hello, my name is coronavirus I'm sure you've had my name before but you may not know an awful lot about me I'm really really small even if you used a microscope you wouldn't be able to see me and there are lots and lots of copies of me can you guess how many copies of me would fit onto the end of a tiny in well the answer is millions and millions of viruses like me are all over the world lots of us live on skin or clothes or toys and most of them don't do any harm but some of us like my cousins Flynn and Colin Kolles do sometimes make people a bit sick when I make someone feel sick I have a disease called covert 19 I'm all over the news and social media at the moment it's important to remain calm and sensible you may hear a lot of silly stories like me online when rumors about me from a friend.
so let me introduce myself with some facts I'm not charming I jump from person to person through pus sneezes untouched when I come to visit I might make you feel hot and start coughing none of these things are very nice and can make some people very sick but I don't hang around for long and almost everyone gets better to help make everyone safer make sure that you wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds cover your mind unknowns with a tissue or your sleeve when you sneeze or cough the truth try not to touch your eyes my or face don't touch it other people this means no handshakes no hugs and no high fives also remember that older people are more likely to be sick when I'm around so keeping your grandparents and others extra safe be really careful around them if you feel hot or start coughing him make sure to tell whoever is looking after you if you fool this advice I'll stay away unless people will be sick.