There are two types of data mining today. We have the predictive data mining and the descriptive data mining analysis.
Classification analysis is used when we want retrieve meaningful information about a set of dat or metadate. This types of data analysis is programmed in such a way that the it is able to identify and separate the types of data into groups that are or similar use or are of the same type.
In regression analysis, are the word is used in mathematics it is the study that deal with two variables with one dependent on the other and not the other way round. This type if data analysis is used wgen data analyst want to make forecast of certain data. It can also help to find the variable changes of independent variables has on the dependent variable.
Time serious analysis this type of data mining analysis is based on time. It categorised a data based on the time at which an event is taking place. This could be minutes, hours, days or even months. Most organisations today produce large chunk of data every day. With a Time series analysis algorithm this is last chunk of data can be analysed to produce meaningful information that can be used for decision making. What do not make use of this type of data analysis and therefore have to invest in other forms of data analysis.

In this types of data analysis that the data is arranged in a meaningful clusters that are of the characteristics. This data mining analysis is sometimes confused with the Classification data analysis in the fact that this type of data analysis also arrange it data in clusters but the difference is that Clustering Analysis arrange the data based on it's own without any predefined Classification given to it. But the Classification data analysis is done based on predefined Classification that assigned to the algorithms.
The sequence Discovery analysis main purpose is to study given data and find any sets of patterns that are interesting on the basis of objective or subjective of the pattern. Sometimes confuse it with the time serious but the time serious analysis studing a d use numeric data whiles the sequence discovery analysis deals with the discrete values or sets of data that are discrete.
This type of data mining analysis has very unique way of searching for information in a give dat by being able to identify hidden patterns in large chunk of data. It has the ability to find relationships that exist between two variables in a group of data.
It helps to identify the hidden concurrence of patterns that appear very frequently in the data. This type of data mining analysis is used y programmers ro create machine learning programs.
This type of data analysis is used when when want to group some kind of data in a group that can be easily identified and understood and in a way that more compact.
These types of data mining analysis techniques will help organisations and individuals to make good decisions when planning to get a data maining technique for their businesses. This will help them to produce the best result possible.This will help to increase their productivity and revenues.
Thank you.
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