Our body has a pair of reddish-brown limbs about the size of a handful under the last rib on the sides of the spinal cord. Provides invaluable services. Disorders caused by various causes can be serious and in some cases fatal not only to the kidneys but also to human life.
Kidney stones are one such disease. There are various reasons why kidney stones occur.
According to medical experts, excessive use of oxalate, calcium, phosphate and purine in the daily diet causes stones. In the process of kidney stones, urea and other substances begin to solidify.
They range in size from sand particles to pea-sized and in some cases considerably larger.
Small stones travel from the kidneys to the bladder, while large stones get stuck in the ducts of the kidneys. Kidney stones cause severe excruciating pain.
useful foods and tips:
Medical experts say that people who have suffered from kidney stones and do not want to have kidney stones again, they should drink a large glass of water every hour.
Don't forget to drink a glass of water before going to bed at night. This way you will need to get up at night to urinate. When you get up for this work, then drink another glass of water. The amount of water in the body. Sixty percent of patients with kidney stones do not regenerate due to overeating. Every person should drink ten to twelve glasses of water daily, whether they have kidney stones or not.
In the case of kidney stones, the use of some natural ingredients may be helpful.
Cumin and sugar should be weighed and ground to make a powder. It is said to be useful to take one tablespoon of cold water three times a day.
Mango leaves:
Fresh mango leaves should be dried in the shade and ground. In the morning, take eight grams daily with water, the sand found in the kidneys can be excreted through urine.
Eating aniseed with radish is said to be useful in bladder stones.
Eating more melons is good for good kidney function.
Barley water:
Drinking barley water is useful in kidney stones. Barley flour bread and barley flour should be used.
Eating berries relieves gallstones.
Drinking coconut water is useful in gallstones.
spinach and Lassi(chach):
Batho spinach protect against stones.
If you have bladder stones, drinking lassi (chach) can be beneficial.
Celery and some other vegetables:
Swallowing 6 grams of celery daily is said to be useful in easing the excretion of stones.
Carrot, beetroot, cucumber juice mixed with 50 grams to drink to improve kidney function is useful.
Soak gram lentils in water at night. Mix honey in this lentils and eat it in the morning.
Neem leaves:
For a few days, it is beneficial to soak the ashes of neem leaves with six grams of plain water.
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