in hive-138339 •  5 years ago  (edited)

Hello Friends..Assalamualikum. I hope all of your are well by the grace of allah.
I'm also well.

Before I say anything about my todays activities.let me introduce myself.

I am Sanaul Haque. I live in Bangladesh,Syedpur in Nilphamari district. I am from local old Munshipara.

Today I woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning. I woke up and washed my face and hands.

Since I am at the clinic, I bring breakfast from the hotel.

Then I come with breakfast and sit down to eat breakfast. After eating breakfast, I relax for a while.

Then I take a bath. After taking a bath, the call to prayer is made.

My brother's friend was standing there with food. I came back to the clinic with the food.

I came to the clinic and sat down to eat lunch.



Today's meal consisted of rice, pulses, fish, potatoes, etc.

I did not take any pictures at the clinic. Then I relaxed for a while.

I let him fix his computer there.



Then from there I went to my brother's house.

I fix the computer there. Then he brings breakfast and sits down to eat it.



For snack here was payes, parota etc. The money was very good.

Then I came back to the clinic. I came to the clinic and saw that there was no electricity.

So I went out to visit again. I had tea in a hotel while walking around. Cutting.

I learned a lot with them. Then I went to the room.

I went to the room and washed my face and hands.

Then I sat down to eat dinner. The dinner included rice, pulses, fish etc.

After dinner I brush my teeth.

Then I will post the blog on Steam and go to sleep.

so far. And I have not written. Will be seen in the next blog.

I had a very good day today by the grace of Allah. There were prayers for everyone.

I hope you like it. Mistakes are forgivable.

peace and Love

See you Again thanks for being with me.please follow me.

Thanks For reading my post..Allah Hefez.

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ধন্যবাদ ভাই আপনাকে। প্রতিদিন ডায়েরি গেমে কাজ করে যাওয়ার জন্য৷ আপনি আমাদের কমিউনিটির কন্টেস্ট গুলোতে জয়েন করতে পারেন৷ বিস্তারিত জানতে আমাদের ডিসকোড চ্যানেলে জয়েন করিয়েন।

ধন্যবাদ ভাই।