Painted Skies - A Visual Story (9 Photos)

in hive-139293 •  5 years ago 


It really happens time to time here on Baltics when suddenly on a very sunset the skies becomes deep red. That normally caused by very high humidity, but it also has to be combined with interesting cloud formations to get completely phantasmagorical view.

Sometimes I'm lucky to predict and meeting such Nature performances at the coast of Baltic Sea. But sometimes I just notice it while looking from the window of my house. And time to time it comes to the point it is still worth to grab the camera and try to get some shot. The main question to find something interesting quick and not to shoot just the sky. Well, street lighters can play certain role of the point of interest...

This particular time had with me my second travel camera body with extremely variable focal length lens. And that allowed me to take some shot with a wide angle almost vertically up, as well as some on a longer end, catching those lighters swimming in a bloody sea of the sky :)

Just to admit that this phenomena really lasts few minutes only, so you have to be really quick shooting around

Hope you will enjoy the visuals!









CategoryLandscape Photography
CameraCanon 7D Mark II / Tamron 16-300mm / Natural Light

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WoW amazing.. this is truly like a painting 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

very amazing natural phenomena with natural beauty, very beautiful..


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