From SAMU: Happy International Dog Day!

in hive-139293 •  4 years ago 


Good day fellas! Although it's a bit late, I would like to greet everyone with Happy International Dog Day!

To be honest, I didn't know that today is International Dog Day. Well not until I saw people sharing it on Facebook. So it seems that every August 26, this celebration is held to encourage people to adopt rather than buy one from pet shops. I actually thought that is was a regular celebration for dogs at first, but it seems that it was more specific to that purpose.

I was planning to write something like this earlier on, but there were some things that I needed to attend to so this had to wait. And I think, all the ideas I thought of when I was thinking of writing this were already forgotten.

Oh well, I just stopped by and wrote a quick greeting for everyone. As you can see, the picture above is SAMU - one of my pet dogs. Her fur is white and she has distinctive brown patterns is her body. This photo was taken from their recent shots so I borrowed one. There are quite a number of shots and video clips I took so it's getting quite difficult to arrange them into one article.

And yes I did mentioned video clips because I wanted to try making a YouTube Channel for them - so I did. Right now, I'm still trying to learn how to edit videos although it's quite hard to do.

I haven't made a good blog this week, but I hope I get to that in the coming days. Keep smiling! Once again, Happy International Dog Day!

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