Hello all #steemit friends, always my greatest wish to all of your enjoyment,
family and music lovers, today I am very happy to be able to record again for Music For Steem,
this time my son performed a song entitled : صلی الله علی ياسين أحمد الهادی الأمين
Below is a link to my own original YouTube channe
I hope you can enjoy it,
I hope you can enjoy it,
because this song can be reassuring and comfortable for us when enjoying and living it
song lyrics
صلی الله علی ياسين أحمد الهادی الأمين
Shollâllâhu ‘alâ Yâsîn Ahmadal hâdîl Amîn
وأله المقربين وصحبه والتابعين
Wa âlihil muqorrobîn wa shohbihî wattâbi’în
حفظنا کل القرآن جودنا طلق اللسان
Haffidhnâ kullal qur-ãn jawwidnâ tholqol-lisân
فهمنا حق البيان ثبتناه فی الجنان
Fahhimnâ haqqol bayân tsabbitnâhu fîl janân
باعدنا من الشيطان قربنا إلی الرحمن
Bâ’idnâ minasy-syaithôn qorribnâ ilâr-rohmân
أعذنا من النسيان واختمنا علی الإيمان
A’idznâ minan-nis-yân wakhtimnâ ‘alâl îmân
والثقال فی الميزان واللقاء بالغفران
Wats-tsiqôla fîl mîzân walliqô-a bil ghufrôn
والدخول فی الجنان والنظر بالرضوان
There are different worlds living in this world. They are us ... and I love all of us 🙏🏻❤
Regards @mrjhon01
Spacial thanks for all the sports to,