Sky photography

in hive-138339 •  3 years ago 

That you have made the huge sky without poles in your power? Then in the depths of the mind invisible words declare - this perfect sky, it is the creation of the great God. In the Holy Qur'an too, Allah has said, "I have built over you seven strong heavens."

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The sky is the source of all the mysteries that Allah has created in this whole world. God knows best where the mystery ends. However, scientists have recently explained a little about the thickness and distance of the seven layers. According to their estimates, the thickness of the first layer of the seven planets is approximately 7.5 trillion kilometers. The diameter of the second sky is 130,000 light years, and the expansion of the third layer is 2 million light years. The fourth layer has a diameter of 100 million light years. The fifth level is 1 billion light years away, the sixth level is 20 billion light years away and the seventh level extends to infinite distances.

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The sky is not only shrouded in mystery, but also has a unique beauty. The fascination of that beauty overwhelms the sad heart.

The sky means the free movement of clouds. Just clouds and clouds. These clouds floating in the sky like sailing boats bring a steady obsession. The true beauty of the sky is revealed in the evening. Who can accurately describe the enchanting beauty that emerges when the seven colors of the setting sun spread in the western sky in the evening? What is the end of the beauty of the beautiful sky? One kind of beauty during the day, another kind of beauty at night. The blue sky of the day is covered with black color in the lonely night. Then the silver light of millions of stars shone on the black sky.

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The star-studded black Benaresi, illuminated by the sky, makes the night sky even more beautiful. And in the clear light of the moon became enchanting. Silent nature is immersed in the innumerable streams of enchanting beauty. Sometimes the sky feels like mother's realm. Or like a blue sea. Aha! If only I could swim in this blue sea once. Is that possible? That is why the rainbow smile spreads like a pendulum on the edge of the sky.

This form-mystery of the sky is not only the love of the bored mind, but also the food of the mind of the thinkers. The identity of the creator can be found by thinking about the aesthetics, skillful and orderly management of this vast sky. Because there are innumerable signs of his infinite power in the clothes he wears. The Holy Qur’an also says, ‘Surely in the creation of the heavens and the earth and in the alternation of day and night there are clear signs for the people of knowledge. Those who stand, sit down and meditate on Allah and ponder over the heavens and the earth, are forced to confess spontaneously - O my Lord! You did not create these in vain. You are the Most Holy. '

How much time do we waste? But I don't think about this perfect sky of Allah for a while. That is why Allah says, "I have made the sky a secure roof, but they turn away from the signs of My heaven." Shouldn't we think about the creation of the heavens and the earth? Giving thanks to the great Creator who created the sky over our heads as a roof. Let us respond to the call of the Lord of the heavens in which Allah the Almighty appears at the end of every night and calls upon His servants.

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