kitchen, which is absolutly true because, today my mum is a nurse. she render medical assistant to people who are battling with sickness. by doing so, she is of value to her family, the nation, and the world in general. Nevertheless, she knows that her main assignment is in the kitchen because, its her resposibility to cook for her husband and her children. men are known for working hard in other to catter for the needs of the family, and its a woman responsibility to cook for her husband who have been busy tring to provide for the family. moreover women are known to take care of the kitchen better because they are good planners of the house and all the things in it. any woman who does not cook for her family is surely going to loose her husband to another woman out there because you can't expect a man who have been busy trying to make life better for his family to later go to the kitchen to cook. it does not work that way. as such, women are made to be in the kitchen.



Votes are not guaranteed: we are in the world where you get reward for whatever you do. no effort is rendered useless but, rather you get appreciation in return. Here in steemit,Vote is actually what we get as reward for our effort. we make posts, comments and votes. in return, but votes are not guaranteed because the work load is too much for the curators, imagine thousands of steemians writing article everyday how can he vote all at the same time, and sometimes we make post that are not valuable to the community and still expect upvote which is not possible because the curators only vote quality for that we have to make quality post and hope that the curators visit our post not just expecting upvote at all times. i believ we are all making all these efforts because we are sure that we will get paid in return through votes but Even at that vote is not guaranteed, just work hard,be consistent and hope for the best.



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punishment never has a good effect. personally, i believe that punishment is a way of maltreating an individual. and maltreatment of a person is against the law of human right. as human, we all deserve freedom to enjoy ourselves in the way it pleases us. any if in case, anyone feels that a child or anybody at all is going against the way of the society, the best thing to do is to offer such a person counselling (advice) rather than putting the person true punishment. God created us with brain so that we can reason very well, and for that reason, its better to make a person to see reasons why he or she must stop behaving in they way he or she do. lets look around the world today, we have criminals everywhere not because they were never punished for their act but, its because no one have made them to see the reason why they really need to stop criminal act. that's to say, punishment have not play any role in changing them. i believe that punishment only promote social vices in our communities because people can get use to punishment but, we can never get use to counselling. counselling makes us to realise why we need to be responsible unlike punishment. you will all believe that punishment has sent a lot of people to early grave thereby, cutting their potentials short. i advice that we embrace counselling and say no to punishment in other to have a world full of responsible people.


in conclusion, we need to rethink about some of our perspective in order to make this world a better place. for example, women should realise that they belong to the kitchen, and its their responsibilities to make meals for their family, more to that, as steemians, votes are not guaranteed provided we make non valuable posts, comments and votes in addition to that, we should remember that punishment only makes us to maltreat ourselves rather than helping each other to make a better world. with counselling, our world will get better because it's the only way to make people turn from evil ways and make a good contribution to the community.

before i stop, i once again want to appreciate each and everyone who takes time to read this write up, and i salute this wonderful community for giving us the privilege to express ourselves. Thank you.

I want to invite @josantos @predomina @simonnwigwe to come and take part in this contest.

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imagine thousands of steemians writing article everyday how can he vote all at the same time.

Indeed a lot of articles are published on daily basis and for that reason, everyone can not be reached by the curator. If you get a vote then you are lucky but if you dont just continue pushing. Your turn will definetly come

Yaaa, you can say that again my dear friend. Thank you for passing by.😊

It's indeed a a woman's responsibility to make the food in a home. A woman is a home maker.

Yes dear, that's were women belong 😊 thank you for going through my article I appreciate.

Oh! this articles reminds me of how my mum struggle to put hot plate on table even after having a stressful day. Indeed, she knows her responsibilities. Talking about punishment, personally, i believe more in counselling because, it makes someone see reasons on why he or she need to change for good. On a serious note, you have written so well, and your article is amazing. Keep it up

Thank you very much my dear friend I really appreciate your kind words

I agree with you that a woman's place is in the kitchen. Imagine your mom being a nurse but hasn't forgotten her kitchen duties and of course votes are not guaranteed on steemit yet we won't give up on writing quality contents and sure, punishment doesn't make someone better but brings out the beast in some

Thank you my dear friend, I really appreciate your comments 😊 thank you once again

You're welcome

You are right a women place is in the kitchen, because a way to a man's heart is his stomach. as such if a woman don't know her responsibility as a wife she is directly telling the man to go out and get another wife.
Wish you all the best.

Great defense,I wish you success

Thank you

Thankyou for taking part in this contest.

Club Statistics#Club50
Beneficiary to pak-charityYes
Number Of Words1055
Number Of Upvotes7
Number Of Comments11

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