El Araguaney

in hive-139293 •  4 years ago 

Hola amigos de steemit,gracias a Dios por las maravillas que nos regala,hoy les voy hablar del araguaney.


El araguaney, es el arbol Nacional de mi pais, tambien como el apamate visten las calles, avenidad, parques, casas de las ciudades, es un arbol que cuando llegan los meses de marzo y abril llaman la tension de las personas por su colorido en este caso el araguaney se viste de amarillo intenso llamandose asi la primavera de oro, su nombre cientifico es handroanthus chrysanthus, en este caso a diferencia de apamate, mide entre seis y doce metros de altura, el tronco alcanza hasta sesenta centimetros de grosor, es un arbol frondoso.
En este caso como veran en la fotografia que pude tomar de visita al campo de mi cuñada, se puede respirar el aire diferente con un aroma a felicidad.
Espero que sea de su interes y agrado.

Hello friends of steemit, thank God for the wonders that he gives us, today I am g

The araguaney, is the National tree of my country, also as the apamate dress the streets, avenue, parks, houses of the cities, is a tree that when they arrive the months of March and April call the tension of the people by its colorful in this case the araguaney dresses of intense yellow being called this way the spring of gold, its scientific name is handroanthus chrysanthus, in this case unlike apamate, it measures between six and twelve meters high, the trunk reaches up to sixty centimeters thick, it is a leafy tree.
In this case, as you can see in the photograph that I was able to take on a visit to my sister-in-law's field, you can breathe the different air with a scent of happiness.
I hope it is of your interest and pleasure.

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