Game Review, One of the best game of 2018: Red Dead Redemption 2

in hive-138339 •  4 years ago 

5th March


Hello everyone, I am @shorno. Wish you guys are absolutely fine and free from all kinds of diseases. Steem Bangladesh creates a new opportunity with a new topic "Game Review". As I am a video games freak, I have played approximately more than 5 hundred games. My desk is full of game disks. Today I'm going to review a game that is one the best game I have ever played and that was in 2nd position for game of the year competition 2018. The game is Red Dead Redemption 2.

Red Dead Redemption 2


• Developer: Rockstar Sudio
• Publisher: Rockstar Games
• Producer: Rob Nelson
• Designer: Imran Sarwar
• Programmer: Phil Hooker
• Artist(s): Aaron Garbut
• Composer: Woody Jackson
• Writer: Dan House, Michael Unsworth and Rupert Humphries
• Engine: RAGE
• Type: Action- Adventure
• Mode: Single player, multiplayer
• Release: Play Station 4 and Xbox- October 26, 2018
Microsoft Windows- November 5, 2019
Stadia- November 19, 2019

Read Dead Redemption 2 Review

This game is such a masterpiece. Story, gameplay, graphics are all just awesome. If anyone ask me which is the best game in the world in terms of story, I will definitely answer the question with the words Red Dead Redemption 2. It is a series of Read Dead Redemption. The story of this 2nd part is on earlier time than the part 1 story.


The hero of this game is Arthur Morgan. This character made this game full of chaotic and emotional. The others main characters are: Dutch van der Linde, John Marston, Abigail Roberts, Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, Charles Smith, Hosea Matthews, Jack Marston, Lenny Summers, Leopard Strauss, Sadie Adler, Mr. Pearson, Old Uncle. All these character is the part of main story. They are the member of the Van Der Linde gang. This gang is basically a outlaw gang. They used to do robbery and also they didn't want to live normal life as they didn't like the civilization or the domination of the government law . They were sentenced to death because of their work at the place named Blackwater. Then they flew away from there and made their camp is a low place. Then the main story of the game started.

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After escaping from Blackwater, the Van Der Linde gang find a place through a jungle. The made a camp there. They started making a plan of doing a huge robbery so that they can flew away from the country and government low and where they can live low. But every time they failed doing that huge robbery. Every time the law found them, they moved their camp from one place to another. Arthur Morgan was the best sharpshooter in that gang. So, in every gun fight the Van Der Linde gang won because of Arthur.

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Day by day the power of Van Der Linde gang was growing. Suddenly, Dutch heard that one of his fellow gang member Micah Bell was arrested in the town Strowberry. Then, he sent his best gunner Arthur to save Micah. Arthur went Strowberry, break the jail, fight with all the police and took Micah out from the jail.

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After taking out Micah from the jail, the gang became more powerful. The gang was doing small robberies and saving money to flew from the country and stay low. This goes on a for a long time. Suddenly, Arthur got a letter from his past love and girlfriend Marry Linton. She needed Arthur's help. Once upon a time Marry Linton and Arthur loved each other. Just because Arthur worked for Van Der Linde Gang, Marry's family was against their marriage. Marry's father was a very bad and addicted. Marry told Arthur to leave the gang and marry her and live normal life but Arthur was very much loyal to him gang. He left Marry for his gang. then Marry got married they were separated.

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They met after a long time and Marry told that her husband was died and she is now a widow. Arthur felt bad for her. She also told that her brother is in danger. He is taking a religion and going to be a monk. That's why she needed Arthur's help. She wanted Arthur to take his brother back. Arthur went to Jamie Linton to took him back. Jamie disagreed to came to Arthur and flew away with his horse and Arthur started chasing him. One point Jamie took his gun and pointed to his own head and told Arthur if he don't leave him he will shoot himself. Then Arthur shoot quickly to Jamie's hand to make him disarmed. Then Jamie listened Arthur and came with him to his sister Marry.

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Arthur gave Jamie to Marry

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Then Arthur helped to get into the train and in front of Arthur's eyes, Marry left by the train. Then Arthur started remembering his past memories with Marry and he felt alone. After someday Arthur was felling sick. But he didn't care about that. He started his job with the gang. The gang so many robberies but couldn't make the money the needed. After a few months, again Arthur got a letter from Marry. She again needed help. Arthur went to her and he said the problem is with her father. Her father was more addicted and going to sell her mother's last mark pendent. He sold it to a man. Arthur took that back to Marry. Marry thanked him and went to see a show in theater. They were feeling their past. After watching show, Marry again said Arthur to leave the gang and go with her but Arthur said if he is with Marry then Marry's life will be in danger because he is a wanted man. Then Marry left for good.



After somedays, Arthur became very sick as he was senseless. He went to the doctor anyway, the the doctor said Arthur was suffering from Tuberculosis and after some days he will fell more sick and he will die. Arthur was feeling very sad and he didn't tell that to anybody. This disease got him because when he went to take money to a man named Thomas Downes what he borrowed from Strauss, that man had Tuberculosis and he coughed to Arthur's mouth.


After few days, the Van Der Linde gang went for a huge robbery. The went to a bank and looted the money but suddenly all the city police came there and started shooting them. Hosea and Lenny got killed, John and Abigail got arrested. Arthur, Dutch, Micah and Xavier were able to flew from there. the four man took a sheep and went somewhere the didn't know in a sea. At the night the sheep was sank into the sea but they able to survive. They stayed at a island named Guarma. Somehow the managed to came back from the island by killing the general of the island.


After coming back from Guarma, they started fight with the Andrew Milton's police. But from that time the leader Dutch was different. He always with Micah and didn't believe Arthur though Arthur was Dutch's mot favourite and believed man. One day Dutch made a plan to take huge amount amount of money by robbing a train. They fought with the police, robbed the train, took the money. On that fight John got shot again and they left him there. Suddenly they heard that Abigail was caught by police. Dutch didn't give any effort. Arthur and Sadie wen to free Abigail. They killed Milton and free Abigail but they heard that Micah is the man who betrayed his gang. He was responsible for the these. He took all the money and he gave the gang information to the police.
Then Arthur got angry and went to tell all to Dutch. But Dutch didn't listen to Arthur. suddenly, Police came there and they had a fight. Suddenly Micah came to kill Arthur.

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They had a hand fight and at last Arthur became sick and Micah beat him badly. Dutch came into there and didn't same Arthur. Micah and Dutch left the place and Arthur died there.

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Then another part of the game is started. Arthur died and player have to play the rest of the game with the character John Marston. Family drama and emotion are being seen. And the last of the game John went to kill Micah with the help of Sadie Adler and Charles Smith. But surprisingly Dutch killed Micah and left the place in front of John and Sadie. Micah Died and John came back to his family.



The story ends here

Beside story, this game is famous for huge map which is open world. The thrilling of riding horse is just awesome. Also there are animals these can be hunted for food and crafting other things. Moreover, there are some legendry animals there in game these can be hunt for legendary crafting.


The game has a lot of side missions. Which make a player to play the game for a long time. Rockstar company is best for open world game but them bring revolution in open world gaming by the game Red dead redemption 2. That is the first game where the main character died. Also this is the first game in the world for which players in Youtube cried at the last scene where Arthur died. This game is just a masterpiece. I highly recommend this game. If I review this game then the ratings will be:

Story : 10/10

Gameplay: 9.5/10

Control: 9/10

Graphics: 9/10

Thanks for reading my review post

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