Steem, Bitcoin & Ethereum Price Prediction | Daily 3 Steem Prize

in hive-138339 •  4 years ago 

Day 6

Main Source

Price Prediction

The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile now. Its hard to even guess what the price will be in the next hour. In this contest, you have to predict the price of Bitcoin & Ethereum, the two giants of Crypto and our favorite Steem's price.


  • Comment the price below this post like this-
    BTC- 59000$
    ETH- 3300$
    STEEM- 0.999$

  • You have predict the price in USD with two decimals for BTC & ETH and three decimals for STEEM.

  • Edited comment won't be counted.

  • Must predict before 10:00 UTC, 08 May.

  • You have to predict what the price will be at 16:00 UTC, 08 May.

  • The final price will be counted from Coingecko website.

  • If none predicts the right price, the closest prediction will be the winner. If a same price is predicted more than once, the early predictor will become the winner.


There is 1 Steem for the winning prediction of each coin, hence the prize pool is 3 Steem. So, separate people can win prizes by predicting the price of any of those three coins correctly/precisely.

Time table for different timezones-

CountryDeadlinePrice Calculation
Bangladesh4:00 PM10:00 PM
India3:30 PM9:30 PM
Pakistan3:00 PM9:00 PM
Venezuela6:00 AM12:00 AM

Result of Yesterday

CoinPrice at 16:00 UTCClosest PredictionPredictor

Winners are going to get 1 Steem each as prize!

Attention: Time has been increased by one hour for both deadline and prediction time.

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Sort Order:  

BTC- 57600$
ETH- 3450$
STEEM- 1.29$

Prizes are sent-


It seems to me really unexpected that my predictions matched. It’s totally a big surprise for me. I am so happy dear brother. Thank you so much @abuahmad brother.

My new prediction :

BTC- 57570$
ETH- 3570$
STEEM- 1.240$

BTC- 59000$
ETH- 3350$
STEEM- 1.31$

  • BTC- 58500$
  • ETH- 3370$
  • STEEM- 1.21$

BTC- 57.955$
ETH- 3553$
STEEM- 1.17$

BTC- 57000$
ETH- 3200$
STEEM- 1.25$

What a big surprise brother, It is really unexpected for me. But happy now.

Thanks for participating in the contest. Steem on!

আরো একটি সুযোগ ব্যবহার করার চেষ্টা, দেখা যাক আজ কি হয়. আমার দৃষ্টিতে আজকের অনুমানটি হলো-

BTC- 59200$
ETH- 3300$
STEEM- 1.25$


BTC- 59000$
ETH- 3550$
STEEM- 1.29$

BTC- 59000$
ETH- 3350$
STEEM- 1.31$

BTC- $58,615.64
ETH- $3,538.53
STEEM- $1.28

You've commented after the deadline.

BTC - $59200
ETH - $3538
STEEM - $1.27

Sorry, your entry is not valid as you have commented after the deadline.


BTC- 59100 $
ETH- 3540 $
STEEM- 1.28 $

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

You are a bit late, the deadline is over. ☹ Don't forget to participate tomorrow!

Ohhhh vaya lo siento. Vale estaré atento para no perdermelo, un saludo y gracias ;)