Hello friends,
today I am going to create the logo of my youtube channel. I am sharing with you a little bit, whether the logo is good or not, you will let me know in the comments. The signboard is actually used for the introduction of his shop. I will also create a logo for the introduction of the YouTube channel as it is opening. So that my YouTube channel can be known with that logo to go.
My Youtube Channel Name : Earning Express
goto file.
select the ellipse tool.
Make a circle (6.5 X 6.5)inch & stroke 35 pt
select line segment tool,
Make 2 line wight 7.5 inches & stroke 35 pt.
Select All click Object + Expand & Enter OK button
Select All Click horizontal align center & vertical align center.
select line segment tool,
Make 1 line wight 2.7 inches & stroke 35 pt.
Prass alt + mouse right button Another line Copy
And select all Click Shape builder tool
I put all the Shapes together and I cut off all the unwanted Shapes.
select all Shape Make gradian Color (red + grey)
Convert 3D (Go to effect click 3D + Extrude & bevel option)
Type Logo Last text xpress
Last text xpress Convert 3D
Now My Logo complete