in hive-138458 •  4 years ago  (edited)


• Sun:
We call light the natural or artificial phenomenon that illuminates "the objects
making them visible. Natural light is that which comes from the Sun, and artificial light,
the one that man has invented to supply that of the Sun. The light walks to a
constant speed of 300,000 km. per second.
The Sun is the center of the planetary system. Your light takes about ten minutes
to reach Earth. It is the regulator of the movement of the Earth and the
other planets. It is a permanent source of light and heat, and a vital principle
of all organic beings. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is about
one hundred and fifty million kilometers. It's a million three hundred thousand times
bigger than Earth.
The Sun rotates on itself around one of its diameters, with motions
Uniform movement and in a time interval of twenty-five days and four
three hours.

This rotation of the sun highlights all the spots that are discovered
Its surface when it is observed through the telescope, and the observation of them is the one that has mainly served for the calculation of the

duration of your movement.
The sun's rays illuminate, heat and provoke green plants
chemical actions, necessary to live and produce food and substances
The beneficial effects of sunlight are equally received by
vegetables and animals. To exist in health, sunlight is essential.
thinkable. It has been said and repeated many times that (where the sun enters
the doctor does not enter: such is his beneficial action for the organism.
For individuals of stunted constitution, of weak organization, the
Sunlight is invigorating and, carefully administered sun baths,
they make the organism more agile and vigorous.
Sunbathing should not be abused in hot regions, where its light is de-
too strong. This causes serious accidents, such as heat stroke, many
Sometimes deadly in character.




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