in hive-137433 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello Friends & Fans!

You guys are absolutely nailing it each and every week. So much smiling faces and happiness around here, what a joy to be able to do this. Making a selection for these finalist posts are becoming so hard as we want all of the artists to be the winner.

See you tomorrow, around the same time for the results!!

As always, you can vote on your favorites in the comments below, THANKS

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Music For Steem is a weekly music contest on Steemit. Every week, artists from around the world are competing against each other to win STEEM. Stay Tuned

We have made a selection of finalists to present to you. You can NOW vote in the comment section!

These entries are now sent to the Jury members of the contest Music For Steem. We combine community votes with musicality to promote the winners.



1. @shemzee "Dear Soulmate" - BULGARIA

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2. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH

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3. @esouthern3 and @cmp2020 - "Your Song" - USA

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4. @danieldedosd2 "Caminemos" - VENEZUELA

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5. @isha.ish - “Kaun Tujhe” - INDIA

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6. @artemis20 - "Muerte en Hawaii" - VENEZUELA

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7. @ Familiapadilla - "Pueblos tristes" - VENEZUELA

@diegopadilla, @esteliopadilla y @sebastianpadilla
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8. @jenniferalessio - “Fly Me to The Moon” - VENEZUELA

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9. @sohanurrahman - "Give me some sunshine" BANGLADESH

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10. @ankitwish - "Tanhayee" INDIA

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You can follow our trail here and set your vote in the curation trail category. Help us to curate music that deserves to be recognized and valued by all. @musicdorsteem

Puedes seguir nuestro trail aquí y configurar tu voto en la categoría curation trail. Ayúdanos a curar contenido que merece ser reconocido y valorado por todos.

Do you make Music or Do you Sing? JOIN NOW



For all of you who still can't get enough, an hour of "Here Comes The SUN" PART II

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3/. @esouthern3 and @cmp2020 - "Your Song" - USA

Yo voto por @cmp2020

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2/. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH

I vote for the 2. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH,

I also vote 5. @isha.ish - “Kaun Tujhe” - INDIA
The song is very favourite to me.

I also love the song of 3. @esouthern3 and @cmp2020 - "Your Song" - USA
@cmp2020 played that piano, I also have an interest learn this magical music instrument.

I appreciate @sohanurrahman effort 9. @sohanurrahman - "Give me some sunshine" BANGLADESH
I know you love music a lot and it's good to see you are in the list.

Thank you 😌 @tarpan dada.

Thank u dada

@esouthern3 and @cmp2020 very good performance 👌.
i am amazed to see so much of singers on Steem as well.

8/. @jenniferalessio - “Fly Me to The Moon” - VENEZUELA

Yo voto por @jenniferalessio

9/. @sohanurrahman - "Give me some sunshine" BANGLADESH

I am voting for
2/. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH
3/. @esouthern3 and @cmp2020 - "Your Song" - USA
9/. @sohanurrahman - "Give me some sunshine" BANGLADESH

Thnx a lot 🙏

I vote for the 2. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH,
I love his cover and it's proud to see our song is on this list.

I also vote 5. @isha.ish - “Kaun Tujhe” - INDIA
The song is very favourite to me from the movie MS Dhoni

I also vote 9. @sohanurrahman - "Give me some sunshine" BANGLADESH
I love this song a lot and it always be in my playlist.

Thnx a lot 🙏

I'm voting for @rajib833 - Nesha lagilo re - Bangladesh

Thank u so much dada ❤️

Hola amigos de @musicforsteem, me contenta este concurso, es genial que apoyen a los músicos en esta plataforma. Apoyo a @danieldedosd2 con el tema "Caminemos". Éxitos para todos los participantes.

Esta semana se puede participar? Quiero decir, ¿Esta será la semana 13?

the people of india are crushing us hahahaha, good job guys you guys are very talented, good luck everyone @rajib833 @sohanurrahman @isha.ish @ankitwish

I am support

  1. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH

Thnx a lot vaia

@esouthern3 is my favourite here! He is expected to overcome the others !!

Thanks for the upvote!! You desire to Win!

Love it. Love this post.

4/. @danieldedosd2 "Caminemos" - VENEZUELA

1/. @shemzee "Dear Soulmate" - BULGARIA

Este hombre tiene demasiado talento, me encantaaaa, mi voto es para @shemzee

Muchas gracias

I am voting 2 -@rajib833 for "Nesha lagilo re" song . I also voting 5- @isha.ish for “Kaun Tujhe” song and 9- @sohanurrahman for "Give me some sunshine" song .
I really like the cover of the three songs. MS Dhoni and 3 Idiots movie is my favourite, I don't know how many times I watch it.

Thank you

Thank you for voting me.

You are most welcome

@sohanurrahman bht acha gaya aapne❤️

Thank you.

bhai @ankitwish ap ki singing👌

thank you so much bhai, aise hi pyaar barsate raho khoob sara

@jenniferalessio - “Fly Me to The Moon” - VENEZUELA
What a performance, good job😃

Thank you very much! ❤


"Your Song" - USA

6/. @artemis20 - "Muerte en Hawaii" - VENEZUELA

7/. @ Familiapadilla - "Pueblos tristes" - VENEZUELA

Music Mp3 Download

I love this place a lot


Buenisimooooo todoo

  1. @rajib833 - "Nesha lagilo re" - BANGLADESH

Thnx a lot 🙏

This post just made my day. Listen to Tutu Lyrics by 6ix9ine

Vote for @cpm2020