Better life 🌸 The diary game season 3 🌸 18 September, 2021

in hive-138339 •  3 years ago 

Today's Saturday
18 September, 2021

Hello friends, today I am going to present my daily diary to you. Today I had a very simple day. Let's start my diary: -

There is so much sleep in the eyes in the morning that it is impossible to say. I can't wake up early in the morning. Because I sleep late every night.

Anyway, I woke up at 9:20 this morning. I don’t get out of bed as soon as I wake up. I like to stay in bed for about 10 more minutes. I got out of bed at 9:35 and went to the washroom and freshened up. Then I take breakfast. After breakfast, rest for a while and sit at the reading table. I have to go to the library today.


Device : Redmi Note 7 | Beautiful sky, Picture taken while going to library.


I read books until 11:20. Then I went to the library to buy some necessary books. I go to the library and buy two books I need. I met my friend next to the library. He will go to the circuit house for necessary work. He will meet his father and leave. So he invited me to go with him.


Device : Redmi Note 7 | Image in front of Masjid Market


We went there and met his father. He finished his necessary work. Then I came in front of the mosque market in my rickshaw. We had breakfast at a hotel here. Then I came back to the mess and my friend went home. I arrived at the mess at 1 o'clock. I come to the mess and take a bath. Then I perform the Zuhr prayers.


Device : Redmi Note 7 | Pictures taken in the library while buying books


After praying, I chat with my friends on my mobile for some time. Then I have lunch at 2 o'clock. After eating, I went to bed to sleep. I get a good night's sleep at noon. I woke up at 5:12 in the afternoon. When I wake up, I perform ablution and perform Asr prayer. At the end of the prayer I went out for a walk.


Device : Redmi Note 7 | Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Joypurhat


I returned to the mess hall after performing Maghrib prayers in the mosque. I came to the mess and rested for a while. Then sit at the reading table. I read books until 8:30. Then I turned on the laptop and started working on the steemit platform. I got a call on my mobile at 9:10. Call my friend Robin. After receiving the call, I came to know that he was standing with the train at Joypurhat railway station.


Device : Redmi Note 7 | The picture was taken at night when the friend took the train away


My friend is a railway officer. He is an assistant loco master. There will be a train crossing here. It will take about an hour. So I went to the station to meet him. We two friends are sitting in a tea shop having tea and spending time talking. It takes a long time to cross three trains here. At about 11:30 my friend signaled the train. Then I said goodbye to him and came back to the mess.


Best regards.

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nice photography korsen vai shuvokamona roilo apanr jonno

First picture is mind blowing.. Also nice presentation


nice diary bro..


অনেক সুন্দর একটি দিন কাটিয়েছেন ভাই ❤️

ভাইয়া এক টানা ১৮ টি পোস্ট করলাম কিন্তুু কোনো সার্পোট পেলাম না ভাইয়া কারণটা বলবলেন?

ভাইয়া সার্পোট না পাওয়াতে পোস্ট করার মনমানসিকতা হারিয়ে যাচ্ছে।

১৬ তারিখ আপনি পোস্ট এন্ট্রি করেন নি ভাই। যদি করতেন তাহলে ইনশাআল্লাহ সাপোর্ট পেতেন‌‌ । আপনার ৬ দিনের পরিশ্রম বৃথা যাবে যদি একদিন পোস্ট না করেন বা এন্ট্রি না দেন। তবু আমরা আপনার আইডি ভিজিট করবো ‌‌‌। ইনশাআল্লাহ সব ঠিক থাকলে ভালো কিছু আপনার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছে।

১৩ টা হইছে ভাই দেখবেন প্লিজ।

অনেক সুন্দর ছিল আপনার ছবি গুলো।

প্রথম ছবি টা ভাইয়া অনেক বেশি সুন্দর হয়েছে।

Awesome picture bro



Had a great day bro, as well as the pictures have been awesome.

ভালো একটি দিন কাটিয়েছেন ভাই। সুন্দর সাজানো গুছানো একটি পোস্ট।

অসাধারণ লিখেছেন ভাই। ছবি গুলো অসাধারণ ছিল।

১ম ছবিটি অসাধারণ।

আকাশের ছবিগুলো অসাধারণ।

Have a good day bro

প্রথম ছবিটা আসলেই খুব চমৎকার হয়েছে। ভালো লিখেছেন।