#club5050 || The Diary game by @safi01|| Date: 12-02-22|| 30% beneficiaries goes to @hive-138339

in hive-138339 •  3 years ago 

Hello Everyone.
Assalamu alaikum
how are you all, hope you are well by the grace of allah, i am well too,
I am @safi01 from Bangladesh
I'm going to write about diary game



picture of flower

I woke up very early this morning like every day. But it would be wrong to say too early in the morning. It was a little late. I woke up, freshened up, brushed and got ready, then went out for a while. I went out and had tea and light breakfast then I came to the room. Then meet a friend. I spend time talking with him for a while. Although he wanted to pray. No prayers were offered today. Because it was too late to wake up. Then I came home from outside and went outside again. I go and see this picture. When I go out, I see the picture of this flower. And the picture brush. Then I walked outside and came home. This is how my morning ends.



picture of bike

Then morning comes and noon comes. In the afternoon, a friend of mine joined the Bangladesh Army. The name is Kabir. He will buy a car. He called me for that. I got his phone, got ready and left the house. We left his house with money. Meherpur is 24 kilometers away from my house. Went to Meherpur town. To buy a TVS company motorcycle.Then we go to the TVS showroom and choose a TVS company's motorcycle TVS Striker. Because this motorcycle is very good. And there's a lot of fun to be had. Here my friend works in TVS company. At his suggestion we bought this motorcycle. And the price of a motorcycle is one lakh and twenty thousand rupees. This is a 125cc motorcycle.And after buying that motorbike, we often get home in the evening. That's how my lunch ends.


picture of CARROM BOARD

Then noon came and night came. When I return home in the afternoon, I leave the motorcycle and eat and drink and rest. What a light body. That's why I lay down. I went out to lie down. And I went out and played carom board. I started playing carom board. I was playing carom board and there were many people standing to play along. I gave up playing games for them. Later 4 people were playing the game. It was nighttime watching their game and later they went home. This is how my days and nights end. Everyone will be fine and healthy.


@abuahmad @boss75 @toufiq777

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Hi, your post has been upvoted by @hive-138339 courtesy of @toufiq777


a long journey in travel, going with a vehicle is not felt. nice day have fun


টিভিএস মোটরসাইকেলের দাম অনেক। ক্যারাম খেলায় জিতেছিলেন নাকি?

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

ক্যারাম খেলায় জিতেছিলাম। আমি বেশ ভালোই খেলি😊