Machine Language | How to interact with machine | 27-03-2022

in hive-138458 •  3 years ago 

Hello beautiful people,
Hope you are doing well. I am going to present another interesting topic called machine language. I will discuss, how machine understands our commands and how it works. Hope it will enhance your knowledge and you will like it. so, further delay, let's start our discussion.


What is Machine Language?

We humans talks and interact with each other by language. We share our feelings by this medium. As we do work by machine so we need to make the machine understand what we need from them and what they need to do. In simple words, to interact with machines we need a medium like a language. Based on this concept machine language came.

The only language a computer or machine can understand is called machine language. A computer only understands binary digits as they are digital device. Any other programming language like C, C++, Swift, Java transfers into digits or machine language before they run into the processor.

How computer process data?


Each and everything that we do or see on a computer is but binary number 1 or 0. So, whatever input or output we provide to the computer is finally transferred into binary. For example, all kinds of data like any video, audio, text, or pictures are presented in binary inside the computer. The processor takes the machine code as input and then processes the data. Then, whatever the applications or operating system get the resulting output and then shows the data to us. For example, To show "A" as a resulting output machine reads the value as "01000001".

Uses of Machine Language

It's really tough for the human brain to understand machine language. Because machine language is nothing but 0 or 1. So, it's tough for a human to express what he wants to say using 0 and 1. That's why we use assembler to translate any human-readable programming language to machine language and vice versa. Let's discuss some common uses of machine language:-

  • Machine language is necessary to make computers understand what we need to do.
  • We use the compiler to convert machine language into any other human-readable language.

What Is an Assembly Language?

It is another type of low-level programming language like machine language. The main goal of this language was to directly interact with the machine or computer hardware. This language also has binary and hexadecimal characters like machine language. The main advantage of this language is, it is human readable.

Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language

There is various difference between machine language and assembly language. Let's discuss them in the table below:-

Machine LanguageAssembly Language
It is a low-level programming language that can understand by machinesIt is also a low-level programming language but machines do not understand directly. For that need an assembler
Machine language only has binary digits 0 and 1 for any kind of commandAssembly language has different human-readable commands like Mov, Sub, Add, End, etc
Machine language is platform-dependentAssembly language is platform-independent
In machine language as all the data is in binary and already in a machine-readable format so it is very fast to executeCompare to the machine language, execution of this language is a little bit slower
The machine language syntax is very hard and there is a possibility of errorAssembly language has fewer chances for syntax error

Some Drawbacks of Machine Language

  • For error handling it is really tough to locate the error. It may possible to mismatch a single 0 or 1 then it will be really a tough task to locate the exact error part.
  • To understand the program just looking at it, is a really tough one.
  • Machine language is platform and architecture-dependent. If we write a program for one particular machine then it will not be workable for other machines.

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