Steeming Community Contest | Theme: "Human Health" by dayographix

in hive-139293 •  3 years ago  (edited)


I want to use this opportunity to thank @fabio2614 and #steamingcommunity for this great contest . As a student physiotherapist i decided to write on the topic which i titled "Music for Health and Wellness" because i have seen patient recover with aid of music therapy so i decided share the important of music in our daily life.


Various researches has been conducted on the therapeutic effect of music to numerous conditions.

Music have become an integral part of our daily life. People rely on music to concentrate in their various activities, relax after a stressful day, even to improve their mood in most cases. Some even use it in massage therapy and yoga.

Music can make one happy, sad, excited or relaxed. Due to the huge impact of music to the psychological and physiological aspect of an individual, studies and research has been carried out on the therapeutic effect of music in managing various medical conditions.

Here are some area for application of music therapy in Physiotherapy practice


Psychiatrically, autism can be defined as a genetic disorder characterized with impairment in communication, low social interaction and abnormal repetitive behavior. It was discovered that individuals with this disorder express high interest and responds positively to music. Due to this finding, music therapy has been employed in teaching both verbal and non verbal communication skills to these individuals. This is also applied in strengthen their Development process.


This refers to a condition whereby there's loss of cognition. Cognition is the totality of all intellectual process involving perception, decision making, understanding, memory, spatial orientation, judgement, thinking, reasoning, verbal and non verbal communication. Dementia can induce anormalies in both the personality and behavior of an individual.

In older population with dementia, music therapy was proven to be effective by reducing excessive aggression, minimizes the degree of symptom manifestation, enlighten their mood, enhance compliance with daily activities such as taking medication and decreases the danger of unexpected heart attack or brain seize.


This is a psychological state which affects the body, it's thoughts and mood. Depression can manifest itself in one way of thinking, level of self esteem, eating and sleeping cycle. In cases were depression lead to decrease in blood pressure, decrease in cellular activities, music therapy has proven effective by reversing these cases and making them lively again. In elderly adults living with depression, a home-based program of music therapy will yield a long lasting positive result. The therapeutic effect of music can also be employed in cases of patients suffering from post surgerical depression.

During the stages of Infant Development.

Researches show that use of music therapy during the late trimester of pregnancy gives a high chance of the child having his response to music after birth.

Use of music in the classroom to enhance the reading and language skills of children yields extraordinary results. Musics like lullaby have soothing effect on children as it helps them relax and even fell asleep.

Forms of Music and their Psycho-emotional Effect

Soothing Music

This kind of music has the ability to decrease the level of brain function and reduce the amount of activities carried out by the mind. Depression of the mind is due to lack of a neurotransmitter Serotonin. Soothing music works by increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain thus tackling depression.

Natural musical notes keep the mind in an alert state.

Flat Musical notes

This can be used to tackle Emotions like fear and uncertain especially when associated with unforseen circumstances. Situations where the outcome is not certain which can lead to worry and doubt, flat music has proven to be quite useful.

Classical Music

Research shows that classical music can provide relaxation, comfort and also enhance information perception, storage and retrieval in the brain.

Rock Music

This kind of music causes the brain waves and the beat to resonate in sync, The effect is that it increases psychological alertness, enhance the ability of the brain to concentrate and process information more easily. The adverse effect of this kind of music is it can sometimes cause discomfort.

The therapeutic effect of music can be achieved through Alleviation of pain. The use of altered imagery world to create a certain state of consciousness to discover some hidden Emotions, intentions and express genius insights. It can be used as a teaching method to improve reading and language skills in schools.

Music can cause agitate as well as cause relaxation of the mind. Listening to music through headphone during therapy sessions can affect the patient compliance with the procedure. Listening to music at a very high volume consistently can cause hearing loss or damage to the ear internal structures. Very loud music can disrupt the harmony between the two hemisphere of the brain, thus irritating the mind.

In children, early exposure to disruptive music can cause learning difficulties and exhibition of abnormal behaviors. Research shows that stopped anapaestic beat in hard rock music weakens the muscles when used in music therapy.

Music disharmony proved to cause aggression, restlessness and reduction in brain retention ability. Heavy repetition of a particular musical pattern can cause irritation, boredom and anger.

Music therapy might not have much effect on individual with little or no affinity for music as it might irritate or agitate them. Music, in all its diversity and inclusion plays an important role in Physiotherapy, one of my mentor in the person of Dr Nelson Ekechukwu once said that music plays a crucial role in treating a patient, he said music calm the patient down while the physiotherapist do his or her job.

Am also inviting my steemit friends @alphafx, @awesomenonso, @noskiart, @beckie96830, @circwall, @davosimple, @beckie96830, @spyrex, @stitches11, @Ezege11, @rexdevex, @sonia440, @whitestallion , @alphafx , @awesononoso , @nellymartinez , @ugochukwuprosper @chezandras @kimora996

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I love this post. I hope I'd one day use musical instruments as a healing tool

!zen 30

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Thank you so much for joining this contest. I wish you good luck!

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