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Still, the body is also good, If the mind is good. In the long run prostration, fatigue and monotonous life produce stress on the mind. Numerous times stress is also created due to the girding conditions. Dragged exposure to this stress can lead to great peril.
Blood pressure changes due to internal stress. In numerous cases stress is also the cause of heart complaint.
Sheltered Associate Professor of the National Institute of Cardiology,Dr. details about ways to reduce stress. Anwar Hossain.
The first thing to know is that the symptoms that appear incontinently due to stress are created for our defense, for our safety and it's a natural and physiological process. Danger if you horrify. So you have to have the morale to deal with stress incontinently. Symptoms that do when someone is under stress for a long time need to be linked and way taken to reduce their dangerous goods.
Secondly, you have to try to break the problems that are causing stress. In that case, it's necessary to break the problem wisely, without being in ahurry.However, the help of a professional can be taken, If necessary.
Breathing exercises should be done. This is a veritably effective way to calm the body. Gobble through the nose, hold for a while and release through the mouth. During this process, full attention should be paid to the movement of the breath. This exercise should be done3/4 times daily for 10 twinkles.
Contemplation brings peace of mind. Awareness contemplation helps people to move down from gratuitous studies and concentrate on asked pretensions, teaches different ways of thinking, teaches to forgive oneself, teaches to know and love oneself. Contemplation relaxes the muscles.
At certain times, regular 45 twinkles of colorful types of exercise similar as walking, swimming, cycling,etc., the brain secretes a type of hormone called endorphins that keep the body stimulated, give energy to work.
Regular, acceptable sleep relieves body and mind fatigue, helps to keep physiological processes active.
Negative goods of stress aren't observed in those who have close musketeers, companions to be with when demanded, and strong family ties. This is because they cache further of the hormone oxytocin, which reduces anxiety and calms the mind. So to stay healthy, you need to increase the number of real musketeers, you need to strengthen familyties.However, also it's necessary to try to develop that relationship, If there's a problem with someone close and it's a cause of stress.
Numerous of us may not be as successful in life as we'd like to be. In that case you have to have the station of accepting the reality, you have to acquire the rates to forgive others and yourself. You have to love yourself in any situation of life. You have to take care of yourself.
Regular, moderate quantum of balanced diet should be eaten. Fruits, vegetables, protein should be eaten more. Drink plenitude of water. Fried, salty, sticky and adipose foods, cigarettes, coffee, alcohol,etc. should be avoided as much as possible.
Regular prayers and doa-darud increase the morale of devout people and bring peace of mind.
Reading books, harkening to music, gardening or any other hobbyhorse can relieve stress.
Need to increase social chops. Occasionally you have to express your desire explosively.