amazon sales increase strategy 2022

in hive-138339 •  3 years ago 

Consumers are attracted to Amazon for its convenience, customer service, fast delivery and huge product range. But with over 1.5 million active sellers peddling their products, competition on the marketplace is stiff.
So if you’re wondering how to increase Amazon sales for your business, these Amazon selling tips should help.
amazon sales increase strategy guide

1. Focus on improving your product pages
Online shoppers can’t handle a product, read the box or examine the instructions. Instead, they need to rely on the content of your product pages.

To increase sales on Amazon, brands should fill out each section of their product descriptions with clear and comprehensive information. They should also include a selection of carefully chosen images to imitate the in-store experience.

Include carefully chosen keywords: Use a keyword tool like kwfinder
to pinpoint the phrases people search when looking for your products on Amazon. You can then add them to your product titles and descriptions. This will increase the chances of your products appearing in relevant search results and should drive more traffic to your product pages.
Use Amazon A+ content: Available exclusively to members of the Amazon Brand Registry, A+ content enhances your product descriptions with cool layouts, images, graphics and videos. Other sellers can only use black-and-white text in their descriptions. Brands that use A+ content can increase Amazon sales by around 5%.
Add lots of high-quality photos: To attract clicks, you should carefully choose an eye-catching lead image for each Amazon listing. Then, you can add a selection of photos that provide shoppers with all the information they need to convert. Show close-ups, lifestyle images, demonstrative text and shots which show the scale or use of your product. To make sure your images upload correctly, check out Amazon’s image requirements.
**Leverage video: **Supplementing your images with video content is another great way to increase sales on Amazon. Studies suggest that consumers who watch a product video are between 64% and 85% more likely to buy it afterwards. On Amazon, brands just need to make sure they follow Amazon’s content policy which requires all content to be factual and accurate.
**2.Use automation tool **
You can use automation tool like systeme it will be useful and easily you increase your sales

3. Brand lock your product detail page
Once your digital shelf is in top condition, you want to minimize chances of a competitor stealing your customers away at the last minute. We see this happen a lot on Amazon thanks to product-level data, which is a data set we specialize in at ChannelSight.
Product level data is an itemized breakdown of everything a consumer puts in their basket and purchases, both brand and non-brand, and the insights it provides are invaluable.
Here’s how using a simple example where we compare what happens offline to online…

So, a consumer goes to the supermarket to buy a specific brand of biscuits. They reach the checkout and see a rival brand on special offer. They remove the biscuits they came to buy from their basket and replace it with the rival brand.

Product level data reveals the same thing happening regularly on Amazon. A consumer lands on your product detail page full of purchase intent, only to be presented with a competitor’s Sponsored Product ad and you lose the sale at the final hurdle due to a cheaper price point.

The trick here is to sponsor your own products. Aim to ‘brand lock’ your Amazon product detail page with your own alternative and complementary products so competitors don’t steal your customers away at the point of conversion.

4. Differentiate yourself from the competition
On Amazon, brands don’t have full control over product placement or branding. They have to follow the marketplace’s rules. But they can still set themselves apart from the competition by communicating what makes them unique.

Perhaps it’s the strength of their brand, the USP of a product or a low price point. So ask yourself: what pain points does my brand address that competitors don’t?

You can then use your images, copy and other assets to highlight these differentiators and speak directly to your target audience.

It’s also possible to leverage your website and other marketing channels. By creating great content, you can turn your brand into a resource. Most online consumers take the time to do some research before they make a purchase. So brands that provide helpful information can build trust, recognition and, ultimately, win the sale.

4. Leverage Amazon’s tools
Amazon wants its sellers to succeed so it has created a bunch of handy tools to help them do just this. Those who take advantage of them tend to sell more on Amazon.

However, it’s worth noting that many of these tools are only available to members of Amazon’s Brand Registry. So, if possible, you should legally register your trademark and sign up for the programme. Not only will this allow you to protect your brand and flag counterfeit products, but you’ll also gain access to some of these notable tools:

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